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Use Groups for Tailored Attendee Experiences
Use Groups for Tailored Attendee Experiences

Limit or grant access to features, items, Sessions, and more

Daniel Murphey avatar
Written by Daniel Murphey
Updated over 6 months ago

Groups let you classify different types of attendees to provide targeted and personalized experiences. Assign groups to attendees, then use them to manage access to Sessions and content in the Event App.

Any feature in your Event App can use groups. Tracks and categories leverage groups to hide specific Sessions and feature items. Read the instructions, examples, and links in this article to learn more. 🧠

Create groups

In your Event navigation bar under ‘Attendees’, click Groups. On the Groups page, click the New group button.

💡 Keep in mind, if you have a lot of groups to add, click the Import button to upload them all in bulk. Our Import and Export Data in Webex Events article has complete instructions.

In the 'New group' modal, enter the following information:

The New group modal.

Group name

Enter a clear, simple name so you and your attendees can easily identify the group's purpose and scope.

Group color

Click the dropper icon to select a color for the group. Select colors that provide enough contrast against light or dark backgrounds. This color appears in the platform on the Attendee list and the attendee profile Overview page, and anywhere groups display in the Event App.

Exclusive group

Activate this toggle if you want this to be an exclusive group. Here's the difference:

  • Exclusive groups uniquely identify different types of attendees, such as in-person or virtual attendees. Attendees must belong to an exclusive group, and they can only belong to one exclusive group at a time.

    • In Registration, tickets must belong to an exclusive group. Attendees who register with a ticket are automatically assigned to its exclusive group.

  • Groups also identify different types of attendees. Attendees can belong to as many groups as you want them to.

💡 Keep in mind, you can't edit the Exclusive group toggle after clicking 'Save'.


  • Select Visible to attendees if you want the group to appear to attendees who aren't part of that group in the Event App. Attendees can filter the attendees list by that group to discover who's in it.

  • Select Hidden from attendees if you only want attendees assigned to the group to know it exists. 🤫 For example, you may choose to hide Volunteer, Staff, or Testing groups from other attendees.

    💡 Keep in mind, if you hide a group, attendees in the Event App can still find the attendees associated with the groups, though they won't know their group affiliation.

Click Save changes, and you've created a new group! 🎉

Repeat the process as many times as necessary, then start putting those shiny new groups to use. ✨

Assign attendees to groups in Registration

If you're using Webex Events Registration, you must assign each ticket type to one exclusive group, and you can assign tickets to as many non-exclusive groups as you want. The exclusive group and non-exclusive groups auto-assign to attendees based on the ticket they select during registration, completely removing the need for manual group assignment! 🎉

You can also give registrants the option to choose which non-exclusive groups they want when you create questions for your checkout forms.

Manually assign attendees to groups

Manually assign a single attendee to groups

To assign a single existing attendee to a group, go to the Attendees page, click the Settings () icon by their name in the attendees list, then click Manage groups. In the 'Manage groups' modal, do the following:

The steps just described.
  • Select an exclusive group from the Exclusive group drop-down.

  • Select one or more non-exclusive groups from the Assign to groups drop-down.

Click Save changes when you're done.

Manually assign multiple attendees to groups

On the Attendees page, check the boxes next to the attendees you want to assign groups to, click the three-dot () icon, then select an option from the drop-down.

The Attendees page with several attendees selected and the three dot menu expanded.
  • Assign to groups - Use the 'Assign to' field to select any non-exclusive groups you want to assign to the attendees. If you also want to remove the non-exclusive groups currently assigned to them, check the 'Remove existing group(s)' box.

  • Remove from groups - Select one or more groups to remove from the selected attendees.

  • Assign exclusive group - Select one exclusive group from the drop-down to change the exclusive group assigned to the selected attendees.

Import attendee group assignments

If assigning groups manually is going to be a lot of work, assign groups to attendees when you upload them to your event instead. If you've already uploaded your attendees, it's not too late! Simply export your attendees, add their exclusive and non-exclusive groups to the correct columns in the template, then re-import.

