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Web List Feature Setup Guide
Web List Feature Setup Guide

Curate a list of links to external resources in your Event App.

Daniel Murphey avatar
Written by Daniel Murphey
Updated over 6 months ago

If you want a central hub with links to web content outside your Event App, the Web List feature is a quick, high-visibility solution. Use a Web List to house links to a variety of resources, like presentation links, links to local restaurants and attractions, or resources related to your event.

A Web List feature renamed "City Guide" on the Web App and Mobile App.

Add the Web List feature

In your Event's navigation bar under ‘Event App’, click Features, then click Add Features.

The process just described.

In the 'Add Features' modal, search for the feature, click Add, then close the modal.

Edit settings

To customize the feature's name and icon or limit its visibility using groups, click the feature in the navigation bar, then click the Settings (⚙️) icon next to the feature's name.

The process just described and the Web List settings modal.

Add Web List items

Now it's time to start adding links to the feature. On the Web List page, click the Categories tab if you plan to add categories for different types of links. It's easiest to set up categories before Web List items. Otherwise, click the New Item button to add a new feature item.

Add Categories

Categories classify different feature items to help attendees find what they're searching for more easily. Applying a category to an item adds the name of the category below the item name in the Event App and lets attendees filter links by category. Our article about categories explains how to make categories and assign them to feature items.

The 'New Category' button on the Categories tab.

Add links

💡 Keep in mind, importing items is the quickest way to add a lot of information. Read our article about exporting and importing feature content to learn more.

From the Items tab, click New Item. In the 'New Item' modal, fill in the following information:

The 'New Item' modal for a Web List item.
  • Image - Click Upload Image to upload a custom icon, or click Select Icon to choose one from our icon library.

  • Name (required) - This should be short and informative so that attendees know where the link will take them.

  • Label/Subtitle - An additional line of text that appears under the link name. This could be a note such as "Opens in a new tab", or it could offer more information about the link.

    💡 Keep in mind, some devices might not display text beyond the first 98 characters.

  • Category - Select the category the link belongs to if applicable. Attendees can use categories to filter the list of links.

  • Link - Paste in the URL that will open when the user clicks on the list item. If you want the link to open inside your Web App instead of in a new tab, uncheck the 'Open link in external browser' checkbox. Web content always opens in Mobile App users' default browsers. Lastly, choose if you want to use the Pass Data to URL function.

    💡 Keep in mind, after unchecking the 'Open link in external browser' option, test to make sure the content displays correctly in the web version. Read our article about what makes sites embeddable for more information.

  • Add Internal Links - Link the item to other features in your Event App, such as Agenda Sessions, Live Stream features, and more. Read our Internal Links article for more information.

Manage web list items

After you add items, they appear in a list on the Web List page. There are many ways to manage them individually or in bulk:

  • Filter by Categories (Items only)

  • Search

  • Drag and drop to reorder

  • Edit or Delete

  • Multi-select and:

    • Export

    • Assign to Category (Items only)

    • Delete

The multi-select settings menu, single item settings menu, and rearranging Web List items.

Web List in practice

When attendees click or tap on the Web List feature, each link is listed in the order you determined. The Label/Subtitle and category, if applicable, appear below the item name. When Web App users click on a link, it opens directly inside your Event App if you unchecked the 'Open link in external browser' checkbox for that item. Otherwise, it opens in a new browser tab.

A Web List feature in the Web App. The feature is renamed 'City Guide'.

Web List item links always open in Mobile App users' default web browser.

How organizers have used the Web List feature

Here are some common examples of how organizers have used the Web List feature:

  • City Guide - Curate a list of restaurants, hotels, and attractions near your venue and link directly to their websites. This is a good sponsorship opportunity, too! Work out a deal with a local hotel or taxi company in exchange for being featured in your event. 🙌

  • Videos and Podcasts - Give your attendees a curated list of videos or podcasts that promote your sponsors or event or that provide educational content.

  • Weather - If there's an outdoor element to your event, provide a direct link to the projected weather for each day of the event.

  • Books, studies, and resources - Did any of your speakers write a book, author a study, or discuss relevant resources in their presentation? Link directly to these resources in an online store for easy access.

  • Quick Links and Additional Resources - If you have resources already on your website such as the dress code, WiFi credentials, or parking information, use a Web List as a central hub for these items.

  • Venues - Will your attendees need to travel between different venues during the event? Is the after-party at another location? Provide links to each location on Google Maps to help attendees navigate.


After attendees have explored the Event App, review the 'Feature Comparison' chart on the Event App Metrics page to find the number of clicks for each item in the list. Our Event App Metrics article has details about this and all the additional data points available when you export the metrics.

Now you know how to set up and use the Web List feature! For a personalized discussion on how a Web List can improve your Event App experience, talk to your Webex Events contact.

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