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Event App Features Overview

A complete list of Event App features, with descriptions and links to feature guides

Daniel Murphey avatar
Written by Daniel Murphey
Updated over 6 months ago

The Webex Events platform is among the most highly rated event platforms in the world, and our scope of products and features is constantly growing. Whether your event is in-person, hybrid, or virtual, the immensely capable Webex Events platform has what you need. Customize each of these features with branded icons, titles, and more to make your Event App truly yours.

A list of features on the home page of the Mobile Event App.

Worried about attendees getting overwhelmed or lost? The search feature lets them quickly find features and items based on name, label or subtitle, descriptions, tracks, groups, and date!

Keep reading to learn about each of our 20+ features and how they can improve your next event!

The attendee experience

If you're new to Webex Events, one of your biggest questions is likely, "What's the attendee experience like?" Each section in this article includes a brief description and screenshot of the attendee experience. The Feature Guides linked in this article include an "In Practice" section that describes and shows the attendee experience in even more detail. 🔍


The Lobby feature is a highly customizable landing page for attendees as they join the Event App for the first time, so it's included by default. Show a countdown to the event's start time, include a customizable welcome message, show upcoming Sessions and live streams, add custom images, and highlight key sponsors, speakers, and exhibitors. Update Lobby content as event day comes closer to keep attendees informed and excited.

Animated GIF showing a user scrolling through the Lobby in the Web App.

Read our Lobby Feature Setup Guide to learn more.


The Agenda feature is one of the most-used features in a Webex Event. Whether your event schedule is simple and straightforward or complex with multiple sessions for different groups and tracks, the Agenda has you covered. Empower your attendees to know exactly where to be, when to be there, and who and what to expect when they arrive. For virtual events, the Agenda becomes how your attendees access each Session's live stream.

An Agenda feature on the Web App and Mobile App.

On the Mobile App and the web experience, attendees can open the My Agenda tab to access a schedule of 1:1 meetings with connections and Sessions they plan to attend, by day or month.

Use embeddable widgets to show certain Sessions in your website and partner websites for even more awareness and exposure.

Read our Agenda Feature Setup Guide to learn more.

Sponsors and Exhibitors

The Sponsors and Exhibitors features let you list your sponsors and exhibitors with custom graphics, internal links and external links, map locations, documents, and more. Save time by inviting sponsors and exhibitors to add, edit, or review information on their profile with collaboration forms. Whether your event is in-person, hybrid, or virtual, these features help you create a sponsor base that's excited to support your event cycle. These features are only one of the ways to showcase sponsors in your Event App!

A Sponsor feature page on the Web App and a sponsor profile on the Mobile App.

Use embeddable widgets to show sponsors on your website and partner websites for even more awareness and exposure.


The Speakers feature gives your attendees a space to get to know the people presenting at your event's sessions. Create a profile for each speaker, including photos, descriptions, internal links to sessions, map locations, and documents. Add external links to their website, professional articles, and more. Save time by inviting speakers to add, edit, or review information on their speaker profile with collaboration forms.

The Speakers feature on the Web App and a speaker profile on the Mobile App.

Use embeddable widgets to show speakers on your website and partner websites for even more awareness and exposure.

Read our Speakers Feature Setup Guide to learn more.


The Documents feature hosts PDFs and images that attendees can open directly inside your Event App. Give your attendees a central place to easily access the entire event's collection of session materials, sell sheets for sponsors, daily meal menus, or copies of the event schedule or map. You can even use internal Links to show individual documents from the list in other places within the Event App!

The Web App and Mobile App. The Web App has a PDF open in the event. The Mobile App shows a list of documents.

Read our Documents Feature Setup Guide to learn more.

Single Document

The Single Document feature is similar to the Documents feature, except it has only one document that launches immediately. Show your attendees a meal menu, showcase a top-tier sponsor's sell sheet, provide a map of local attractions, and more!

Animated GIF showing a mobile app user tapping on a Single Document feature and viewing the document.

Read our Single Document Feature Setup Guide to learn more.


The Maps feature makes it easy for in-person attendees to navigate your event venue using the Mobile App or Web App. Because you can link locations, Sessions, and exhibitor or sponsor profiles to the Map, it's simple and convenient to find exactly where a room or booth is located in your venue. Your staff will also save time directing people to sessions since the Maps feature does the work for them! 🙌

Animated GIF of opening the Maps feature from a linked Agenda session on the Mobile app.

Read our Maps Feature Setup Guide to learn more.

Live Stream

The Live Stream feature lets Web App and Mobile App users instantly join a live stream with a single click or tap. This feature is perfect for highlighting your keynote session or linking directly to your main live stream. If you'd like individual links for each of your Sessions, the Agenda feature is a better fit.

The Live Stream feature on the Web App and Mobile App.

Read our Live Stream Feature Setup Guide to learn more.

Polling and Q&A

The Polling and Q&A features make hosting your live stream on the Webex Events platform a richer and more interactive experience for your attendees! There's no need to pay for an outside tool, and everything you need to keep your attendees engaged with your sessions is manageable from Webex Events. Activate Q&A and Polling individually for certain Agenda Sessions or the Live Stream feature, import several at a time, or have dedicated Q&A and Polling features.