Use groups to limit attendee access to content

Limit feature access

When editing any Event App feature's settings, the 'Visible To' field lets you assign groups to the feature. Only attendees who are part of selected groups can access the feature and its content.

An example

You create 'Virtual' and 'In-person' tickets for your hybrid event and assign each to a corresponding exclusive group. After attendees register with either one, they're automatically added to your Event and assigned to the correct exclusive group.

One of the features in your Event App is a city guide with maps, links, and information about local restaurants. Since this is only relevant to in-person attendees, you assign it to the 'In-person' group, and virtual attendees won't even know it exists. Simple! 😄

How to assign a feature to groups

To limit feature access to only certain groups, go to your Event App's 'Features' page, hover over any feature, and click the Settings (⚙️) icon. In the feature's Settings modal, click the Visible to field and select as many groups as needed.

The steps just described.

Click Save changes when you're done. Now the feature is only visible to attendees assigned to the groups you selected. 👍

Limit access to feature items, Sessions, and Event App content

  • Feature items - To limit access to a certain set of feature items instead of an entire feature, combine groups with categories! Categories classify different items listed in a feature, like tiers of sponsors, sets of speakers from different organizations, or types of resources for attendees. For more information about categories and features that support them, read our article about creating categories for feature items.

  • Sessions - Tracks categorize Sessions in your Event, and combining groups with tracks lets you limit Session access to certain groups in the Event App and Onsite Session Check-in. To learn more, read our article about using tracks to categorize Sessions.

  • Event App banners - Assign groups to banners so that they only appear to attendees in the selected group(s). This is great for tailoring content to virtual or in-person audiences, creating sponsorship tier opportunities, and more! To learn more about banners, read our Event App Layouts article.

  • Announcements - Send attendees targeted announcements based on their location, language, interests, and purchase levels. To learn more, read our Announcements feature guide.

Manage groups

On the Groups page, the list of groups shows the group name, number of attendees assigned to the group, and whether the group is an exclusive group. Use the filter to narrow the list down to either exclusive groups or non-exclusive groups.

Click the Settings () icon next to a group to take any of the following actions:

The Settings menu for a group on the Groups page.
  • Select Edit to adjust the group's name, color, and visibility. The 'Exclusive group' setting isn't editable after you create the group.

  • Select Make default (exclusive groups only) to make an exclusive group the default assignment for attendees.

  • Select Delete to completely delete the group, including its association with any features, feature items, and Sessions.

    💡 Keep in mind, you can't delete groups that are assigned to attendees or tickets.

To export a list of your groups, check the box next to the 'Group name' label to select all groups in the list. Click the three-dot () icon and select Export.

The steps just described.

To learn more about managing Webex Events data in bulk, read our Import and Export Data in Webex Events article.

Groups in practice

Event App

In the Event App, attendees can access content associated with groups they're assigned to. If you're using tracks or categories with groups, Sessions and items belonging to those are also tailored based on groups. Features, items, and Sessions not associated with groups are visible to everyone.

When people visit the Attendees feature, they can filter the list by groups to locate attendees that match their interests.

The filter button on the Mobile App's Attendees page and the filters page with several groups checked.

💡 Keep in mind, attendees can only find visible groups and groups assigned to them.

Onsite Session Check-in

If you're limiting Onsite Session Check-in access based on tracks assigned to a Session, only attendees who belong to groups associated with those tracks can check in to the Session.

The Onsite App's Session Check-in page for a Session. The Tracks and Settings sections are indicated.

Here are some more examples of how you might use groups:

  • Send Registration emails containing content customized to certain exclusive and non-exclusive groups.

  • Create VIP or staff-exclusive feature items using categories.

  • Show attendees banners or announcements tailored to their location, language, interests, and purchase levels.

  • Create different Game features for virtual and in-person attendees.

The ways you can use groups are nearly endless, so play around and let your imagination run free. 🏃 Always test your Event App to make sure everything is working as expected.

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