About Vbrick
Vbrick is a flexible and secure enterprise live streaming and video content management platform. This article explains how to embed Vbrick webcasts and pre-recorded videos in many places in the Webex Events platform.
Vbrick Resources
Vbrick Rev's Help Guides have a lot of great information about how to use Vbrick Rev. We also suggest going to Vbrick's website to learn more about them.
How Vbrick content works with Webex Events
Link and embed a Vbrick Rev webcast in a Live Stream feature or an Agenda Session to stream live content.
Embed pre-recorded video in a Live Stream feature, Agenda Session, speaker, sponsor, or exhibitor profile, or a Custom List item.
After you've configured Vbrick, setup in Webex Events is easy!
Set up Vbrick
First, create an event in Vbrick Rev and fill out the details. All settings, including when the Webcast starts, video source, and more, are controlled in the Vbrick Rev platform. Here are some great resources to help with using Vbrick:
To ensure that attendees have unrestricted access to the Vbrick webcast in your Event App, adjust the following settings when creating or editing a Vbrick event.
In the Attendees section of the Vbrick event, set the Listing Type to Public and set the Attendee Join Method to Anonymous. This ensures that attendees can join the Webcast in the Webex Events App without a Vbrick account or a password.
If you want to restrict live stream access to only attendees with a password that you share with them, add the password to the 'Password' field. When attendees join the live stream in the Event App, they'll be prompted to enter the password before they can access the content.
Don't forget to click Save!
Copy a webcast embed code from Vbrick Rev
If you're live streaming a webcast from Vbrick, click the Embed Webcast button. In the modal that appears, select Video Only if you aren't using Vbrick's Q&A, Chat, and Polls and simply want to show the video in the Event App. Click Copy.
Now you're ready to paste the embed code into a Live Stream feature or Session. 🎊 If you don't need to upload and embed a pre-recorded video, skip to the section about using the embed code in Webex Events.
Upload a video to Vbrick Rev and copy the embed code
If you're streaming pre-recorded video from Vbrick, first upload the video to Vbrick Rev. To learn how, read Vbrick's Upload Video guide.
After you upload the video, you'll need to adjust some Video Settings and then copy the video's embed snippet:
On the 'Basic Settings' tab, set the 'Status' to Active and leave the 'Publish' date as the current date.
Activate the Access Control Public toggle.
If you want to restrict video access to only attendees that have a password you share with them, add the password to the 'Password' field. When attendees open the video in the Event App, they'll be prompted to enter the password before watching the video.
If you want everyone in your Event App to have access to the video, leave the 'Password' field blank.
Click Save when you're done editing Video Settings.
On the Video page, click the Sharing icon on the right side of the screen. If you want the video to play immediately after an attendee clicks the feature icon on the Event App, expand the Playback section and activate the Autoplay toggle.
Finally, select Embed and click Copy.
Now you're ready to add the embed code to a feature item in Webex Events! 🎊
Embed a Vbrick live stream or pre-recorded video in Webex Events
Live Stream feature or Session
The most common places you'll use a Vbrick live stream or pre-recorded video are in a Live Stream feature or an Agenda Session. For more information about these features, refer to the guides linked below:
Here's how to embed Vbrick content:
When editing a Live Stream feature or Session, click the Stream provider drop-down and select Other.
Paste the embed code into the Add the Embed Code field. The embed code contains the URL you'll need to paste in the 'Live Stream URL' field.
Here's an example: Your embed code should be similar to this:
<iframe width="640" height="360" src="https://domain.rev-na.vbrick.com/embed/webcast/e45ef1b9-b460-4ad5-b488-211c2ea8c052" style="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Based on the example code above, this is the URL you'd paste in the 'Live Stream URL' field:https://domain.rev-na.vbrick.com/embed/webcast/e45ef1b9-b460-4ad5-b488-211c2ea8c052
Leave the 'Open link in external browser' option unchecked. You can also activate Chat and add a Custom Tab in the Attendee Engagement section.
Click Save changes when you're done.
Now, attendees simply click the Live Stream feature, and the video stream launches instantly. If you're streaming via an Agenda Session, a 'Join Live Stream' button appears 15 minutes before the Session's scheduled start time.
Sponsor, Exhibitor, Speaker, and Custom List items
Sponsor, Exhibitor, Speaker, and Custom List feature items all support embedded pre-recorded video. For more information about these features, refer to the feature guides linked below:
Here's how to embed Vbrick content in these features:
When adding or editing a new item in the Sponsors, Exhibitors, Speakers, or Custom List features, select Other from the 'Content Provider' drop-down.
Paste the embed code into the Add the Embed Code field. The embed code contains the URL you'll need to paste in the 'Add URL' field.
Here's an example: Your embed code should be similar to this:
<iframe width="640" height="360" src="https://domain.rev-na.vbrick.com/embed/webcast/e45ef1b9-b460-4ad5-b488-211c2ea8c052" style="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
In the example above, the URL you'd paste in the 'Add URL' field is this:
Leave the 'Open link in external browser' option unchecked. You can also activate Chat and add a Custom Tab in the Attendee Engagement section.
💡 Keep in mind, the 'Content Provider' drop-down is only available when the feature is set to 'Grid View'.
Click Save Changes when you're done.
The attendee experience
When attendees using the Web App click on an item in one of these features, the Vbrick video appears embedded in the middle of the screen. For Mobile App users, the video opens in their device's default browser.
Common questions
How do I restrict access to my Vbrick Rev video or live stream?
To restrict access to pre-recorded videos and livestreams through the Webex Events platform, use groups.
Alternatively, Vbrick Rev lets you restrict access to videos and live streams by requiring a password or a Vbrick login to access the content. To learn more about restricting access using Vbrick Rev, refer to Vbrick Rev's help documentation:
Webcast Access Controls
What’s the difference between embedding a Vbrick webcast or pre-recorded video into the 'Stream provider' field instead of the 'Recording' field?
For the Live Stream feature, the behavior is the same. For Agenda Sessions, attendees click Join Live Stream if you added the stream information to the Session's 'Live Stream' section, or they click View Recording if you added the stream information to the 'Recording' section. The 'Join Live Stream' button appears 15 minutes before the session’s scheduled start time. The 'View Recording' button appears up to 15 minutes after the session’s scheduled end time.
Now you know all about using Vbrick with Webex Events! Did you know Webex Events also has live streaming and pre-recorded video capabilities? Read our Live Streaming and Webex Events article to learn more.
Questions? Chat with us or email support@socio.events.