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Webex Events Production Studio Speaker Instructions
Webex Events Production Studio Speaker Instructions

Essentials and best practices for speaking in a Webex Events Production Studio live stream.

Emily van der Harten avatar
Written by Emily van der Harten
Updated over 2 months ago

Congratulations! You’ve been invited to join a Webex Events Production Studio broadcast as a speaker. Follow this guide to set yourself up for a successful live stream. If your stream host or event organizer hasn't already invited you to a rehearsal session, ask them for one so you're completely comfortable when it's time to go live!

Prepare for the broadcast

If you're joining the broadcast from a network secured with a VPN, firewall, or web filter, you may need to add the Studio URLs to your allowlist. We strongly recommend you send our domain allowlist article to your IT representative and ask them to add exceptions for all Webex Events Production Studio URLs.

For the best Studio experience, make sure you have the following:

  • A laptop, desktop computer, or mobile device with a camera and a reliable microphone.

  • A second monitor is helpful when sharing your screen.

  • An up-to-date version of one of the following web browsers:

    • Chrome or Microsoft Edge on your computer or Android device.

    • Safari for iOS devices.

  • A strong internet connection so everyone can see and hear you as clearly as possible. An upload speed of 10Mbps or higher is preferred. If possible, connect your computer to your router with an ethernet cable instead of using WiFi.

  • We recommend wearing earbuds to prevent audio echoes.

  • Make sure you don’t use VPN during the live stream.

Join the broadcast

When it's time, follow these steps to enter the Webex Events Production Studio:

  1. The host should provide you with a link before the stream. Open the link in your browser, click the "Allow mic/camera access" button, then follow the instructions in your web browser's pop-up to grant the studio access to your camera and microphone.

    The 'Allow mic/camera access' button.
  2. Now you're in the "green room"! Before entering the Studio, add a profile image that will display when your camera is off in the Studio.

    1. Turn your camera off.

    2. Click Change image on the profile image placeholder.

    3. Upload your profile image.

      The "green room" with an arrow pointing from the 'Start Camera' button to the 'Change image' button.
  3. Click the Settings (⚙️) button below the video preview and use the tabs to check Video input and Audio input and output, set light mode or dark mode for the Studio's appearance, mirror your video, and edit keyboard shortcuts.

    The green room 'Settings' button and the Settings modal.
    • We highly recommend using headphones so you can listen to the other speakers without audio echo in the live stream.

    • If your internet connection is slow, consider setting your video resolution to a lower quality. You can also change this after entering the Studio if necessary. If you're not sure what to do, ask a host.

  4. Enter your full name under Your name.

  5. Check with the host and ask if they have specific instructions on how to format your Tagline, such as including your organization name, job title, or pronouns.

  6. When you're ready, click Enter Studio.

    The 'Enter Studio' button in the "green room".

In the Studio

The host is notified when you enter the Studio, though you won't be visible or audible to attendees until the host starts the stream and adds you to the stage. A panel to the right of your speaker card tells you if you're on stage.

The on stage and off stage messages that appear next to a speaker card.

Studio functionality for speakers

While the host controls when and how your video feed and shared screen appear in the stream, you can still manage some Studio elements.

You may prefer the streamlined version of the Studio experience called Full-Screen Controls. Learn more in our Getting Started with Webex Events Production Studio article.

Edit information and leave the stage

On your speaker card, click the three-dot () icon next to your name and select Edit info to update your name and optional tagline. Click Leave stage to remove yourself from the stage.

The three-dot icon menu on a speaker card expanded.


Click the Settings (⚙️) icon on the right side of the Studio to edit the following settings:

The Settings modal with numbered tags corresponding to the items in the following list.
  1. Personal information - Update your profile image, name, and optional tagline.

  2. Camera - Select your camera source and resolution, and control mirror settings.

  3. Audio - Select your speaker or microphone source and activate or deactivate echo cancellation and noise suppression settings.

  4. Keyboard shortcuts - Review and edit keyboard commands that let you quickly take actions in the Studio without relying on a mouse, such as muting and unmuting your microphone, turning your camera on or off, navigating to items in the right side menu, and more.

  5. Appearance - Select either dark mode or light mode for the Studio.

Mute video and audio

Click the mic or camera icons below the video panel to mute or unmute them. You can also click the mic icon on your speaker card to mute or unmute yourself.

The mic and camera icons in the Studio controls menu.

The producer may also send you a request to unmute your mic. On the prompt that appears, click Unmute Me to unmute yourself.

The 'Unmute yourself' prompt that appears when a producer requests to unmute a speaker's mic.

Share your screen

Click the Share button in the control panel below your speaker card to share your screen. Read the 'Screen sharing tips' prompt, then click the Share Screen button.

💡 Keep in mind, you can select the 'Don't show these tips again' checkbox to go directly to the screen sharing modal the next time you share your screen.

The 'Share Screen' button on the 'Screen sharing tips' modal.

Depending on your browser, the screen sharing modal that appears may be a little different than the following screenshot. Most browsers provide the same three options to share your whole screen, a specific window, or a specific browser tab.

💡 Keep in mind, we recommend sharing only the specific window or tab you want to show in the stream unless you need to switch between multiple applications or tabs.

A window to share selected in the screen sharing modal.

If you need viewers to hear your computer's audio, share a specific tab and select the Share tab audio checkbox in the lower left corner of the modal.

If you need to share presentation slides and keep an eye on the Studio at the same time, a second monitor comes in handy. Don't have a second monitor? Open your presentation in Google Slides or SharePoint, then share only that browser tab so you can switch between the presentation and the Studio without showing your audience too much. 🙈

💡 Keep in mind, it's usually best to start your screen share right after you join the Studio — even before the stream is live. This lets the host plan ahead and avoid rushing or awkward silences.

Your screen share appears as a card next to your speaker card, and a panel to the right lets you know whether the host has added your screen share to the stage. When the host adds your screen share to the stage, it displays in the live stream preview.

A screen share displaying on stage in a Studio live stream.

Click the Stop Sharing button in the control panel when you're done sharing your screen.

Studio Chat

The Studio Chat tab lets you send a chat to hosts and speakers in the Studio. Send messages to everyone in the Studio with the 'Group chat' tab, or use the 'Direct chat' tab to have a one-on-one chat with someone in the Studio. These are great if you have technical questions for the host or ideas to share with other speakers during the live stream!

The Group chat tab in the Studio Chat panel.

Audience (chat, Q&A, and Polling)

Review attendees' chat messages, Q&A questions, and polling results in the Audience tab if the host activates these for the stream. Before the stream goes live, ask your host for guidance on responding to audience interactions.

💡 Keep in mind, you must reply directly to viewers in the live stream. There's no option to type responses to audience interactions in Studio.

The Chat tab of the Audience panel in the Studio.

During the stream, the host may show a chat message, question, or poll on stage, which appears at the bottom of the live stream.

Leave the Studio

When the live stream is done and you're ready to leave the Studio, click the X button in the control panel at the bottom of your screen, or simply close your browser tab.

The X button in the Studio control panel used to leave the Studio.

If you have any questions about your responsibilities during a live stream, don't hesitate to contact your host or the event organizer!

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