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Custom List Feature Setup Guide
Custom List Feature Setup Guide
Daniel Murphey avatar
Written by Daniel Murphey
Updated over a week ago

The Custom List feature lets you create a set of highly adaptable pages that add value and depth to your Event App. Each item and its page has its own unique icon, name, description, set of internal and external links, call to action buttons, and more! For a flexible way to provide attendees with a collection of detailed, actionable information, the Custom List feature is a perfect solution.

A custom list of food items and a custom item page on the Mobile App.

You can also use Custom List items in our embeddable content widgets!

Want to simply provide a list of links to external sites? The Web List feature is for you.

Add a Custom List feature

In your Event navigation bar under 'Event App', click Features, then click Add Features.

The process just described.

In the Add Features modal, search for the feature, click Add, then close the modal.

💡 Keep in mind, adding the Custom List feature multiple times lets you create separate dedicated sets of resources, such as event policy and conduct information or city information.

Edit settings

To customize the feature's name and icon or limit its visibility using groups, click the feature in the navigation bar, then click the Settings (⚙️) icon next to the feature's name. In the 'Custom List Settings' modal, edit the following:

The steps just described.
  • Feature Name - The name of the feature as it appears in your Event App. We're guessing you don't want the name to be "Custom List". 😉

  • Icon - Select an icon from our list of over 300,000 icons or use the 'Upload Image' button to add your own custom icon. Custom icons should be between 100 x 100px and 500 x 500px. Our Webex Events Platform Image Dimensions article has complete information on image sizing requirements.

    💡 Keep in mind, the Icon and Name appear in the Custom List widget.

  • Visible To - Restrict the feature to only certain groups.

  • Ratings & Reviews - Control if and how attendees can rate and write reviews about feature items. Ratings & Reviews results for Custom List items appear on the Event App Metrics page and in the Metrics export.

  • View - Choose between 'Grid View' and 'List View'. When you select 'Grid View', the Chat, Booth Cover Image, and Content Provider options are available in the list items. Keep reading to learn more.

Click Save changes when you finish editing the settings.

Add Custom List categories

Categories classify different types of Custom List items. Applying a category to an item adds the name of the category below the list item's name and lets attendees filter items by category. If you plan to use categories, it's best to set them up before adding Custom List items. Read our article about creating categories for feature items to learn more.

Add Custom List items

💡 Keep in mind, to save time adding lots of information, use the 'Import' feature. Read our article about importing and exporting content to learn more.

From the Items tab, click Add Item.

The steps just described.

In the 'New Item' modal, enter the following information:

Custom List item basics

Enter basic information about the Custom List item in the first several fields.

The New Item modal.
  • Icon - Select an icon from our list of over 300,000 icons or use the 'Upload Image' button to add your own custom icon. Custom icons should be between 100 x 100px and 500 x 500px. Our Webex Events Platform Image Dimensions article has complete information on image sizing requirements.

  • Name (required) - The item name that appears in your Event App. Make the name as clear, concise, and useful as possible so attendees know at a glance what the item is.

  • Label/Subtitle - An additional line of text that appears under the item name. Use this to add helpful information so attendees understand what to expect when they click on the item.

    💡 Keep in mind, some mobile devices might not display text beyond the first 98 characters.

  • Location - Select a location where in-person attendees can find the person, booth, or room associated with this item during the event.

  • Category - Select the category the item belongs to, if applicable. Categories let attendees filter items when searching on the Event App.

  • Description - Say more about the item! The Description field has basic text formatting options and supports hyperlinks and images — including animated GIFs. 🙌

  • Booth Size/Booth Cover - Choose from Small, Medium, or Large.

    • If you select Small, the Custom List item won't have a cover image.

    • If you select Medium or Large, click Upload Image, then drag and drop or click to select a JPEG or PNG file from your device.

      • Medium Booth cover images must be 800 x 400px.

      • Large Booth cover images must be 1200 x 300px.

  • Content Provider - Upload a PDF file, use Video on Demand, or enter a URL for content hosted on a variety of popular sites like YouTube, Vimeo, Twitch, and Vidcast. As long as the content is embeddable, it will appear inside the list item in the Web App. Mobile App users tap a button to access the content.

    💡 Keep in mind, the Booth Size, Booth Cover, and Content Provider options only appear if your Custom List feature is set to 'Grid View'. The 'Edit settings' section of this article shows how to change the View selection.

Attendee Calls to Action

Enter a Point of Contact Email address so attendees can click or tap a button to get in touch with a person or organization related to the item.

