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Agenda Feature Setup Guide

Create a digital guide to your event's Sessions

Emily van der Harten avatar
Written by Emily van der Harten
Updated over 6 months ago

The Agenda feature is a central place for attendees using your Event App to access a schedule of your Sessions and add them to their personal agenda. Using the Agenda feature, attendees can review Session details and related content, like speaker profiles and presentation slides. For remote attendees, it becomes the vehicle for navigating and attending your event's live streaming Sessions.

Whether an event has a simple, linear schedule or a complex web of multiple tracks and hundreds of Sessions, the Agenda feature tells attendees exactly where to be and when they need to be there. 📆

The Agenda feature in the Web App and Mobile App.

This article guides you through setting up the Agenda feature, and it also provides an overview of how attendees experience it on the Event App.

Add the Agenda feature

In your Event navigation bar under ‘Event App’, click Features, then click Add Features.

The process just described.

In the 'Add Features' modal, search for the Agenda feature, click Add, then close the modal.

Edit settings

On the Features page, hover over the Agenda feature and click the Settings (⚙️) icon.

The Settings icon on the Agenda feature.

In the 'Agenda Settings' modal, customize the following:

The Agenda Settings modal.
  • Feature Name - The label that appears to attendees in your Event App.

  • Icon - Select one of 300,000+ icons, or upload your own custom icon.

  • Visible To - Restrict the feature's visibility to only certain exclusive and non-exclusive groups. Any attendees not assigned to the exclusive or non-exclusive groups you select won't have access to the Sessions you assign to the Agenda feature.

  • Ratings & Reviews - Control if and how attendees can rate and review Agenda Sessions, and whether they can find the average rating for a Session. Ratings & Reviews appear on the Metrics page and in the Agenda's metrics export.

  • Advanced Settings - These settings relate to attendees' personal agendas.

    • Allow users to schedule conflicting Sessions - This lets attendees on the Event App add multiple Agenda Sessions scheduled at the same time to their personal agenda. When unchecked, attendees will receive a "Session conflict" alert when they try to add a Session to their personal agenda at a time that's already booked.

      • Consider checking this box if you're using this data to track interest in a Session.

      • Consider unchecking this box if you're using this data to anticipate how many people will attend the Session.

    • Show participants list - This lets attendees access a list of everyone who has this Session in their personal agenda. Unchecking this box hides the list, and attendees won't know who else is planning to attend the Session.

    • Show viewer count - This shows attendees how many people are in a Session's live stream.

  • Default View - Choose whether to display the Agenda by Day, Month, or Year when attendees visit the feature. Whichever you select, attendees can toggle between views at will.

    The Agenda feature in Day View on the Mobile App.

    💡 Keep in mind, single-day events don't display the Month and Year Views. Event Apps with Sessions in only one month of the year don't display the Year View.

  • Session Reminders - Activate this option to let attendees opt in to a Session reminder notification when they add it to their personal agenda.

    💡 Keep in mind, Announcements help keep all attendees using your Event App informed about important upcoming Sessions or time changes, and you can send an Announcement to everyone who has a specific Session on their personal agenda.

Now that you've added an Agenda feature and configured settings, start assigning Sessions to it!

Assign Sessions to an Agenda feature

Assign a new Session to an Agenda feature

When creating a new Session, simply select the Agenda feature you want to assign the Session to from the Agenda drop-down. For complete instructions on creating new Sessions, read our Add Sessions to Your Event article.

The Agenda drop-down in the New Session modal.

Assign one or more existing Sessions to an Agenda feature

To assign one existing Session to an Agenda feature:

  1. Go to the Sessions page.

  2. Click the Settings () icon for a Session.

  3. Select Manage Agenda.

  4. In the 'Manage Agenda' modal, select the Agenda feature you want to assign the Session to in the Add Session to Agenda drop-down, then click Save changes.

    The steps just described.

To assign multiple existing Sessions to an Agenda feature:

  1. Check the boxes next to the Sessions you want to assign.

  2. Click the three-dot () icon next to the search bar.

  3. Select Manage Agenda.

  4. In the 'Manage Agenda' modal, select the Agenda feature you want to assign the Sessions to and click Save changes.

    The steps just described.

Access a list of Sessions assigned to the Agenda feature

In your Event navigation bar under 'Event App', click Features, then click the Agenda feature. This takes you to the Sessions page, filtered to show a list of Sessions that belong to the Agenda feature you clicked.

The Agenda feature in the Event navigation bar and the Sessions page filtered for that Agenda feature.

On the Sessions page, manage Sessions individually or in bulk. Our Manage Sessions in Your Event article has full details on managing Sessions.

