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Create Registration Promo Codes
Create Registration Promo Codes

Offer discounts or use access codes to reveal hidden options

Daniel Murphey avatar
Written by Daniel Murphey
Updated over 6 months ago

Webex Events Registration has two ways to give special offers to your registrants — discount codes and access codes. Registrants simply enter their access or discount code, select their ticket, then click Apply to receive the benefit.

The Promo Code field on a Registration website.

This article explains each Registration promo code type and how to create and manage them. Let's go! ⏬

Import Promo Codes

If you need to create many discount codes and promo codes, save time by adding them to the Promo Code import template, then importing them all at once. Read our article about importing and exporting data and keep these tips in mind:

  • You can only assign access codes to hidden tickets.

  • Promo codes must be unique. For example, you'll get an error if you name two promo codes 'TAKE20'.

  • Promo codes must not contain spaces or special characters.

  • Promo codes have a limit of 100 characters.

  • Promo codes must be assigned to at least one ticket type. To assign ticket types in the import template, enter 'x' in the column of the ticket type you want to assign to the promo code.

  • If you're using most or all of the same promo codes you used for another Event, export them from that Event, update ticket type assignments and codes as needed, then import them into your new Event. 🧠

Create a single code

  1. In your Event navigation bar under ‘Registration', click Promote.

  2. Click Promo Codes.

  3. On the Promo Codes page, click the New Promo Code button and choose either 'Discount Code' or 'Access Code' from the drop-down.

    The process just described.
    • Discount codes reduce the price of tickets by a fixed amount or percentage.

    • Access codes reveal hidden tickets, which are invisible until a registrant enters its assigned access code. This is great for complimentary tickets, earlybird discounts, or special pricing for staff, VIPs, or press, to name a few.

💡 Keep in mind, registrants can only apply one promo code per ticket type. For example, it's not possible to apply an access code to reveal a hidden ticket and use a discount code to reduce the price of that same ticket.

Create a discount code

After selecting 'Discount Code', enter the following information in the 'Create Discount Code' modal:

The Create Discount Code modal.
  • Enter the Discount Code that registrants use to get a discount on the Registration page.

  • Use the Assign to field to select which tickets are eligible for the discount.

  • Enter the Discount amount and use the drop-down to choose between amount and percentage.

  • Enter a number in the Use Limit field to restrict the number of tickets this discount code can apply to. Leave this field blank if you don't want to limit usage.

Click Save changes when you're done.

Create an access code

After selecting 'Access Code', enter the following information in the 'Create Access Code' modal:

The Create Access Code modal.
  • Enter the Access Code that registrants enter to reveal the hidden ticket(s). Hidden tickets only appear after a registrant enters the associated access code.

  • Use the Assign to field to select which tickets the code applies to.

    💡 Keep in mind, only hidden tickets appear in the 'Assign to' field. To learn more about hidden tickets, read our guide to creating tickets.

  • Enter a number in the Use Limit field to restrict the number of times the access code can be used. Leave this field blank if you don't want to limit usage.

Click Save changes when you're done.

⚠️ Caution! If you share a direct link to a hidden ticket, include the access code with the link.

Manage promo codes

All the codes you've created are listed on the Promo Codes page. The list shows the Promo Code, Type, Use count, Status, and the number of tickets assigned to each code. If you need to edit promo codes, edit them manually, or export them, make edits, and import those updates. Read our article about exporting and importing data for complete details.

Edit a single promo code

Click the Settings () icon next to a promo code to edit, pause, or delete it, or copy the share link.

A promo code's settings menu on the Promo Codes page.

Clicking 'Share Link' opens a modal where you can copy a customized link to the registration page with the code already applied.

⚠️ Caution! If you change the Registration page URL on the Registration Basics page, new shareable access code links will be generated, and the old ones will no longer work.

The Get Shareable Link modal.

Now you know how to make promo codes! After people register for your Event, use the Registration emails tool to stay in touch and send referral codes to generate even more sales. 💰

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