Consider adding a Meeting URL that lets attendees click or tap a button to book a meeting! Use a site like Calendly and uncheck the 'Open link in external browser' box so that the calendar opens inside your Event App's Web App instead of in a new tab. Web content always opens in Mobile App users' default browsers.

'Pass Data to URL' lets you auto-fill data fields in external sites. Read our article about the Pass Data to URL option to learn more.

The Attendee Calls to Action section of the New Item modal.

Add Internal Links

Link the item to other features in your Event, such as Agenda Sessions, Live Stream features, and more. Read our article about internal links for more information.

The Add Internal Links section of the modal.

Add External Links

Enter Website URLs, phone numbers, and email addresses related to the item. Simply select the Link Type, enter a Link Name, and supply the number, email, or URL. Click Add New Item to insert more external links. If you enter a URL and uncheck 'Open link in external browser', test in the Web App to ensure the site is embeddable. Click and drag the six-dot icon next to an item to reorder it.

The External Links section of the New Item modal.

Attendee engagement (Chat)

Chat is a great way for attendees to engage with the person or organization the item relates to. If you activate the 'Enable Chat' toggle for a list item, ensure that someone with an attendee profile in the Event App is checking and responding to chats regularly.

The Chat toggle activated in the Attendee engagement section.

💡 Keep in mind, Chat is only available for Custom List items when the feature is set to 'Grid View'.


In the Attachments field, upload presentations, abstracts, or any other documents you want to offer attendees. If you simply want to link to a document you uploaded elsewhere in your Event App, use an internal link instead.

💡 Keep in mind, you can't add attachments when importing custom list items.

To upload a document, simply click Upload Attachment(s) and follow the instructions in the uploader. After you've uploaded files, click the Settings () icon next to an item to rename or delete it. Click and drag the six-dot icon next to items to reorder them.

The Attachments section in the New Item modal.

When you're done configuring the item, click Save changes. You've added a Custom List item to your Event App! 🎊

Keep adding items until you have all you need. Remember that you can import multiple items at once.

Manage Custom List items

After you've added categories and items, you can take several actions to manage each:

  • Filter by Categories (Items only)

  • Search

  • Multi-select and:

    • Export

    • Assign to Category (Items only)

    • Delete

  • Drag and drop to reorder

  • Edit or Delete

    The multi-select actions and the individual actions just mentioned.

Now, let's examine how it all works in a real Event App.

Custom List in practice

When attendees click or tap the Custom List feature, each item is listed in the order you set on the Webex Events platform. The Label or Subtitle and Category, if applicable, appear below the item name. The example below shows a Custom List feature as a recordings hub for the event.

The example just mentioned.

Remember that you can also embed Custom List items in your website with widgets. However, attendees must log in to your Event App to access Custom List content.

How others have used Custom Lists

Here are some great examples of how other organizers have used Custom Lists! 🙌

  • FAQs - A Custom List is perfect for frequently asked questions. Save yourself the time you'd spend answering questions by providing airport or contact information, dress code, parking details, weather forecasts, WiFi credentials, and more in one place.

A Custom List feature titled 'FAQs' in the Mobile App.
  • Networking Opportunities - If networking is a priority for your event, consider providing a list of all of the attendee networking opportunities at your event, including specific profiles for title speakers and top-tier sponsors.

  • Video Hub - Make your sponsored videos or session recordings easily accessible. Give each one its own description, and link to related external resources like presentation slides and the presenter's social accounts.

  • City Guide - Create a curated city guide with descriptions and links for restaurants, hotels, and attractions. A Web List feature also works well for this.

  • Seating Chart - Some customers have used this as a seating chart by linking attendee names to seating locations on the Maps feature!

💡 Keep in mind, if it's really important to make sure everyone knows about the feature and its content, consider linking to the feature in an announcement or from a banner.


After attendees have had the chance to explore the items in the Custom List, review the 'Feature Comparison' chart on the Event App Metrics page for insight into how people are interacting with the feature. The 'Feature Comparison' chart includes the following data points:

  • Clicks

  • Chat

  • Favorited

  • Notes Taken

  • Requested Follow-up

  • Scheduled Meetings

  • Attachment Clicks

  • External Link Clicks

  • Internal Link Clicks

  • Avg. Rating

To explore all of the additional data points outlined in the Export section of our Event App Metrics article, export the Metrics.

Now you know all about the Custom List feature. That was a long article! Have a cookie. 🍪

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