The Agenda feature in action

Keep reading to learn how Event App users navigate the Agenda feature, add Sessions to their personal agendas, and experience live stream Sessions.


On the Web App and Mobile App, attendees click or tap the Agenda feature to access it. The feature opens in the Default View you selected. On the Day View, Sessions are listed by time. Each Session shows the name, number of participants (if activated), and tracks.

The Agenda feature in the Web App and Mobile App.

Attendees can toggle between days using the date bar above the Session list, and they can click the Month or Year Views to find other dates with Sessions. Tapping or clicking on a Session takes them to the Session page.

My Agenda

The 'My Agenda' tab shows the list of Sessions in an attendee's personal agenda and helps focus their interests without sifting through the full list of Sessions. Attendees simply tap the plus (+) icon next to a Session to add it to their personal agenda and choose to receive a reminder 15, 30, or 60 minutes before the Session's start time.

The Agenda feature in the Mobile App. An arrow points from the plus icon next to a session to the reminder modal.

If you change a Session's start time, attendees receive a push notification about the change if they chose to receive a Session reminder and they've opted in to receive push notifications.

The Session page

The Session page contains the details and links you added to the Session. On the Web App, a Session with a live stream shows a video panel above the details section. A collapsible panel on the right shows Chat, Q&A, and Polling, if activated for the Session.

An Agenda session with an active live stream on the Web App. Chat, Q&A, Polling, and Whiteboard tabs are visible on the right.

All attendees can use the 'Add to Calendar' link in the Overview section on the Web App or in the top right corner of the Mobile App. This lets attendees set up a reminder through their favorite calendar app, though these won't update automatically if you change a Session's start time.

The Add to Calendar button on the Web App and Mobile App.

Attendees on the Web App and Mobile App can take notes for a Session by clicking or tapping the notepad icon in the upper right corner of the screen. To learn more, read our article about taking notes in an Event App.

The Session Notes modal on the Web App and Mobile App.

Live stream experience

Fifteen minutes before a Session's start time, it appears in the Agenda feature's 'Happening Now' carousel, and a 'Join Live Stream' button appears on the Session if it has a live stream. On the Mobile App, attendees tap 'Join Live Stream' to start watching on their device. They can also tap 'Watch on Desktop' to email themselves a link to the Web App. 📫

The Join Live Stream and Watch on Desktop button in the Mobile App.

When Webex Events Closed Captions & Translations is activated, attendees simply click or tap the 'CC' icon to activate closed captions and select their preferred language if they need translations.

A live stream in an Agenda Session with Webex Events captions activated.

When using a third-party caption provider, attendees on the Web App click the 'Show Captions' button under the live stream to activate closed captions. If you've arranged audio captions, the button says 'Audio Captions'.

💡 Keep in mind, the Mobile App doesn't support third-party captions.

To participate in Chat, Q&A, Polling, or Custom Tab content, Web App attendees simply click the relevant tab in the panel on the right.

A Web App user is answering a Slido poll about sustainability.

Mobile App attendees can tap the links in the details section to access these features.

Chat and Slido tabs on a session in the Mobile App.

Fifteen minutes after a Session's end time, attendees can simply click or tap the 'View Recording' button to watch the Session recording (if you added one).


The Agenda feature metrics in the Feature Comparison chart on the Event App Metrics page.

After a Session or two, review the Feature Comparison chart on the Event App Metrics page to find out how people using the Event App are interacting with them. The Feature Comparison chart includes the following data:

  • Clicks

  • Added to My Agenda

  • Join Live Stream

  • Watch Video Replay

  • Watch on Desktop

  • Chat

  • Poll Votes

  • Q&A

  • Added Reminder

  • Notes Taken

  • Attachment Clicks

  • External Link Clicks

  • Internal Link Clicks

  • Avg. Rating

To review all of the additional data points outlined in the Export section of our Metrics article, export the Metrics.

Pro tips! 😎

  • If you're using Onsite Session Check-in and the Event App, consider checking the 'Allow users to schedule conflicting Sessions' box in Agenda settings to track and compare interest against actual attendance.

  • Tracks are great for easily filtering and organizing Sessions for different audiences, and using them with groups helps create even more customized experiences. You can also add multiple Agenda features and assign Sessions dedicated to different audiences accordingly. This is especially useful if you need to organize a lot of Sessions. Here are some examples:

    • A VIP-only agenda

    • A Staff and Volunteer agenda

    • A Test agenda with special Sessions for live stream rehearsals

    • A pre-conference agenda

Now you know all about how the Agenda works! If you haven't already, learn about customizing attendees' personal agendas in our Attendance Management and Preset Agendas article.

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