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Manage Sessions in Your Event
Emily van der Harten avatar
Written by Emily van der Harten
Updated over 6 months ago

After adding Sessions to your Event, go to the Sessions page to edit Session information, Session participants, tracks, check-in status (if you're using Onsite Session Check-in), which Agenda feature the Session belongs to (if you're using an Event App), and more.

This article explains how to use the Sessions page both before and during your event to access, edit, and manage the Sessions in your Webex Event.

Sessions page overview

To open the Sessions page, click Sessions in your Event navigation bar. The Sessions page shows a list of Sessions with columns of information for each:

The Sessions page on the Webex Events platform.
  • Name / Location - This column shows the name of the Session and its associated location.

  • Date / Time - This column shows the Session's scheduled start date and time.

  • Tracks - This column shows the tracks assigned to the Session. Tracks categorize Sessions, and when combined with groups, you can limit Session access to certain groups of attendees.

  • Agenda - When the Event App is active, this column shows the name of the Agenda feature that the Session was added to.

  • Check-in status - When Onsite is active, this column shows whether the Session is inactive, open, or closed for check-in.

  • Attendance - When Onsite is active and you're using Onsite Session Check-in, this column shows how many attendees are checked in to the Session. Click the information (i) icon next to the attendance count to reveal more information about attendance:

    • All time checked in - If check-out is required for the Session, this shows the total number of all attendees checked in. Multiple check-ins by the same attendee are counted as separate check-outs.

    • Checked out - If check-out is required for the Session, this shows the total number of attendees that have checked out of the Session. Multiple check-outs by the same attendee count as separate check-outs.

    • Currently checked in - The number of attendees currently checked in to the Session.

      • If check-out is required for this Session, this shows the total number of check-ins minus the total number of check-outs.

      • If the Session allows multiple check-ins, this counts each time an attendee checks in to the Session, even if they check in multiple times.

    • Capacity - If the Session's assigned location has a location capacity and you check the 'Use location capacity limit' box in the 'Edit Session' modal, this shows the Session's capacity as set by its location.

    • Remaining capacity - If the Session's assigned location has a location capacity and you check the 'Use location capacity limit' box in the Edit Session modal, this shows the Session's capacity minus the number of currently checked-in attendees.

  • Simulive Status - When the Event App is activated and Onsite is inactive, this column shows statuses for Simulive if you're using Webex Events Simulive with a Session — Scheduled, Started, Ended, and Failed.

    The Simulive status column on the Sessions page.

Manage Sessions

Click on a Session in the list to open the Edit Session modal and make changes to it. Our article about adding Sessions to your Event has full details about each field and setting.

The Sessions list has tools to help you sort, filter, and search for specific Sessions:

  • Use the All Sessions filter to narrow down the list to Sessions that have a certain Check-in status, location, track, or Agenda feature.

  • Use the search bar to search for Sessions by name.

  • Use the six-dot cluster to drag and drop Sessions happening at the same time in your preferred order.

Manage individual Sessions

Click the Settings () icon next to a Session to open the Session's settings menu.

The Settings menu for a Session.
  1. Activate Session Check-in - When Onsite is active in your Event, this option lets you activate Session Check-in for the Session. Selecting this option changes the Session's Check-in status to 'Open'. When a Session is open, two new options become available:

    1. Deactivate Session Check-in - Select this option to change the Session Check-in status to 'Inactive'.

    2. Close Session Check-in - Select this option to change the Session Check-in status to 'Closed.'

      1. To change a Session's Check-in status from 'Closed' to 'Open', click on the Session in the list to open the Edit Session modal.

      2. Expand the Session Check-in section and Select Open from the Check-in status drop-down.

      3. Click Save changes when you're done.

  2. Session participants - Select this option to manage the list of attendees that have the Session in their personal agenda. Read our Attendance Management and Preset Agendas article for more information.

  3. Manage tracks - Select this option to add or remove tracks from the Session.

  4. Manage Agenda - Select this option to assign the Session to an Agenda feature in the Event App.

  5. Download Session metrics - Select this option to download a summary of who attended the Session, including basic attendee information, check-in time, check-out time, and the length of time attendees were in the Session. These metrics are especially valuable if the Session is eligible for awarding Continuing Education Credits.

    💡 Keep in mind, the check-out time and duration metrics are only available when you require check-out for the Session. To learn how to make check-out required for a Session, read our Configure Sessions for Session Check-in article.

  6. Export - Select this option to download a spreadsheet containing Session information. Make changes in the spreadsheet, then import the spreadsheet to update the Session in the platform. To learn more about exporting and importing, read our Export and Import Data in Webex Events article.

  7. Delete - Select this option to delete the Session entirely from the Webex Events platform. This removes any metrics related to the Session, and a notification is sent to all participants that have set a reminder for this Session.

Manage multiple Sessions

To manage multiple Sessions at once, check the boxes next to the Sessions you want to manage, or check the box next to the 'Name/Location' label to select all Sessions. Click the three-dot () icon next to the search bar, then select one of the following options from the drop-down:

The steps just described. Each item in the drop-down menu has a corresponding number to the list below.
  1. Activate Session Check-in - When Onsite is active, this option lets you activate Session Check-in for all selected Sessions.

  2. Deactivate Session Check-in - When Onsite is active, this option lets you deactivate Session Check-in for all selected Sessions.

  3. Assign to tracks - Select this option to add tracks to multiple Sessions. Check the 'Remove existing tracks' box to replace existing track assignments with your new selections.

  4. Remove from tracks - Select this option to remove tracks from selected Sessions.

  5. Assign to Agenda - Select this option to assign multiple Sessions to an Agenda feature in the Event App.

  6. Download Session metrics - Select this option to download a .zip file with summaries for each selected Session. Each summary contains information about Session attendance, including basic attendee information, check-in time, check-out time, and the length of time attendees were in the Session (if check-out is activated for the Session). These metrics are especially valuable if Sessions are eligible for awarding Continuing Education Credits.

  7. Export - Select this option to download a spreadsheet containing information for all selected Sessions. Make changes in the spreadsheet, then import the spreadsheet to update those Sessions in the platform. To learn more about exporting and importing, read our Export and Import Data in Webex Events article.

  8. Delete - Delete selected Sessions, including associated metrics. This sends a notification to attendees with scheduled Session reminders for those Sessions.

Now you know all about managing Sessions! Next, read our article about using embeddable content widgets to showcase Session information and more on an external website.

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