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Live Streaming Best Practices

Our recommendations for Live Streaming with Webex Events

Daniel Murphey avatar
Written by Daniel Murphey
Updated over 6 months ago

With Webex Events, attendees using the Event App can join a live stream directly from the Agenda feature, or click a Live Stream feature that instantly launches a live stream on mobile devices or a computer. With these convenient, multi-device capabilities, engaging with users wherever they are is simple and convenient. 🌎

Choose the right live streaming platform

In addition to our built-in, highly convenient Webex Events Production Studio, Webex Events seamlessly integrates with many other leading live streaming platforms. If a streaming platform provides a stream link or RTMP capability, you can stream to Webex Events.

When choosing a live stream platform, make sure it supports your needs, such as breakout rooms, moderation, and custom branding. This ensures a smooth experience for you and your attendees. Support, security, pricing, and device compatibility are other considerations.

Hire an emcee

A person speaking into a webcam for a virtual conference.

There's a lot that goes into putting on a live stream, including the challenges of interacting with an audience. Having someone to help share these responsibilities can make a huge difference in your results. A great emcee keeps the energy up, facilitates smooth transitions, and manages audience and speaker interactions.

Have a stream tech backstage

For in-person events, this goes without saying, though you may not think to have a stream tech for purely virtual streams. Having someone in the virtual studio to stay "backstage" and track audience interactions, manage transitions, coordinate speakers, and answer their questions can make your live stream go much more smoothly. A stream tech and an emcee can work together behind the scenes to elevate the stream's production value.

Build a detailed run-of-show

Provide clear, concise instructions for your speakers, emcees, techs, and moderators so they always know what to do and how to do it. Define each person's role during your live stream, break times, commercials, banners, and every other part of the live stream production. Share the run-of-show with everyone involved, have them set reminders, and the emcee can keep everyone on track.

If you're using Webex Events Production Studio, we have live stream studio speaker instructions for you to send your speakers!

Decide early which closed captions provider to use

Providing closed captions makes your event more accessible and broadens your audience. Webex Events Closed Captions & Translations is available with Webex Events Production Studio, the RTMP Player, Video on Demand, and Simulive. After you activate closed captions, your attendees can turn them on during a live stream and choose from over 30 language translations on both the Web App and Mobile App! 🙌

💡 Keep in mind, Webex Events Closed Captions & Translations doesn't provide transcripts or audio descriptions, and it only supports translations from spoken English.

If you need to translate from a language other than English or want human captioning, Webex Events partners with SyncWords and Interprefy and supports integration with other providers. It's up to you to coordinate with your chosen vendor. If you plan to work with a third-party caption provider, make sure you start the conversation with your vendor as early as possible. To learn more, read our article about third-party captions.

Prepare branding assets as early as possible

If you plan to use custom logos, backgrounds, images, or pre-recorded video in your live stream, upload those assets to the Webex Events Production Studio or other broadcast software as early as possible so you're prepared for testing and rehearsals.

Use brand folders in the Webex Events Production Studio to quickly and easily switch from one set of branded logos and backgrounds to another, and upload images and videos to the Media tab in your Studio.


Conducting a test with virtual and on-site speakers should be your top priority after your gear is set up. Have everyone rehearse using the same equipment, software, and internet source they'll use on the big day. During the test, confirm that the stream is working as expected on multiple different devices, including mobile phones (iPhone and Android), laptops, and any other planned distributions.

If you plan to use Webex Events Production Studio, our guide to running a live stream test has everything you need to ensure you're ready to go live. 👍

Keep attendees engaged

Interacting with attendees during the stream also makes the recording more engaging for those who couldn't attend live and encourages them to participate next time. Engage virtual attendees, manage potential distractions, and enrich your content with moderated live polling and Q&A. We highly recommend Slido! Don't forget to schedule session reminders with announcements to help increase attendance and engagement, too.

Embrace virtual sponsorships

An Event Game rules modal in the Mobile App.

We make it easy to maximize sponsorship value in a live stream! Offer your sponsors the opportunity to sponsor Sessions, virtual giveaways, game challenges, and more. Read about all the incredible ways Webex Events powers meaningful sponsorships in our Showcasing Sponsors in Your Event App article.

Extend the life of your live stream

Make your hard work go further by putting your live stream recording to use after the stream ends. When you stream using Webex Events Production Studio, recordings are automatically added to the Video Center, so you can quickly and easily make recordings available. If you use another provider, there are several other options to add the recording link to a Session.

The View Recording button on an Agenda Session in the Web App.

You're ready to rock your live stream! 🎸For a conversation tailored to your specific needs, reach out to your Webex Events contact.

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