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Adding and Deleting Event App Features
Adding and Deleting Event App Features
Emily van der Harten avatar
Written by Emily van der Harten
Updated this week

An Event App is the information and engagement hub for your Webex Event, and features are the key to providing those elements. 🔑 With over 20 customizable features to choose from, the possibilities to inform, engage, and delight your attendees are virtually endless. This article shows how to add features to your Event App and delete them if needed.

Want to learn more about the features we offer? Our Event App Features Overview article lists every available feature and links to in-depth guides for each one. 🎊

Add features

In your Event navigation bar under ‘Event App’, click Features, then click Add Features. In the 'Add Features' modal, search and click Add under any features you want to use, then click the X or the Close button when you're done.

The process just described.

💡 Keep in mind, you can add most features multiple times if you want!

After adding features, drag and drop them in the 'Selected' panel to re-order them, customize their icons, rename them, and, most importantly, add amazing content to each one! To learn how to manage specific features, refer to the Event App Features section of our knowledge base.

Delete features

Although you can simply hide some features from attendees, you may need to delete a feature completely. To delete a feature, simply hover over the feature you want to delete on the Features page and click the Delete (trash can) icon. Click Yes to confirm that you'd like to permanently delete the feature from your Event App.

The process just described.

⚠️ Caution! Deleting a feature also deletes the metrics and content associated with it. If a feature contains important content that you'd like to keep, export that content before deleting it entirely.

Delete a feature connected to Live Display

When you try to delete a feature that's connected to Live Display, an error appears explaining that you can't delete it because it's connected to Live Display.

The error that displays when deleting a feature connected to Live Display.

Follow these steps to disconnect the feature from Live Display and successfully delete it from your Event App:

  1. In Live Display, click Edit on the feature referenced in the error message you received.

    The Live Display page on the Webex Events platform. The 'Edit' link for a feature is indicated.
  2. In the feature's 'Settings' modal, click the X next to the selected feature to clear the 'Choose Feature' field.

  3. Click Save changes, then click Publish Changes.

    The process just described.

Now you can delete the feature from your Event App and carry on with your day. ☀️

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