This article explains how to access the Onsite by Webex Events (Socio) app settings on an iPhone or iPad and explains each available setting.
Access the Onsite App's Settings
In Session Check-in mode or the My Events page, tap the user image above the Event or Session name, enter the settings password, then tap View Settings.
In Event Check-in mode, swipe up on the screen with three fingers, enter the settings password, then tap View Settings.
💡 Keep in mind, to learn how to find or change the settings password for all devices, refer to our article about configuring the Onsite App in the Webex Events platform.
The numbered flags in the image below correspond to the numbered sections in this article.
💡 Keep in mind, some of the menus below only appear after you select an Event and a Check-in mode.
1. Event Settings
This menu shows you the Event name, location, and date for the selected Event, plus the two options below.
1A. Refresh all Onsite data
Tap Refresh all Onsite data to sync the device's local attendee, Session, and badge database with the cloud. This is sometimes needed after badge designs, Session details, or attendee information changes.
The 'Last Update' date and time for Attendee Data, Event Data, and Session Data are listed below the Refresh button.
1B. Change Event
Tap this button to select a different Event for Event and Session Check-in.
⚠️ Caution! Changing the Event will remove all check-in records from the device's local storage. Make sure the device is connected to the internet when you change to a different Event so the data can sync to the cloud.
2. Device Name
This menu lets you review and change the device's name. This name is assigned on a per-device basis and is used to differentiate between devices in Onsite metrics.
3. Change Check-in Mode
This menu lets you switch between Event Check-in and Session Check-in. Keep these points in mind when you switch modes:
When you switch to Event Check-in, you must connect to a printer if you haven't already.
When you switch to Event Check-in after locking Session Check-in to specific Sessions, those Sessions will still be locked if you switch back to Session Check-in.
Unlike when you switch Events, switching the check-in mode won't cause any data loss.
4. Password Settings
This menu lets you change the default password. The new password only applies to the device you're using.
To learn how to change the settings password for all devices, read our article about configuring the Onsite App in the Webex Events platform.
5. Printer Settings
This menu contains the following three options:
This option shows the currently connected printer, if any. Tap this option to connect to a printer for the first time or connect to a different printer. Tap Search for Printers to automatically search the network for printers, or tap Add Printer by IP Address and type in the IP to add a printer manually.
💡 Keep in mind, a printer's IP address can be found on the printer's screen. For ZD620 printers, the main screen rotates between showing the printer's current version and its IP address. For ZD621 printers, tap Printer Info to find the IP.
Printer Location
Tap the Printer Location option to add or change the printer's location name. This name displays after an attendee completes the Event Check-in process.
Reprint Limit
Tap this option and use the slider to change the number of times each attendee's badge can be reprinted. The new limit only applies to the device you're using.
To learn how to change the reprint limit for all devices, read our article about configuring the Onsite App in the Webex Events platform.
6. Appearance & Display
Tap this menu to choose between System Default, Dark, or Light themes for the Onsite app or to change the Auto-Lock setting. When the Onsite App is open, the "Prevent Auto-Lock" setting keeps the device from automatically locking after a period of inactivity, which can cause printers to disconnect.
7. Sound & Vibration
Tap this menu to activate or deactivate the sound and vibration when an attendee QR code is scanned. On an iPad, this option is only 'Sound' because vibration isn't available on iPads.
8. External links
These links each open one of the web pages listed below. Swipe down at the top of the screen to close any of these pages.
Feedback & Help
Tap this option to open the Webex Events Help Center's Onsite collection of articles.
Privacy Policy
Tap this option to review the Webex Events (Socio) Privacy Policy.
Terms of Service
Tap this option to review the Webex Events (Socio) Terms of Service.
Tap this option to access the list of libraries Webex Events uses in its products and applications.
Now you know all about the Onsite App's settings. Need help with the Onsite app or badge printing? Our Onsite Troubleshooting FAQ can help!
Questions? Chat with us or email