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Q&A Feature Setup Guide
Daniel Murphey avatar
Written by Daniel Murphey
Updated over 6 months ago

Giving attendees a forum to ask questions in your Event App and during live sessions creates a more interactive experience and improves session engagement. We love Slido's intuitive Q&A, polling, word clouds, and more, and it integrates seamlessly with Webex Events.

If you only need a simple solution for live streams or live sessions, then the Webex Events Q&A feature may be the best fit. There's no need to pay for an extra tool or learn a different interface — the Webex Events platform has everything you need to launch, manage, and moderate Q&A. Activate Q&A for individual Sessions or the Live Stream feature, or have a dedicated Q&A feature.

The Q and A tab in a live stream on the Web App.

💡 Keep in mind, you must publish your Event App to access Q&A configuration.

Add Q&A for a Session or Live Stream feature

First, make sure you've added the Live Stream feature or Session you'll create the Q&A for. When you're done, create a new Q&A and add it to the Live Stream feature or Session.

💡 Keep in mind, Q&A items appear in the order you add or import them. To avoid confusion, add related Q&A items, such as Q&A for individual sessions, at the same time.

  1. In your Event navigation bar, click Event App.

  2. Click Q&A and Polling.

  3. On the Q&A and Polling page, click the New Q&A button.

  4. In the 'New Q&A' modal, enter the following information:

    The steps just described.
    • Use the Link to field to search for the Session or Live Stream you want to link this Q&A to.

    • If you want to keep the Q&A hidden until a speaker is ready to start answering questions, deactivate the Enable Q&A toggle and come back to activate it when it's time.

    • Moderation lets your staff review questions before attendees can read them, mark questions as answered, or hide questions. Read our Moderating a Webex Event App article for complete details

    • Activate the Allow Anonymous Questions toggle to let attendees choose to submit questions anonymously.

  5. Click Activate.

💡 Keep in mind, you can also import Q&A using the instructions in our import guide.

The Q&A feature

We provide Q&A as a feature you can add to your Event App's feature list. However, because you can't respond to questions within the feature, we recommend using Slido or the Wall feature for general event Q&A. These both support message replies, likes, upvotes, and moderation.

Manage Q&A

After you've added Q&A to Sessions or the Live Stream feature, or added a Q&A feature, click Q&A and Polling in your Event navigation bar to start managing and moderating them.

  • Click a Q&A to access its moderation interface.

  • Click the Settings () icon next to one of the Q&A items to export, edit, disable, or delete it.

  • Check the Linked to box to select every Q&A item in the list, or check the boxes next to the individual Q&A items you want to modify, then click the three-dot () icon next to the search field to export, disable, or delete them.

    Multiple Q and A items selected with the three dot menu expanded, the settings menu for a single active Q and A.

Q&A in practice

When attendees on the Event App's Web App open a Session or Live Stream, they can access the Q&A tab in the engagement panel on the right.

The Q and A tab in a live stream on the Web App.

Mobile users can access Q&A using the 'Q&A' button below the live stream video feed.

If you activated anonymous questions, attendees can check the 'Ask anonymously' box to hide their information.

Moderating questions

If moderation is active for a Q&A, moderators must use the Q&A and Polling page in the Webex Events platform to approve, dismiss, or archive questions. For a complete guide to Q&A moderation, read our moderation guide.

The Moderation and Live panels in the Webex Events platform.

Answering questions

💡 Keep in mind, because Webex Events Q&A doesn't let you type responses to questions, it's best suited for live sessions, either in-person or in a live stream.

For in-person sessions, have a moderator or your emcee open the Q&A in the Web App or Mobile App and read questions aloud to speakers.

For virtual events, hosts and speakers in the Webex Events Production Studio click the Audience tab, then the Q&A sub-tab to access and verbally respond to questions. You can also click questions to show them in the live stream.

The Q and A tab in the Audience panel of the Webex Events Production Studio.


When you export Q&A as mentioned in the 'Manage Q&A' section of this article, a notification appears letting you know that the system is preparing your file. When the export is ready, a new notification appears. Click the Click here to download link to download the spreadsheet file.

The 'processing' and 'done' notifications in the platform. The notification bell icon is indicated.

If you missed the notification, don't worry! Simply click the Notifications (🔔) icon next to the Help button at the top right corner of the screen to access a list of your past notifications.

The file contains a separate sheet for every feature or Session with an associated Q&A. The feature sheets show the following data for each question:

  • First Name

  • Last Name

  • Email

  • Title

  • Company

  • Status

  • Date/Time

  • Question

💡 Keep in mind, the Instructions, Q&A, and Reference Sheet tabs are related to Q&A import and don't include any results data.

The Event App Metrics page has a little more general click information. However, the export described above has the most complete data.

Now that you know all about adding Q&A for your Event, read our Polling feature guide for another great way to engage attendees!

Questions? Chat with us or email

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