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Create Tickets in Webex Events Registration
Create Tickets in Webex Events Registration
Daniel Murphey avatar
Written by Daniel Murphey
Updated over 6 months ago

Tickets are the options registrants choose from when they visit your Webex Events Registration page. Each ticket can have a unique price, available quantity, tax rate, and more. This article provides instructions on setting up and managing tickets, then links to more articles for the next steps.

Create a ticket

In your Event navigation bar under 'Registration', click Tickets, click New Ticket, then select either Free ticket or Paid ticket. 'Paid ticket' is only an option if you marked your Event as a paid event in Registration Basics.

The steps just described.

Ticket basics

Now, fill in the following fields:

The Create Paid Ticket modal with numbered flags indicating each of the numbered sections below this image.
  1. Ticket name - This is the name that displays to registrants when they visit your Registration page, so we recommend making it something that clearly tells them who the ticket is for.

  2. Quantity - Leave this field blank if you don't want to limit the number of purchases for this ticket type.

  3. Price - This field is available if you selected 'Paid ticket'. The currency is pulled from Registration Basics, so simply enter a numerical value.

  4. Ticket description - This is a great place to tell registrants more about who this ticket is for and what they'll get with it. For example, why might a registrant choose the VIP ticket over the General Admission ticket? This is your chance to upsell!

  5. Attendance - Select whether people who buy this ticket will attend in-person or virtually.

  6. Assign to exclusive group - Exclusive groups uniquely identify different types of attendees, so attendees can only belong to one exclusive group. Exclusive groups have all the same uses as groups, plus they're useful for creating ticket-specific badges and badge elements in Onsite. Read our article about groups to learn more.

  7. Assign to groups - Groups let you limit the availability of features and items in your Event App. Unlike exclusive groups, attendees can belong to multiple groups. Read our article about groups to learn more.

    💡 Keep in mind, if you haven't made any groups yet, simply click the drop-down and click Create.

You're done with your ticket basics! You could simply click Save Changes at this point and add another ticket, or publish Registration right away. However, there are some optional settings under 'Advanced Settings' that give you control over ticket availability, visibility, and the Stripe fee.

💡 Keep in mind, if you edit an existing ticket and change the groups assigned to that ticket, the group assignments will update automatically in the Event App for all attendees who purchased that type of ticket.

Advanced Settings

The Advanced Settings section of the new ticket modal. There are numbered flags indicating each of the numbered sections below this image.
  1. Sales open and Sales close - If this ticket should only be available for a certain time frame, set the date range here. This is great for time-based earlybird specials or flash sales!

    💡 Keep in mind, open and close times are based on the time zone that was set on the 'Details' step when setting up your Event's basics.

  2. Ticket availability - There are two options in this category:

    • Add ticket purchase limits* - Enter a minimum number of tickets that must be purchased in a single order, set a maximum number of tickets that can be purchased in a single order, or do both. For example, you could require people to purchase at least four tickets to take advantage of a group ticket price or limit early-bird tickets to three per order.

      • *The 'Minimum' and 'Maximum' fields aren't available until you publish Registration and activate 'Allow group registration' in the Settings menu. Learn more in our article about Registration settings.

    • Close ticket sales - Activate this toggle to immediately stop sales for the ticket, regardless of quantity, open and close date, and purchase limit settings.

  3. Visibility - This setting has three options:

    • Visible - Anyone can find and buy the ticket. 👍

    • Hidden - Registrants can only access the ticket if they enter the associated promo code. You can unhide tickets later if needed. 🤫

    • Hidden when unavailable - Automatically hide this ticket completely before the Sales open date or when the quantity limit or Sales close date have been reached. ⌛

      💡 Keep in mind, you can only delete tickets after you publish Registration if no one has purchased them. If attendees have already purchased a certain ticket type and you no longer want it to appear on the registration page, activate the 'Hide Ticket' toggle to remove it from the form.

  4. PDF ticket - In every confirmation email, there are up to two buttons related to an attendee's transaction — a 'Download Ticket' button and a 'Download Receipt' button. If registration costs money, the email includes the 'Download Receipt' button.

    If you're creating a free ticket and your event is virtual, streamline your confirmation emails and keep them tidy by turning off the 'Download Ticket' button using the 'Include in confirmation email' toggle. Read our article about what attendees receive after they register to learn more.

