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Documents Feature Setup Guide
Documents Feature Setup Guide
Daniel Murphey avatar
Written by Daniel Murphey
Updated over 6 months ago

The Documents feature hosts PDFs and images that users can open directly within your Event App. Give your attendees a place to easily access session materials, sponsor sell sheets, daily meal menus, or downloadable copies of schedules or maps. You can even use Internal Links to link individual documents from the list to other places within the Event App.

The Documents feature in the Web App.

Only have one document to upload? The Single Document feature is perfect for that.

Add the Documents feature

In your Event's navigation bar under 'Event App', click Features, then click Add Features.

The process just described.

In the 'Add Features' modal, search for the feature, click Add, then close the modal.

Edit Settings

To customize the feature's name and icon or limit its visibility using groups, click the feature in the navigation bar, then click the Settings (⚙️) icon next to the feature's name.

The process just described.

When you're done making updates, click Save changes.

Add documents and images

Time to start uploading documents! On the Documents page, either click the Add Item button to upload a document, or click the Categories tab to set up categories for different types of documents.

Add Categories

Categories classify different types of documents. Applying a category to a document adds the name of the category below the document's label or subtitle in the features list, and it lets attendees filter documents by category. If you plan to use categories, it's best to set them up before adding documents. Read our article about using categories for more information and instructions.

The New Category button in the Categories tab.

Add documents

From the Items tab, click Add Item to upload a document.

💡 Keep in mind, you can also click the Upload button to import multiple documents at once.

The process just described.

In the 'Add Item' modal, fill in the following information:

The Add Item modal.
  • Name (required) - The document name shown in the Event App. Keep the name short and simple and then use the Lable/Subtitle field to include any additional information.

  • Label/Subtitle - Explains the purpose and content of the document in a little more detail.

    💡 Keep in mind, some mobile devices might only display the first 98 characters of the Label/Subtitle text.

  • Category - Select the category the document belongs to, if applicable. Attendees can use categories to filter documents.

  • Document (required) - To upload a document, simply click Upload and follow the instructions in the uploader.

  • Add Internal Links - Link the document to other Event App features, like Sessions or speaker profiles. Read our Internal Links article for more information.

    💡 Keep in mind, internally linked items don't appear in the Documents feature in the Event App — they only appear on the item you link a document to.

When you're done, click Save changes. You've added a document to your Event App! 🎊 Repeat as necessary. If you have a lot of documents, remember that you can import multiple documents at once.

Manage documents

After adding categories and documents, you can take several actions to manage each:

  • Filter by categories (Items only)

  • Search

  • Drag and drop to reorder

  • Edit or delete

  • Multi-select and:

    • Assign to category (Items only)

    • Delete

    The multi-select menu, item reordering, and the individual item menu.

Documents in practice

When attendees click or tap on the Documents feature, the documents appear listed in the order you defined in the platform. The Label/Subtitle and category appear below the document title. When Web App users click on a document, the document opens within your Event App.

A list of documents on the Mobile App and a document embedded in the Web App.

Mobile App users access the document in their device's default PDF viewer.

How others have used the Documents feature

Here are some ways organizers have used the Documents feature:

  • Session materials - Add all session presentations in PDF format for easy review, or include any resources or reference documents that attendees should use during sessions. Remember to use internal links to link documents to relevant sessions, speakers, and more.

A list of session materials on the Mobile App.
  • Attendees list, map, or agenda - Even though we have features dedicated to these, attendees may find it useful to have a downloadable version.

  • VIP docs - Use the Documents feature to provide VIP information. Use the Visible to setting to ensure only the groups who need it can access it. Learn more in our article about using groups for tailored attendee experiences.

  • Food menus - Upload menus ahead of time so attendees can get excited about your delicious offerings. 🥦

  • Event rules and logistics - This is a great feature to provide WiFi, dress code, and parking information.

An FAQ list of documents on the Mobile App.


After attendees have interacted with your documents, the Feature Comparison chart on the Metrics page shows the number of clicks for each document.

Refer to the Export section of our Event App Metrics article to explore all the additional data points you can access when you export the metrics.

Pro Tips! 😎

  • Tell your attendees about all the documents in the Event App. Increase app adoption to save two kinds of green! 🌳 💵

  • Tell attendees that presentation decks will be uploaded to the app after the event. After they're uploaded, send an announcement.

  • Help people discover important documents by linking to the Documents feature from an announcement or a banner.

For a personalized discussion on how you could use the Documents feature in your Event App, reach out to your Webex Events contact.

Now you know how to use the Documents feature! 👏 Only have one document to upload? The Single Document feature is the perfect solution.

Questions? Chat with us or email

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