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Wall Feature Setup Guide

A social feed for your attendees to share photos, likes, and comments

Daniel Murphey avatar
Written by Daniel Murphey
Updated over 6 months ago

The Wall is a social feed where attendees post and connect through pictures, comments, and "likes" in the Event App's web experience and Mobile App. You and your sponsors, exhibitors, and speakers can also post and interact to boost awareness and engagement. The best part? People can post any time, so the conversations and connections that enrich your Event App keep going all day, every day!

The Wall in the Mobile App.

Add the Wall feature

In your Event navigation bar under 'Event App', click Features, then click Add Features.

The process just described.

In the modal that appears, search for the feature, click Add, then close the modal.

Edit settings

To customize the feature name and icon or limit its visibility using groups, hover over the feature and click the Settings (⚙️) icon. When you're done making updates, click Save Changes.

The steps just described.

The Wall is ready for your first attendees to post!

We recommend that you and your team, speakers, and sponsors make some "seed" posts to start some initial conversations and get attendees interested in posting.

Keep reading to learn how the Wall works! 📖

The Wall in practice

💡 Keep in mind, if you, your sponsors, exhibitors, or speakers want to post on the Wall and engage with attendees, simply create a new Attendee profile for each person as needed. You can also create official accounts with the company or organization name and logo in the profile.

To create a new wall post, attendees simply click the 'What's on your mind' text box and start typing a message. Clicking 'Add Image' lets attendees upload a JPEG, JPG, PNG, or GIF, and they can add alt text to the image to make it accessible. Users must crop images to a square before posting.

A user posting to the Wall on the Web App and Mobile App.

When someone makes a new Wall post, an indicator appears in the feature list next to the Wall feature. As users scroll through the Wall, they can like posts, comment on them, or click the three dots below a post to report it if it's problematic.

The Live, Comment, and Report buttons on the Web App.

Manage and moderate the Wall

As people make Wall posts, you can export, delete, and review each post on the Wall feature page in the Webex Events platform. In your Event navigation bar under 'Event App', click Features, then click Wall. The Wall feature page contains a list of all the posts.

  • Click the Settings () icon next to a single post to export or delete it.

  • Select multiple posts to export or delete all of them at once.

    Several wall posts selected on the Wall feature page in the Webex Events platform.
    • When you export Wall posts, the download contains a folder with post images and a .xlsx file with the following information:

      • Post - The text content of the post.

      • Post Image - The image URL from the post, if any.

      • User First Name

      • User Last Name

      • Time

      • Likes

      • Comments

      • Reports

      • User Email

  • Click a single post to open the Post Details modal and review who liked and commented on a post and delete comments if necessary. Use the Previous Post and Next Post buttons at the bottom of the modal to quickly switch between posts.

The 'Previous Post' and 'Next Post' buttons in the Post Details modal

For a complete guide to moderating the Wall and the rest of your Event App, read our Moderating a Webex Event article.


After attendees have started using the Wall, review the Feature Comparison chart on the Event App Metrics page to find out how people are interacting. The chart shows:

  • Clicks

  • Posts Created

  • Likes

  • Comments

  • Reports

To review all of the additional data points outlined in the Export section of our Metrics article, export the Metrics.

Pro tips! 😎

  • Starter Wall posts - Post some photos or pose some questions before the event, such as what attendees are most looking forward to. This can help conversations and connections flourish! 🌼

  • Improve visibility - Promote interaction with the wall by linking to it in an announcement or a banner.

  • Topic-specific discussion boards - To make the Wall feature a discussion board dedicated to a specific topic, simply rename it accordingly. Customers have renamed the Wall 'Share Media', 'Photo Contest', 'Discussion Board', and 'Ride Share', to name a few examples. You can even make it visible to only certain groups.

  • Live Display - Take engagement to another level and pair your Event App with Live Display to show Wall activity in real-time. 🎊

The Wall feature on a Live Display screen.

You're on your way to creating an engaging, successful event! While you're here, read our Best Practices for Promoting Your Event App.

Questions? Chat with us or email

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