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Create Registration Questions

An overview of each question type and where and how to create questions

Emily van der Harten avatar
Written by Emily van der Harten
Updated over 6 months ago

Gathering data on your attendees and getting attendee consent for event policies is critical to your event's success. Webex Events makes it easy to ask any kind of questions you need, gather answers from attendees, and analyze that data. With Webex Events Registration, you can create multiple checkout forms with questions tailored to different audiences based on the ticket they select, then use that information to customize the attendee experience across Webex Events products.

This article shows you how to create questions in the Webex Events platform. The first half provides an overview of all the available question types, and the second half shows you how to create questions. Let's go! 🐎

Before you begin...

If you're using a third-party registration platform, skip to the next section to learn about question types and how to create questions, then read our Add and Upload Attendees article to learn how to import attendee data.

If you're using Webex Events Registration, use this process to guide you through creating questions for your checkout forms:

  1. Decide how many tickets and checkout forms you need and map out the questions and follow-up questions you want to ask with each.

    • Follow-up questions are a great way to further streamline your checkout forms by asking registrants relevant questions based on their answers to previous parent questions. We've created a downloadable slide deck linked at the end of this article with examples and templates to help your follow-up question strategy.

  2. Publish Registration to gain access to the Checkout Forms page.

  3. Create all stand-alone and parent questions first. As you create them, assign them to checkout forms.

    • Each parent question can have up to 20 follow-up questions.

  4. Create follow-up questions — don't assign them to checkout forms yet.

  5. Go to Registration's Checkout Forms page and add follow-up questions to parent questions on checkout forms.

Overview of question types

Before we examine how to add questions, let's learn about the available question types. There are five different categories: Attendee, Custom, Groups, Accounts, and Privacy & Consent. Let's explore each one in depth! 🔎

💡 Keep in mind, the screenshots in each subsection show examples of each question type as they appear to registrants on a Webex Events Registration checkout form.

Attendee questions

Answers to Attendee questions populate corresponding fields on attendee profiles.

Make these questions required for your checkout forms to ensure that everyone's profiles are complete and ready for networking in the Event App before event day. Options include:

Attendee question types as they appear on a Webex Events Registration checkout form.
  • Title

  • Company

  • Profile Image

  • Location

  • Summary - Attendees can enter up to 250 characters.

💡 Keep in mind, First name, Last name, and Email type questions are added to the Questions page automatically when Registration is active. While you can't delete the default First Name, Last Name, and Email type questions, you can edit their label title and description — we have more details in the 'Managing questions' section of this article.

Custom questions

Custom questions are extremely flexible and let you ask nearly anything you need to. Options include:

Custom question types as they appear on a Webex Events Registration checkout form.
  • Short Text - Registrants enter free-form text up to 100 characters to answer this type of question.

  • Long Text - Registrants enter unlimited free-form text to answer this kind of question. This is great for longer, open-ended questions.

  • Checkbox Select - Registrants select one or multiple boxes to answer this type of question. You can add follow-up questions to Checkbox Select questions.

  • Date - Registrants click this field to reveal a calendar modal where they select a day, month, and year.

  • Single Select - Registrants select one option from a list of radio buttons to answer this type of question. You can add follow-up questions to Single Select questions.

  • Dropdown (Single) - Registrants select one item from a drop-down list to answer this type of question. You can add follow-up questions to Dropdown (Single) questions.

  • File Upload - Registrants click the File Upload button and then select a file stored on their device. To review and download files uploaded by registrants, go to their profile on the Attendees page.

    • Registrants can upload common document file types (PDF, DOCX, XLSX, JSON, PPTX) and image types (JPEG, PNG, TIFF, SVG).

    • Registrants can't upload videos, installation files, or zipped folders.

  • Time - Registrants click this field to reveal a modal where they select an hour, minute, AM or PM, and time zone.

💡 Keep in mind, you can add Custom question answers to the Onsite App Event Check-in page. Ask for information crucial to checking in during the registration process so event staff don't have to ask for it during check-in.

Groups questions

Groups are a powerful tool for tailoring the attendee experience based on any number of variables, such as VIP access, tracks, and more. After a registrant completes their order, they're automatically assigned to one exclusive group and any non-exclusive groups you've associated with the ticket they bought.

You can also add Groups questions that let attendees choose one or more non-exclusive groups to be part of.

💡 Keep in mind, you can add follow-up questions to Groups question types.

Groups question types as they appear on a Webex Events Registration checkout form.
  • Groups Dropdown - Registrants can choose a single group. This assigns the registrant to the group in the Webex Events platform after they pay for registration.

  • Groups Multiple Choice - Registrants can choose multiple groups. This assigns the registrant to each chosen group in the Webex Events platform after they complete registration.

For more details about what groups can do, read our guide to using groups.

Accounts questions

Adding Accounts questions to your checkout form lets registrants add their social media, phone number, and other account information to their Event App profiles.

💡 Keep in mind, only a person's Name, Title, Company, City, State, and Country are displayed to other people they haven't accepted connection requests from.

Several accounts question types as they appear on a Webex Events Registration checkout form.

