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Introduction to Live Display
Introduction to Live Display

Your branded event venue information display solution

Emily van der Harten avatar
Written by Emily van der Harten
Updated over 6 months ago

Live Display lets you easily show key event information on any screen at your venue. Keep attendees informed about current and upcoming Sessions, showcase sponsors, increase game and social interaction, run a raffle drawing, and more! Live Display is easy to set up and easy to deploy. Keep reading to learn more.

The Challenges feature on a Live Display screen.

💡 Keep in mind, Live Display is different from live streaming.

Put your brand on the big screen

Your brand matters. Make Live Display match your event with custom feature names, colors, and images. Attendees get the same branded experience no matter where they are.

With Live Display, leverage the screens you're already using at the venue. Since there's no hardware to buy or extra software to download*, Live Display is ready to launch in moments.

Picture of Live Display on a large screen at an event.

*Your preferred implementation of Live Display may involve some investment. Refer to our article on deploying Live Display at your event for details.

Showcase feature content to engage and inform attendees

Live Display delivers a seamless experience with virtually no maintenance by leveraging content you and your attendees have already created in your Event App. Let's learn more about the features Live Display can show!

Amplify attendee interactions with the Social feature

In Event Apps, the Wall feature stimulates conversations and helps people feel like a part of something bigger. The Social feature pulls attendee posts from the Wall feature and shows them on your Live Display screens, amplifying and encouraging attendee engagement throughout your event!

The Social feature on a Live Display screen.

Inform without interrupting with Agenda Sessions and Announcements

Keep your event on track by showing attendees exactly what they need to know at a glance. Showing Agenda Sessions on Live Display is a great way to keep attendees informed, whether they're roaming around the venue or browsing Session information in the Event App. Live Display highlights current and upcoming Sessions, complete with day, date, and time, so your attendees don't miss anything.

The Agenda feature on a Live Display screen.

What's more, if you send an urgent announcement about a Session time or location change, the announcement appears on every screen.

An Announcement on Live Display.

Use the Networking feature to spotlight attendees with the most connections

Connecting is a key part of many events. Bring this to the forefront with Live Display's Networking feature and highlight attendees who've made the most connections. Attendees can use the power of Webex Events Shake & Connect technology to swap information as easily as shaking hands.

The Networking feature on a Live Display screen.

Turn event day into game day with the Game feature

The Game feature fuels participation in a targeted and fun way, and adding it to Live Display helps boost engagement by showing challenges that attendees complete to earn points.

Create challenges that foster friendly competition and watch sponsor engagement, Session attendance, and networking soar. 🚀 With real-time leaderboard updates, you'll give some glory to those who are rocking the competition and inspire others to climb to the top. You can even spin for a live drawing and show the name of the winner for raffles or giveaways.

The Challenges feature on a Live Display screen.

Use the Gallery to highlight sponsors and more

This is the one Live Display feature that doesn't draw directly from your Event App. Upload images that show sponsor logos or products, keynote speakers, or important Sessions, and anything else you can think of. The gallery is a great way to showcase your premier sponsors throughout the venue and encourage visits to exhibitor booths, too!

A Slido ad in the Gallery on a Live Display screen.

Use the Promote App feature to drive Event App adoption

For attendees who haven't yet experienced all the fun and benefits your Event App has to offer, help get it into their hands with the Promote App feature. Attendees can easily scan the QR code, download the Webex Events App or your Branded App from the App Store or Google Play store, and start enjoying all your Event App has to offer.

The Promote App feature on a Live Display screen.

Manage content in real-time

Choose the features you want to showcase, set the length of time each one displays before rotating to the next, preview changes as you make them, and publish when you're ready. Every display updates immediately. Need to remove a feature from Live Display? No problem! When managing Live Display, simply turn the feature off to take it out of the rotation.

The Live Display Features and Live Preview areas in the Webex Events platform.

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