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Using Onsite Session Check-in
Using Onsite Session Check-in
Daniel Murphey avatar
Written by Daniel Murphey
Updated over 6 months ago

About this article

This article teaches Session Check-in volunteers and staff how to check attendees in and out of Sessions, handle errors, review check-in history, switch between check-in and check-out modes, and change Sessions.

If you're an event organizer, read our Onsite process overview and timeline to learn how to prepare your equipment, venue, and staff for event and session check-in!

Start check-in

💡 Keep in mind, you must log in to the Onsite app using a Webex Events platform account login. If you can't log in, ask your event organizer to add you to their team on the Webex Events platform. Our Invite Admins to Your Team and Manage Team Settings article has more information.

After you've logged in to the Onsite app and selected an Event and Sessions, tap on the Session you want to check attendees in to, then tap Start Check-In. This launches either managed or kiosk check-in mode, depending on how the Session is configured.

A Session detail page in the Onsite App. The Start Check-In button is indicated.

Managed check-in

When a Session is configured for managed check-in, your device's camera activates immediately when you tap 'Start Check-In', and you can start scanning QR codes right away.

Kiosk mode

When a Session is configured for kiosk mode, tapping the 'Start Check-In' button displays a screen with the event's logo, the Session name, and QR code and search options. Attendees are generally meant to check themselves in when a Session is configured for kiosk mode.

Check in with QR code

First, allow camera permission for the Onsite app, then simply scan a badge QR code to instantly check an attendee in or out. If attendees are using the Webex Events App on their mobile devices, they can also tap the My QR Code feature, and you can scan the QR code on their device screen.

The QR code scan process.

If necessary, tap the camera rotation icon to switch between the rear and front cameras.

If an attendee's badge won't scan, tap the Search button to find them manually.

In kiosk mode, tap Complete on the check-in confirmation page to scan or search for the next attendee.

The check in confirmation page. The Complete button is indicated.

Check In with Search

The Search feature lets you find attendees by searching for their name, email address, company, or title. When you find the attendee, tap Check In next to their name. If there are multiple search results with the same name, tap on a result to verify the attendee's title, company, exclusive group, email, and groups.

The search page and an attendee profile.

💡 Keep in mind, you can't access the attendee profile page if the Session is configured to prevent access.

Switch to Check-out mode

When it's time to check attendees out, enter the QR code scan screen and tap the Check-In button to change to Check-out mode. If the Check-In button doesn't appear on this screen, check-out isn't required.

The Check-in button.


Errors may sometimes appear for one of the following reasons:

  • Invalid QR code

  • Attendee isn't registered for the Session

  • Attendee isn't in the correct group or track for the Session

  • Session is full

  • Attendee is already checked in or out and can't be checked in or out again

  • Session is closed, deactivated, or was deleted

When an error appears, tap the View Details button to review the full reason for the error. If necessary, ask the event organizer for help.

The 'View Details' button on the scan and check-in confirmation screens.

Manually check attendees in or out

Sometimes you may need to manually mark an attendee as checked in if a Session is at capacity or if an attendee isn't assigned to a track they should be assigned to. Some attendees may also need to check out before you're ready to switch to check-out mode.

To manually check an attendee in or out:

The QR code scan screen and the Attendees tab in a Session.
  1. If you're on the scan or search screen, tap the back arrow at the top left corner of the screen until you find the Session page that shows the 'Not Checked In' and 'Checked In' counts.

  2. On the Session page, tap the Attendees tab.

  3. If necessary, use the search bar and the filter and sort features to find the attendee you're looking for.

  4. When you find the attendee, tap the Check In or Check Out button next to their name.

Review who's checked in

In the Session page under Attendees, tap the NOT CHECKED IN heading to collapse it and reveal the CHECKED IN section. This section shows all attendees who are currently checked in to the session.

The 'Checked in' section of the session page's attendees tab.

To review all check-in and check-out interactions, tap the History tab.

Switch to a different Session

When you're done with check-in for a Session and you're ready to move on to another one:

  1. Tap the back arrow at the top left corner of the screen until you find the Session list.

  2. Tap the Session you want to check attendees in to. You may have to enter the settings password to access the session list.

The Upcoming tab of the Session list.

If you can't find the Session you're looking for, the device may be locked to only certain Sessions.

  1. Tap the lock icon in the top right corner of the screen.

  2. Enter the settings password.

  3. Tap Unlock Sessions to access the full list of sessions.

The process just described.

Tap the lock icon again, select the Session(s) you need, tap Confirm Selection, and enter the settings password again to lock the device to the selected Session(s).

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