Privacy & Consent questions

Add Privacy & Consent questions when you need attendees to accept or reject an agreement, such as permission to receive marketing material, agreeing to a privacy or health policy, and more. Add custom text for the consent option, and optionally add a refusal option and warning text to provide further context if someone chooses to opt out.

A Custom Consent question type as it appears on a Webex Events Registration checkout form.

💡 Keep in mind, when a registrant selects the 'Reserve for someone else' option during registration, Privacy & Consent questions won't appear on the checkout form. This ensures that a registrant can't consent to or refuse something for someone else.

After attendees answer consent questions, export the Privacy Report from the Registration Metrics page to review registrant answers. Read our article about Event Registration Metrics for more information.

If you're using the Event App, attendees can review and change their answers to consent type questions after they log in to the Event App. In the Web App, attendees click their profile image, then select the Privacy & Consent option. In the Webex Events Mobile App or your Branded App, attendees simply tap the lock icon at the top of the screen.

The buttons just mentioned.

Now that you know all about question types, let's start creating questions!

Where can I create questions in the Webex Events platform?

There are two places to create questions in the Webex Events platform:

  1. In your Event's Attendees menu under Questions. Create questions here if you're importing attendee data from a third-party registration system.

  2. In your Event's Registration menu under Checkout Forms on the Questions tab. Create questions here if you're using Webex Events Registration.

    Two numbered images that show the corresponding click paths just described.

💡 Keep in mind, the Checkout Forms page becomes available after you publish Registration.

Whichever method you choose, the questions you create appear in both places, and any edits you make instantly reflect across the platform. 🌈

Create a new question

On either Questions page, click the New Question button, select a question type from the list, then configure the question's fields.

The New Question menu.

Basic fields

Only Attendee and Accounts type questions and Short Text, Long Text, Date, File Upload, and Time questions have the following basic fields:

The fields described after this image.
  • Label title - This is the question or instruction attendees will respond to. It must be unique and should be clear and informative. For example, if you're making a Single Select question to collect shirt sizes, the Label title might say "Please select your shirt size".

  • Assigned to form - If you're using Webex Events Registration and this is a parent or stand-alone question, click the drop-down to choose which checkout form(s) this question should appear in.

    • Leave this field blank for now if this will be a follow-up to another question. Read our Create Checkout Forms article to learn how to add a follow-up question to a checkout form.

  • Description - Enter optional additional text that appears below the Label title. In the example mentioned above, the description might say "Sizes are unisex".

  • Required - Check this box to prevent registrants from completing registration unless they make a selection, enter information, or supply a file.

💡 Keep in mind, you can enter a URL in the Label title or Description, and the Webex Events platform will turn it into a clickable hyperlink that registrants can click to open it in a new tab. Use this to give registrants more context for the question. Using our t-shirt example, you could add a hyperlink to a page that shows registrants the t-shirt design.

Checkbox Select, Single Select, or Dropdown

If you choose the Checkbox Select, Single Select, or Dropdown options, enter the options attendees can choose from. Click the Add New Option link to add items as needed. Click and drag the six-dot cluster to reorder the options, or click the X to remove an option.

The new question modal showing a single select question configured for tee shirt size selection.


If you choose either of the Group questions, select which group(s) attendees can choose from. Attendees can't select exclusive groups.

The Select Groups drop-down menu.

Privacy & Consent

  1. Select a pre-filled question to get a head start on your own custom text, or start from scratch with a Custom Consent question.

    ⚠️ Caution! Pre-filled consent questions are intended to simply be a starting point for creating certain types of consent questions. Consult with your legal team for specific wording before publishing questions.

  2. Enter the details of what the attendees are agreeing to in the 'Label title' and 'Description' field, then enter the consent agreement text.

    1. Example: "I agree to receive promotions for future events". It's a good idea to link to longer policies on a separate page instead of including a lot of extra text in the registration form. Links in the Registration page always open in a new tab, so registrants won't lose their place. 🔖

      The Custom Consent question modal.
  3. Optionally, click Add refusal option and warning to let attendees refuse to consent. Also add optional refusal warning text that appears when attendees select the refusal option.

  4. If you add a refusal option, choose whether an attendee added by another attendee or by import will automatically agree to or reject the consent question.

    💡 Keep in mind, it isn't possible to edit the consent selection after completing registration.

  5. When you're done, click Save changes.

Continue to add questions as needed. Consider adding multiple versions of each question if you want to tailor forms for individual ticket types. This is useful for situations like providing forms in multiple languages or adjusting questions and wording for virtual attendees and in-person attendees.

Manage questions

Both Questions pages contain all of the questions you've added. Click the Settings () icon next to a question to edit, clone, or delete it.

The expanded settings menu for a question.

💡 Keep in mind, while you can edit certain aspects of the questions you've created, it's not possible to update the question type for an existing question. For example, you can't change an existing Single Select question to a Checkbox Select type question.

⚠️ Caution! Before you try to delete a question, make sure it's not assigned to any forms. When you delete a question, it also deletes any answers registrants gave to that question.

Next steps

Now you know all about creating questions! Here are the next steps:

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