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Testing Lead Retrieval
Testing Lead Retrieval
Daniel Murphey avatar
Written by Daniel Murphey
Updated over 6 months ago

The Lead Retrieval by Webex Events app is a powerful tool that lets your sponsors and exhibitors seamlessly capture and collect leads, qualify and rate them, and share metrics. If you’re offering Lead Retrieval at your event, test the Lead Retrieval app about a week prior so you can show sponsors and exhibitors how to use it and set them up for success.

This article guides you through the simple steps of testing Lead Retrieval and includes tips on instructing your sponsors and exhibitors to test before they start scanning real leads. Let's go! 🐎

1. Contact our Support team for a testing license

We'll provide you with an extra Lead Retrieval license that you'll use to test Lead Retrieval. Click the chat bubble at the bottom right corner of this screen to contact one of our awesome support representatives.

Copy the following text in the gray box below, paste it into the chat, replace the placeholders with your information, and send.

Hi! My name is {first and last name} from {company name}, and I'd like to test Lead Retrieval. Can you add a Lead Retrieval license to {team name} for {event name}? My emails is {your email address}. Thank you!

💡 Keep in mind, to find your Event’s team name, go to your Event Overview page, click the three-dot icon in the 'Event Information' section, and select Edit from the drop-down. On the Basics page, your team name appears in the ‘Which team is managing this event?’ field.

While awaiting confirmation, prepare for testing by creating a hidden test attendee and a test sponsor profile. Keep reading to learn how! 📖

2. Add a hidden test attendee

It's time to add a test attendee that you'll use to test Lead Retrieval! First, create a hidden test group. Next, create a test attendee and assign it to the hidden group. This ensures that the test attendee isn't visible to attendees in your Event App. 🤫

2a. Add a hidden test group

  1. In your Event navigation bar, click Attendees.

  2. Click Groups to open the Groups page.

  3. Click New group.

  4. In the modal that appears, name the group something like 'Testing'.

  5. Activate the Exclusive group toggle.

  6. Select Hidden from attendees in the 'Visibility' section.

  7. Click Save Changes.

    The process just described.

To learn more about groups, read our article about using groups.

2b. Create a test attendee

  1. In your Event navigation bar, click Attendees.

  2. Click New attendee.

  3. Add information to every field so you have a good example of a completed attendee profile. 🔍 Make sure the attendee is obviously for testing so exhibitors don't think it's a real lead.

  4. In the modal that appears, click the Exclusive group drop-down and select the hidden test group you created.

    The steps just described.
  5. Click Save changes when you're done.

For detailed instructions on adding an attendee, read our Add and Upload Attendees article.

3. Create a hidden test sponsor or exhibitor profile

Next, add a test category, then add a test sponsor or exhibitor profile that you'll invite to Lead Retrieval and use to scan the test attendee. We'll add a test sponsor profile in this example, though the process is identical with the Exhibitors feature.

3a. Add a test category and assign it to the hidden group

Before you create a test sponsor profile, add a test category to the Sponsors feature and make it visible only to the hidden test group.

  1. In your Event navigation bar under 'Event App', click Features.

  2. Click on your Sponsors or Exhibitors feature.

  3. Click the Categories tab.

  4. Click the New Category button.

  5. In the modal that appears, enter a category name and select the hidden test group you created earlier from the Visible To drop-down.

    The process just described.
  6. Click Save Changes when you're done.

To learn more about categories, read our article about creating categories for feature items.

3b. Create a test sponsor or exhibitor profile

  1. From the Categories page, click the Items tab to return to the Sponsors page.

  2. Click Add Item.

  3. In the modal that appears, enter a name that clearly indicates that this is a test sponsor profile, like 'Test Sponsor'. Select the category you created from the Category drop-down.

    The process just described.
  4. Click Save when you're done.

Our Sponsors and Exhibitors feature guide has detailed instructions on adding sponsor and exhibitor profiles.

4. Invite yourself to the Lead Retrieval app

After you receive confirmation that a test Lead Retrieval license has been added to your account, use the license to invite your test sponsor to Lead Retrieval.

  1. In your Event navigation bar, click Lead Retrieval.

  2. Click Exhibitors.

  3. Click the Invite Exhibitor button.

    The process just described.
  4. In the modal that appears, select the test sponsor you created earlier from the Select an Exhibitor from Your Event App drop-down, enter your first and last name and email, then click Send Invitation.

    💡 Keep in mind, you must enter a real Booth Admin Email address so you can receive and accept the invitation email.

    The Invite Exhibitor modal.

You'll get an email at the address you entered within a few moments.

5. Download and log in to the Lead Retrieval app

Open the invitation email and follow the instructions to download and log in to the Lead Retrieval by Webex Events app. Use the email you invited yourself with when creating your account!

6. Scan the test attendee's QR code

Back on the Attendees page, click on the test attendee you created earlier, then click Show QR Code at the bottom of the 'Attendee information' area.

The Show QR Code button and modal on an attendee profile in the Webex Events platform.

Open the Lead Retrieval app, tap the scan button, and scan the QR code to capture the lead!

The Lead Retrieval app's scan button and a captured test lead.

💡 Keep in mind, if the test attendee's information doesn't automatically populate in the Lead Retrieval app and you’re using external IDs to generate QR codes, check to make sure that those external IDs are input properly on attendee profiles. To learn more, read our External IDs article.

You've captured the test lead! Play around with rating the lead, adding notes, uploading images, and more, then review the metrics.

Have your exhibitors try out Lead Retrieval

Having your exhibitors scan a test lead or two encourages Lead Retrieval app awareness and sets them up for a successful day of collecting leads. Here are some tips to help you help your exhibitors:

  • In the 'Show QR Code' modal for your test attendee, click the Download as PNG button to download the QR code. Include the QR code with our lead scanning instructions in an email to your exhibitors, or in a printed document. 👍

  • If you're using Webex Events Onsite, print QR codes on attendee badges so exhibitors can scan leads from badges. Print a badge for your test attendee so they can try it out when they check in!

  • On the morning of the event, visit each exhibitor booth and have them scan your badge to make sure they’re ready to scan real leads. Your exhibitors will quickly find out how fun and easy it is to capture leads with Lead Retrieval!

  • Remind exhibitors to delete any test leads they capture. Doing so ensures accurate Lead Retrieval metrics. 🌈

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