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Lobby Feature Setup Guide

Acclimate and orient attendees with a sampling of your Event App content

Daniel Murphey avatar
Written by Daniel Murphey
Updated over 6 months ago

Just as attendees entering your physical event venue are greeted with signage, information, and welcome messaging, the Lobby feature gives your virtual attendees an orientation space to learn more about your Event App. Because it links to your Event App's most important content, such as Agenda Sessions, speakers, and sponsors, the Lobby is a great way to help attendees discover other features.

The Lobby feature in the Web App.

This article guides you through editing the Lobby and setting up each of the Lobby's modules. Welcome! 🧭

Before you begin...

The Lobby is a powerful tool, even weeks or months before your event starts. Use the Event Countdown, Lobby Description, and Image modules to educate and inform attendees, even if you're not finished building your Event App content.

Because the Lobby's Agenda, Speakers, Sponsors, Exhibitors, Custom List, and Live Stream modules use content from those features in the Event App, you must configure those features before adding them to the Lobby. Refer to our Feature Setup article collection to learn about adding these features.

Default Lobby feature modules

When you first set up your Event App, the Lobby feature is already added. Simply click Lobby under 'Features' in the navigation bar to start configuring it.

The Lobby feature page in the platform.

The Lobby has 11 modules, four of which are included by default. Let's examine each of the default modules.

Event Countdown

This simple countdown shows the number of days, hours, and minutes until your Event's start time. Within 24 hours of your event, the cards change to hours, minutes, and seconds. When the countdown reaches zero, "Event is Starting" appears for twenty seconds, then the countdown module disappears. Your Event's theme color determines the color of the countdown and celebration message.

The Event Countdown module in a Web App showing the days, hours, and minutes until the event starts.

This module doesn't have any settings. To adjust your Event's start date or time:

  1. Click your Event name in the Event navigation bar.

  2. Click the three-dot () icon under 'Event Information'.

  3. Click Edit.

    The steps just described.
  4. Go to the 'Details' tab to edit Edit Date & Time settings.

Cover Image

This module shows the cover image from your Event App's 'Appearance' tab, and it has no settings.

💡 Keep in mind, if you want to show a different image than the Cover Image in the Lobby, upload custom images using the Image module. The 'Image' section of this article has more details. 🔎

Lobby Description

This module is part of the Lobby by default, and it includes the description from your Event App's 'Basics' tab. This is a great place to add a welcome message or an introduction to using features in the Event App. 🌈

  1. Click the Lobby Description module to edit it.

  2. In the 'Lobby Description', edit text as needed using the text formatting, link, and image tools.

  3. Under Event Status, choose when to show the description.

  4. Activate the 'Show Event Location' toggle if you want to include the event location above the description.

    The Lobby Description modal.

Happening Now Banner

This module shows all currently active Agenda Sessions and Agenda Sessions happening within 15 minutes of the current time. If there aren't any active or upcoming Sessions, the module is hidden. This module doesn't have any settings.

The Happening Now module in the Lobby on the Web App.

Add feature modules

To add more modules to the Lobby:

  1. Open the Lobby feature page in the platform.

  2. Click the New Item button.

  3. In the 'New Module' modal, click the Feature Type drop-down to select the module you want to add.

    💡 Keep in mind, you can add each type as many times as you want.

  4. Enter a short, informative Display Name that tells attendees what to expect. The Display Name appears in the top left corner of the Lobby module in the Event App.

    💡 Keep in mind, the Image module doesn't show the Display Name, so use this to help you and other event staff easily identify which module contains which image.

    The steps just described.

Now let's learn about each module's setup. 🔍


After entering a Display Name, click the upload icon and follow the prompts in the uploader to upload an image from your device. We recommend images with a minimum width of 1920px for the best attendee experience. Images can be any height you like. After the image uploads, click Save Changes.

The New Module modal with an image added that reminds attendees to participate in the Event Game.


After entering a Display Name, there's no further configuration needed for this feature. This module shows all the scheduled Sessions in a single day across all Agenda features. At the end of a day with scheduled Sessions, the Agenda module automatically shows the next block of scheduled Sessions.

Speakers, Sponsors, Exhibitors, Custom List, and Live Stream

Each of these modules has nearly identical configurations, so let's discuss the Speakers module in this section.

  1. After entering a Display Name, click Add Speakers.

  2. The 'Add Speakers' modal shows all speakers from every Speakers feature in your Event App. Check the box next to each speaker you want to show in the module, or check the box next to the 'Feature Name' heading to select all speakers.

  3. When you're done making selections, click Add Speakers.

    The Add Speakers modal with several speakers selected.

    💡 Keep in mind, you can select up to 100 items in the Speakers, Sponsors, Exhibitors, Custom List, or Live Stream modules.

  4. Back in the 'New Module' modal, click and drag the six-dot cluster to reorder speakers in the list or click the Settings () icon to remove a speaker from the module.

    The settings menu expanded and a speaker being repositioned in the Add Speakers modal.
  5. Finally, select whether the items should display in 'Grid View' or 'Carousel View'.

    💡 Keep in mind, the Live Stream module doesn't include view selection.

    • Grid view shows the first several items in the module with a 'Show more' option to expand the module vertically.

    • Carousel view shows the first several items in the module in a horizontal layout with an arrow that lets users scroll through the rest of the items.

  6. Click Save changes to finish adding the module to the Lobby.

Manage modules

Click the Settings () icon next to a module to edit or remove it. Click and drag the six-dot grid or cluster to reorder items.

Dragging a Lobby feature module to change its order.

When the module's toggle is activated, the module is visible in the Lobby unless there's no content to display, such as when there aren't any active Agenda Sessions to show in the Happening Now module. If you deactivate a module, it disappears from the Lobby instantly.

The Lobby in practice

The countdown and description modules on the Web App and Mobile App.

The Happening Now and Agenda modules show Sessions very similarly to the Agenda feature. Users can do the following:

  • Click the Join Live Stream button to start watching a live stream.

  • Click the plus (+) button to add a Session to their personal agenda.

  • Click the See Full Agenda button to open the Agenda feature.

  • Click on a Session to open its details page.

The happening now and agenda modules in the Web App. Numbered arrows indicate the first three items noted above.

Speakers, Sponsors, Exhibitors, and Custom List modules set to 'Grid View' show the first four to six items, depending on whether the attendee is on a computer or a mobile device. Attendees click the 'Show More' button to expand the module and review the remaining items.

Two modules on the Web App and Mobile App in grid view and carousel view.

Modules set to 'Carousel View' show the first several items with an arrow that Web App users click. Mobile App users swipe sideways to review more items. Regardless of the view, attendees click or tap an item to open it in the associated Event App feature.

The Live Stream module in the Web App.

The Live Stream module shows the first several items in a vertical list, and attendees click a stream to join it instantly.

Pro tips 😎

  • Shape the Lobby in different ways for different stages of your event. For example, use the Sponsors and Speakers features and the Images module to heavily showcase sponsor images and speaker information leading up to event day. When it's showtime, deactivate all but the most important sponsor images so the content is the key focus.

  • Use the Image module to maximum effect. When dinner time is approaching, show an image of the menu. During a group excursion or tour, show a map with areas of interest and meetup locations or a schedule sheet. Let your imagination run free! ✨

  • Items restricted by groups only appear to attendees who are in those groups.

Now you know all about using the Lobby! Have some pie. 🥧 Next, why not learn about some of our other awesome Event App features?

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