Animated GIF showing the Polling feature embedded in a Custom Tab on the Web App.


People love the Game feature! It's a fun and engaging tool that promotes networking, increases attendance to sessions and special events, boosts foot traffic to sponsor and exhibitor booths, and brings in-person and virtual attendees closer together. Offer some prizes for the winners and watch engagement skyrocket. 🚀

The Event Game on the Web App and Mobile App.

Read our Game Feature Setup Guide to learn more.

Follow Us

The Follow Us feature is a single place where app users can find social media and website links, phone numbers, emails, and more. These can belong to your event, your company or organization, sponsors, exhibitors, or speakers, to name a few. Don't forget to use internal links to bring traffic from speaker and sponsor profiles to the Follow Us feature!

A list of links on the Follow Us feature on a mobile device.

Read our Follow Us Feature Setup Guide to learn more.


The Wall feature is your event's private social media space. Attendees can write posts, upload images, and like or comment on other attendees' posts. It's a great way to bridge the gap between in-person and virtual attendees, and it's a space where your event can keep going "after-hours".

The Wall feature on the Web App and Mobile App.

We've seen the Wall feature renamed as Share Media, Photo Contest, Discussion Board, and even Ride Share. The Wall is also a great place for your sponsors to engage with attendees in a virtual space before, during, and after the event.

Read our Wall Feature Setup Guide to learn more.


Your features list includes the Attendees feature by default. Attendees are the people who access your Event App, and they appear in the Attendees feature list after they register or when you manually add them to the Event. Event App users can browse or search the list and send connection requests to fellow attendees. After people connect, the Event App offers lots of great networking opportunities.

The Attendees feature in the Web App and Mobile App.

Read our Attendees Feature Setup Guide to learn more.

Custom List

The Custom List feature is extremely flexible and versatile! For a quick way to present a collection of rich information, this feature is a perfect solution. For example, you could use a Custom List as an FAQ section, a city guide, or a list of featured Sessions. You can internally link or externally link each item and even organize items into categories to keep longer lists structured and user-friendly.

The Custom List feature on the Web App and Mobile App.

Use embeddable widgets to show custom list items in your website and partner websites for even more awareness and exposure.

Read our Custom List Feature Setup Guide to learn more.

Single Item

The Single Item feature has all the same flexible customization options as the Custom List feature, except it provides only one item that opens immediately. For a quick way to showcase rich, multi-faceted information, this feature is a perfect solution. Display event contact information, a transportation schedule, WiFi information, or highlight a specific sponsor, to name a few examples.

A Single Item feature called

Read our Single Item Feature Setup Guide to learn more.

Web Link

The Web Link feature is your portal to the rest of the internet — simply add the feature, enter a URL, and you're done. Attendees click or tap the feature to visit the website, and if the website content is embeddable, attendees can access the site or content without leaving your Event App! Link to your organization or event website, a premier sponsor's website, or a survey. We have a helpful article about using the Web Link feature to embed third-party services like Miro, Simple Booth, MeetingPulse, and many more.

The Web List feature renamed 'City Guide' on the Web App and Mobile App.

Read our Web Link Feature Setup Guide to learn more.

Web List

The Web List feature provides a list of hyperlinks. Think of it like a collection of Web Link features. This is a great way to show attendees a set of online content and information within its source context. If websites or content are embeddable, attendees can access them without leaving your Web App! Show the most important Session recordings from your event, create a city guide, embed blog posts, and more.

The Web List feature renamed 'City Guide' on the Web App and Mobile App.

Read our Web List Feature Setup Guide to learn more.

My QR Code

The My QR Code feature is included with Lead Retrieval, and it lets sponsors and exhibitors easily scan contact information from in-person attendees. Attendees simply tap the feature in the Mobile App to find and share their personal QR Code.

The MyQR Code feature on the home screen, and an attendee's QR code on the Mobile App.

💡 Keep in mind, the My QR Code feature is added to your Event App automatically after Lead Retrieval is activated. It's not available to add from the features list.

Read our My QR Code Feature Setup Guide to learn more.


Use the Announcements feature to notify all of your attendees about last-minute changes, share an important reminder, or draw attention to your sponsors. Schedule them to be sent at a specific time, or simply send them right away. Mobile App users receive push notifications directly on their mobile devices. On the Web App, a dot appears on the Announcements feature indicating that there's a new announcement.

The Announcements feature in the Web App and a push notification on a mobile device.

Read our Announcements Feature Setup Guide to learn more.

Video Rooms

With Video Rooms, attendees from anywhere in the world can network and engage with each other. Up to 13 attendees and 3 moderators can speak to each other using video, audio, and chat. Attendees can also share their device’s screen with everyone else in the room. Video Rooms are great for Session breakouts, icebreaker rooms, sponsor hangouts, virtual exhibitor booths, and more!

Animated GIF of eight people in a Video Room.

Read our Video Rooms Feature Setup Guide to learn more.

That was a lot of reading, so congratulations on making it this far! You get a cookie. 🍪 Now, why not put what you've learned into practice and start building your Event App?

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