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Create Checkout Forms
Create Checkout Forms

Configure the questions registrants answer after they choose a ticket

Emily van der Harten avatar
Written by Emily van der Harten
Updated over a week ago

Gathering data about your attendees and getting attendee consent for event policies is critical to your event's success. Webex Events makes it easy to create custom checkout forms based on the ticket a registrant selects on your Registration page. Each checkout form can have specific optional and required questions and follow-up questions tailored to different audiences.

💡 Keep in mind, you must create at least one ticket and publish Registration to configure checkout forms.

A checkout form on the Registration page.

Before you begin...

To streamline the Checkout Form setup process, we recommend the following order of operations:

  1. Decide how many checkout forms you need and map out the questions you want to ask on each, including follow-up questions.

  2. Create checkout forms. That's what this article is about!

    1. Assign stand-alone and initial parent questions to checkout forms as you create them.

    2. When creating a follow-up to another question, don't add it to the form during the creation process. We'll show you how to add follow-up questions later in the 'Follow-up questions' section of this article.

Create a checkout form

In your Event navigation bar under 'Registration', click Checkout Forms, then click New Form.

The steps just described.

On the New Checkout Form page, enter the following information:

The New Checkout Form page.

Form name

Although the Form name isn't visible to attendees, we recommend matching the name clearly to the form's content and purpose to help you stay organized. In the example image above, the form is called "Remote attendees".

Assign to tickets

Use the Assign to tickets drop-down to select the ticket type(s) this checkout form belongs to. When attendees choose any of the selected tickets, they'll be prompted to answer all the questions contained in the form.


Click the Add Question button to assign stand-alone and parent questions to the form if you didn't already assign them to the form when you created questions. Read our Create Questions article for complete instructions on creating questions for checkout forms.

First Name, Last Name, and Email are part of every form by default.

⚠️ Caution! Don't assign follow-up questions to the form yet! We'll cover assigning follow-up questions to checkout forms in the next section.

Follow-up questions

Follow-up questions are a great way to ask registrants relevant questions and further streamline your checkout forms by showing or hiding questions based on registrant answers to previous questions. Not only does this make your registration process more efficient, attendees also won't be slowed down by questions that don't apply to them!

As you add follow-up questions to checkout forms, consider the following:

  • Each initial parent question can have up to 20 follow-up questions.

  • If needed, add a second tier of follow-up questions based on the answers to your first tier of follow-up questions. You can't add a third tier of follow-up questions.

    • Here's an example - A Single Select parent question asks, "Please specify your meal preference" with four choices — Vegan, Vegetarian, Gluten Free, and Meat. If a registrant chooses Vegan, the follow-up question contains vegan meal options. If they choose Gluten Free, then the follow-up question has gluten-free options. If needed, add one more level of follow-up questions based on the meal option they select, as illustrated in the following screenshot.

      Questions with follow-ups. The annotations show which follow-ups have which tiers.
  • A follow-up question can't be used more than once per checkout form. However, the same question can be used in more than one checkout form as either a parent or a follow-up.

Add follow-up questions to parent questions

When editing the checkout form containing the parent question:

  1. Click the Settings () icon next to the parent question.

  2. Select Add follow-up question from the drop-down menu.

  3. In the 'Add follow-up question' modal, enter the following information:

    The steps just described.
    1. Click the Show when registrant selects drop-down and select the answer(s) that will reveal the follow-up question.

    2. Select the follow-up question from the drop-down.

  4. Click Add when you're done.

  5. Now, click Save changes at the bottom of the Edit Checkout Form page, and your checkout form is ready to go. 🎉

Manage follow-up question structure

On the 'Edit Checkout Form' page, click the Settings () icon next to a question. Depending on whether the question is the initial parent or a follow-up, here are the actions you can take:

The settings Menu for a single question.
  • Edit Follow-up (Follow-up only) - Edit the selected answer(s) to the previous question and change the follow-up question that appears based on those answers.

  • Unlink from parent (Follow-up only) - This option detaches the follow-up question from the parent question and moves it to a parent position.

  • Add follow-up question - Configure the criteria and the question that appears based on the selected answer(s).

  • Remove question - Remove the question from the checkout form.

    💡 Keep in mind, you can add a second tier of follow-up questions based on the answers to your first tier of follow-up questions if needed. However, you can't add a third tier of follow-up questions.

Manage checkout forms

On the Checkout Forms page, the Forms tab lists the Default Form and other custom checkout forms in the order you created them. Click the Settings () icon next to a custom form to edit, clone, or delete it.

  • Editing a form lets you change the assigned tickets and change the order of questions in the form. Click the Settings () icon next to a question to remove it from the form.

    💡 Keep in mind, Consent type questions are grouped at the bottom of the form. Consent type questions are always at the end of the form, though you can change the order of multiple consent questions.

  • Cloning a form copies all of its questions and the order they're in, but not assigned tickets.

  • Deleting a form assigns any associated tickets to the default form. No registrant answers to questions are deleted when you delete a form.

Checkout forms in practice

When a registrant selects a ticket and clicks the 'Get ticket' button, they're shown the form assigned to their chosen ticket. Within the form, the actions attendees take to answer questions depends on each question type. In general, actions include:

  • Text entry

  • File upload

  • Date selection

  • Time selection

  • Checkbox selection (Multi-select type questions)

  • Dropdown selection (Single-select type questions)

  • Radio button selection (Single-select type questions)

Read our article about creating questions for a detailed overview of question types.

Now that you know all about creating and managing checkout forms, it's time to start focusing on launching and promoting your registration!

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