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Live Display Setup Basics
Live Display Setup Basics

Set up Webex Events Live Display for your Event

Daniel Murphey avatar
Written by Daniel Murphey
Updated over 6 months ago

Live Display is a simple and effective way to engage in-person and virtual attendees. Using any capable display, Live Display lets you showcase feature content from your Event App throughout your venue. Activating and configuring it for your Webex Event is easy!

Not sure what Live Display is? Read our Introduction to Live Display article for a full overview.

Prepare your Event App

Some Live Display features show content from your Event App. Before you set up your Live Display, make sure you add the Agenda, Game, and Wall features to your Event App if you plan to use them.

Activate Live Display

In your Event navigation bar, click Live Display, then click Get Started.

The process just described.

Now, click the Enable Live Display toggle to activate it and start configuring features.

The Features and Live Preview panels in Live Display.

Select Features

There are six features to choose from, and each one adds value to your Live Display in its own way. As you add and edit features, the Live Preview section updates to show exactly what displays to attendees.

Our Introduction to Live Display article shows an example of each feature in action.

  • Social - Show attendee posts from the Wall feature.

  • Agenda - Show current and upcoming Sessions in your Agenda. Add the Agenda feature to your Event App to link it to Live Display.

    💡 Keep in mind, Live Display won't show Sessions assigned to tracks that have groups set. This guarantees that limited-visibility tracks stay hidden from attendees not assigned to them.

  • Networking - Show how many handshakes (connections) have been shared, along with a leaderboard showing who's made the most connections. This feature works automatically — no configuration needed!

  • Challenges - Add the Game feature to your Event App to show the leaderboard on Live Display.

  • Gallery - Upload sponsor images, the dinner menu, health and safety information, or anything else you think of.

  • Promote App - Add a helpful QR code that attendees can scan to download the iOS or Android app — even if you're using a Branded Mobile App.

Edit features

Click Edit next to a feature to change its settings.

The Features and Live Preview panels in Live Display.

Depending on the feature, there are several settings to adjust in the feature's Settings modal:

The Social Settings modal.
  • Name - This is the label that appears at the top of the Live Display.

  • Choose Feature - Click the drop-down to select one feature from your Event App so Live Display can pull in that content. This only appears in the settings for the Social, Agenda, and Challenges features.

    • If your Event App has more than one feature of a single type, you can only select one at a time. For example, if you have two Game features, you must select one or the other to show in Live Display.

  • Icon - Choose from a library of over 300,000 icons to help attendees understand what each feature contains.

  • Page Display Time - This setting determines how long the Social, Networking, and Promote App features are on screen before rotating to the next. The default is also the minimum — 20 seconds.

  • Empty Screen Message - When there's no content to display in a feature, this message appears. Instead of simply saying "Oops, nothing here", use a blank page as an opportunity to inform attendees or prompt actions. For example, if the Wall feature is blank, the Empty Screen Message could say "Be the first person to appear here. Go make a post on the Wall feature in the app!"

  • Image (Gallery only) - Click the Upload Image(s) button and follow the instructions in the uploader to add, crop, and edit images. Images should be 16:9 aspect ratio at a minimum of 1920 x 1080 pixels or 7680 x 4320 pixels for high quality on large displays. When you finish adding and editing images, click Upload.

Click Save Changes when you're done editing features.

Attendee Drawing

Use Attendee Drawing to randomly select a person in your Event App! To keep it quick and accurate, the drawing won't select blocked attendees, attendees who haven't logged in to the Event App, and attendees who won a previous drawing.

To draw a name, click the Open button. In the Attendee Drawing Control Center modal, click Launch Attendee Drawing on Live Display. This interrupts the feature rotation and starts the idle spinning of all attendee names on the Live Display.

The Attendee Drawing Control Center.

Click Start Spinning to increase the spinning speed, then click Stop Spinning to reveal your random winner. Make sure to take note of the winner!

A drawing winner displaying on Live Display.


This section lets you customize some visual aspects of the Live Display.

The Basics section of the Manage page.
  • Body colors - Click the swatch to choose a new color. The swatch selects a complementary second color automatically.

  • Show date and time - Date and time appear in the bottom right corner of the Live Display and are set based on the time zone of the Event's location.

  • Show ticker - Click Edit. In the modal that appears, enter a message and click Add Ticker. Use the Animation Speed slider to adjust how fast the ticker moves across the bottom of the Live Display. 🏎️

    Add or delete tickers at any time. Click Save Changes to finalize any additions or edits.

    The Ticker Settings modal.
  • Show announcement popups - Activate this option to show any Announcements you make in your Event App at the top of the Live Display for 45 seconds.

An announcement in a Live Display.


Whenever you edit any aspect of Live Display, you must click Publish Changes to make those updates visible to attendees.

The Publish Changes button.

Show the display

After you click 'Publish Changes', click the Get Shareable Link button and start putting Live Display on your venue's screens. Read our article about deploying Live Display for detailed instructions!

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