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Onsite Metrics
Onsite Metrics
Daniel Murphey avatar
Written by Daniel Murphey
Updated over 6 months ago

Knowing how and when attendees check in to your event helps identify peak hours, points of confusion, and patterns to fine-tune the check-in experience for current and future events. Session Check-in metrics and reports let you gauge Session attendance and engagement and award Continuing Education Credits.

The Onsite Metrics page gives detailed counts, percentages, and comparisons for attendee Event Check-in progress, including the number and percentage of registered attendees checked in, badge reprint totals, and printer usage information. Six downloadable reports give even more information about Event Check-in and access to Session Check-in metrics.

To access the metrics, simply click Metrics under 'Onsite' in your Event navigation bar.

The process just described.


The Metrics page is the perfect place to find a quick, comprehensive snapshot of Event Check-in activity both during and after check-in. We know metrics can be difficult to decipher, so we've made them as clear and easy to use as possible.

To access Session Check-in metrics, read the 'Export reports' section of this article.

The Onsite Metrics page.

💡 Keep in mind, some aspects of the Metrics page can take up to 15 minutes to update. Click the refresh icon in the upper right corner of the widget to view the most up-to-date data.


Use the filter drop-downs at the top of the page to show data only for specific exclusive groups, check-in types, or printer locations for specific dates or date ranges.

The filters on the Onsite Metrics page.

Check-in Analytics

This chart shows total unique check-ins and the exclusive groups or badges with the most check-ins over time. When your Event has more than six groups or badges, the chart shows the top five, and the rest are grouped under 'Other'. Click the icons in the top right corner to switch between the line graph view and area graph view, and use the '15 min', 'Hourly', or 'Daily' toggles to drill down even further.

The Check-in Analytics section.

Check-in Status

This chart shows the number of attendees checked in and not checked in by exclusive groups or badges. When your Event has more than ten groups or badges, the chart shows the nine with the most check-ins, and the rest are grouped under 'Other'.

The Check-in status section of the Metrics page.

Badge Print Location

This chart shows the number of badges printed at each printer location, including reprints, grouped by exclusive groups or badges. When your Event has more than seven groups or badges, the chart shows the top six and the rest are grouped under 'Other'.

The Badge Print Location section of the Metrics page.

Check-in Type

This chart shows the number and percentage of attendees who checked in by searching their name or scanning a QR code.


This chart shows the total number of badge reprints with reprints by exclusive groups or badges. When your Event has more than seven groups or badges, the chart shows the six with the most reprints, and the rest are grouped under 'Other'.

The Check-in Type and Reprints sections of the Onsite Metrics page.

Attendee Summary

This chart shows each exclusive group's associated badge and the counts for registered, checked-in, not checked-in, reprints, and check-ins per printer location. Click a column heading to sort the table by that column.

The Attendee Summary section of the Onsite Metrics page.

Export reports

There are six downloadable Onsite metrics reports to help you get down and nerdy with the data in your favorite spreadsheet program. 🤓 📈

Simply click the Export Report button and choose from one of the following options.

The Export Report button expanded.

Event Check-in reports

Attendee/Check In Report

This report shows each attendee's personal contact, ticket, ID, QR code, and check-in information. If you included questions from your registration forms on the check-in page, these appear in separate columns. Here are the exact fields:

  • Unique Identifier

  • First Name

  • Last Name

  • Email Address

  • Title

  • Company Name

  • Location

  • Profile Image

  • Ticket Number

  • Ticket Name

  • External ID

  • QR Code

  • Printed Value on Badge

  • Check-in Status

  • Check-in Date

  • Check-in Time

  • Printer Name

  • Print Count

  • {Registration questions}

Exclusive Group Report

This report shows the number of attendees per exclusive group and how many have checked in by number and percentage. Here are the exact fields:

  • Unique Identifier

  • Exclusive Group

  • Printed Value on Badge

  • Total

  • Checked in

  • % Checked in

Attendee Summary Report

This report includes the same information as the Attendee Summary section on the Metrics page. The final columns in the report show the Location for each printer as entered on the check-in iPads.

  • Exclusive Group

  • Badge Name

  • Registered

  • Checked In

  • Not Checked In

  • Reprints

  • Locations...

Session Check-in reports

Session Summaries

This report shows Session Check-in details for each Session in your Event, including first and last check-in and check-out times and total counts. Here are the exact fields:

  • Session Name

  • Session Location

  • Agenda

  • Session Start Time

  • Session End Time

  • First Check-in Time

  • Last Check-in Time

  • First Check-out Time

  • Last Check-out Time

  • Check-in Count

  • Check-out Count

  • Multiple Check-in Count

Session Specific Summaries

If you're awarding Continuing Education Credits based on Session Check-in data, this export is for you! Select this option to download a zipped folder containing one .xlsx file for each Session in your Event that has Session Check-in activated. Each file contains the following information for each attendee who checked in to the Session:

  • Unique Identifier

  • First Name

  • Last Name

  • Email Address

  • Title

  • Company Name

  • Location

  • Exclusive Group

  • Groups

  • Check-in Time - Multiple check-ins by the same attendee are listed in separate rows.

  • Check-out Time

  • Duration - The total elapsed time from an attendee's last check-in time to their check-out time.

Session Attendee Metrics

This report contains all check-in information from every Session in your Event that has Session Check-in activated. The file contains the following information for each attendee who checked in to any Session:

  • Unique Identifier

  • First Name

  • Last Name

  • Email Address

  • Title

  • Company Name

  • Location

  • Exclusive Group

  • Groups

  • Session

  • Session Location

  • Check-in Device Name

  • Check-in Time - Multiple check-ins by the same attendee are listed in separate rows.

  • Check-out Device Name

  • Check-out Time

  • Duration - The total elapsed time from an attendee's last check-in time to their check-out time.

Share metrics

Want to share these metrics with clients or stakeholders (or simply brag to a friend)? Click the Get Shareable Link button in the upper-right corner of the Onsite Metrics page! Anyone with the link can access the Metrics page — no login required. 🔓

The Get Shareable Link button.

Now you know all about using Onsite metrics! Want even more metrics? Read our Event Registration Metrics article.

Questions? Chat with us or email

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