    💡 Keep in mind, if multiple people registered in the same order and one of the tickets had the PDF ticket toggle deactivated, the confirmation email will still include the 'Download Ticket' button. Only tickets with the toggle activated include PDFs, however.

  5. Service fee - These options appear if you selected 'Paid ticket'.

    • Pass On means that the fee is added to the total ticket amount.

    • Absorb means that the Stripe fee isn't shown or charged to registrants. Instead, the fee is deducted from the ticket price.

      💡 Keep in mind, there are no processing fees for payments by check or invoice.

  6. Click Save Changes when you're done.

You just made a ticket! 🎫 Repeat these steps to create all the tickets you need.

Manage tickets

On the Tickets page, tickets are listed in the order in which they were created. Click and drag the six-dot icon next to a ticket to change its order in the Registration page.

The Tickets page in the Webex Events platfomr. A ticket's Settings menu expanded and a ticket being dragged and dropped to reorder it.

Click a ticket's Settings () icon to do one of the following:

  • Edit

  • Clone - Cloning a ticket copies all of its settings and information.

  • Share link - Copy a link that opens the Registration page with only the selected ticket available.

    💡 Keep in mind, if you share a link to a hidden ticket, make sure to also share the associated access code.

  • Delete - As soon as an attendee purchases a ticket, you can no longer delete that ticket, even if you refund the purchase or assign the attendee to a different ticket.

Payment Options

The Payment Options section is located below the Terms & Conditions and Refunds section during Registration setup, and it's the final step before you publish Registration. After publishing Registration, this section is under Registration Settings.

💡 Keep in mind, if you only create free tickets, the Payment Options section and the Refund Policy button won't appear on the Tickets page when setting up Registration.


Stripe processes all payments through Webex Events Registration. To connect a new or existing Stripe account, click the Connect with Stripe button and follow the prompts on the form. When you're done either creating or linking an account, you'll be directed back to the Webex Events platform.

The Payment options section and the Connect with Stripe button.

Invoice and Check

When you activate these options, attendees can choose to receive an invoice or pay by check instead of entering credit card information. If attendees use one of these offline payment methods, you must manually mark orders as paid after you receive payment. For complete details and instructions, read our Invoice and Check Payments article.

💡 Keep in mind, you must either connect Registration to Stripe or activate check or invoice payments before you can publish Registration.

Tax (optional)

If your event takes place in a region that requires you to collect tax on registration orders, add your locality's tax rate and government-issued tax ID here.

💡 Keep in mind, if you're not sure if you should charge tax for registration, consult your local government's tax guidelines or a tax professional.

The Add Tax modal with numbered arrows indicating the fields described below.
  1. Click the Add tax button.

  2. In the modal that appears, use the Assign to Ticket(s) field to select which ticket(s) this tax rate applies to. If taxes are based on multiple locations at different rates, you can create a ticket for each location and then add a tax to each ticket individually.

  3. Once you've selected at least one ticket, enter the Tax Name that will appear on the checkout page and receipts.

  4. Next, enter the Tax Rate percentage.

  5. Add your organization's government-issued tax ID in the Sales Tax Registration ID field.

  6. Click Save changes.

After you've added tax, click the Settings () icon next to a tax item to either edit or delete it.

The Tax section of the Tickets page. The settings menu is expanded text to a tax item.

Terms & Conditions and Refunds

When you first set up Registration, the Terms & Conditions and Refunds section is below the Tickets section, and editing either of these is optional.

After publishing Registration, this section moves to the Settings page, and attendees can access the terms and conditions and your refund policy using the 'Terms & Conditions' link at the bottom of the Registration page.

Terms & Conditions

In addition to Webex Events terms and conditions, which are automatically included, you can add your own by clicking the Edit Terms & Conditions button and typing or pasting in your custom text. There are a variety of text formatting options, including hyperlinks and images.

Refund Policy

Click Select Refund Policy and choose an option from the drop-down list. If you select 'Custom Refund Policy', enter your custom policy in the text field that appears.

The Refund policy modal with the dropdown expanded.

Click Save Changes to finalize your refund policy selection.

Next steps

After publishing, remember that you can customize the confirmation messaging attendees receive and what's included in their PDF ticket based on the ticket they purchased. Read our article about customizing checkout messaging to learn more.

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