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Taking Notes in an Event App
Taking Notes in an Event App

Learn how and where attendees can take notes and export them in your Event App

Emily van der Harten avatar
Written by Emily van der Harten
Updated over 6 months ago

Attendees often find it useful to jot down important Session take-aways, information about a connection, impressions after meeting a sponsor or exhibitor, or whatever else is on their minds. With Webex Events, attendees can take notes inside the Event App as they use it, so there's no need to switch to a note-taking app. 📔

This article lists the features that support note-taking and provides an overview of how attendees access notes and export them in the Web App and Mobile App.

⚠️ Caution! Don't send this article to attendees because some images and information won't match your event. Do use this content as inspiration for making your own attendee instructions and help resources.

Where can attendees take notes in the Event App?

Attendees can take notes within the features in the following list. Click the links to learn more about each feature, or keep reading to learn what note-taking is like in the Event App. 📚

Taking notes

Connections, features, and feature items that support taking notes always have a notebook icon in the upper right corner of the screen. Attendees simply click or tap the Notebook icon to start taking notes.

On the Web App, clicking the Notebook icon opens a Notes modal within the item. Attendees simply type their notes, then click 'Done' to save.

The Notebook icon and Notes modal on a Session in the Web App.

On the Mobile App, tapping the Notebook icon opens the notes in a new window. From there, attendees simply enter their notes, then tap 'Done' to save.

The Notebook icon on a Session and the Notes for Session modal.

If attendees want to take more notes or review the notes they already took for a certain item, they can return to the connection, feature, or feature item and click the Notebook icon to open their notes.

Exporting notes

On the Mobile App, attendees can click the Export icon in the upper right corner of the notes screen to export their notes.

💡 Keep in mind, attendees using the Web App can't export notes for features or feature items.

The Export icon on the Notes screen in the Mobile App.

When attendees tap or click the 'Export' icon in their list of connections on the Mobile App or Web App, they'll be prompted to confirm the email that the export should be sent to. The export report they receive contains all the notes about their connections. 💌

The export icon on the Connections page in the Web App and Mobile App.

Now that you know all about how attendees take notes in the Event App, why not let them know by creating an attendee resource about it?

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