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Single Document Feature Setup Guide
Single Document Feature Setup Guide

Showcase a stand-alone PDF or image in your Event App.

Daniel Murphey avatar
Written by Daniel Murphey
Updated over 6 months ago

The Single Document feature lets you provide attendees with a PDF or image in a simple, one-click format. This is similar to the Documents feature, though with Single Documents, only one document launches immediately when an attendee clicks or taps the feature. For important information that's best presented in PDF or image format, the Single Document feature is best! 🏆

A single document in the Mobile App.

Add the Single Document feature

In your Event navigation bar under 'Event App', click Features, then click Add Features.

The steps just described.

In the modal that appears, search for the feature, click Add, then close the modal.

Edit settings

To customize the feature's name and icon or limit its visibility using groups, hover over the feature and click the Settings (⚙️) icon.

The Settings icon on a Single Documents feature on the Feature page's Selected panel.

When you're done making updates, click Save Changes.

Upload the document

  1. In your Event navigation bar under 'Event App', click Features, then click Single Document.

  2. In the modal that appears, use the uploader to upload a PDF, JPEG, PNG, or TIFF file. By default, the document embeds in the Web App, so attendees don't have to leave the Event App's browser tab to access the file.

  3. Check the 'Open link in external browser' box if you want the document to open in a new tab.

    The steps just described.
  4. Click Save Changes when you're done.

Single Document in practice

The Single Document appears in the features list on the Mobile App and Web App. When attendees click or tap on it, the document opens immediately.

💡 Keep in mind, the document always opens in mobile users' default web browsers.

The Single Document feature open in the Web App.

How others have used the Single Document feature

Here are some ways others have used the Single Document feature:

  • Welcome letter - A quick letter from the event organizer, premiere sponsor, or CEO is a great way to set the stage for the event, get attendees excited, and make them feel welcome.

  • Health policy - Safety policies are a common question and concern for attendees, and using the Single Document feature to showcase your event's health policy is a great, high-visibility way to proactively provide this information.

  • Attendees list, map, or agenda - While we have features for these, attendees who need or prefer a hard-copy version will appreciate it.

  • Seating chart or table assignments - Helping guide your attendees around the venue and activities at every step helps them feel confident and at ease so they can focus on having a good time.

  • VIP doc - Consider using the Single Document feature for any group-specific information that's best available in hard-copy form, such as a VIP party flyer. Use the 'Visible to' setting to ensure only the groups who need it can find it.

  • Menus - Are you the type of person who likes to check the menu before you go? Consider uploading the menu ahead of time so attendees can browse your event's tasty offerings or make other plans for their dietary needs. 🥦


After attendees have had a chance to use the Event App, review the Feature Comparison chart on the Event App Metrics page to find the number of times attendees clicked the feature.

To review all of the additional data points outlined in the Export section of our Metrics article, export the Metrics.

Pro tips! 😎

Now you know all about the single document feature! Have a list of related documents you want to provide? The Documents feature is perfect!

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