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Maps Feature Setup Guide

Help attendees explore your venue and get where they need to go quickly and easily

Daniel Murphey avatar
Written by Daniel Murphey
Updated over 6 months ago

The Maps feature combined with locations help in-person attendees using your Event App to easily find their way around your venue and discover activities and points of interest. As attendees explore the map, they tap regions to find Sessions, speaker profiles, sponsors, and more associated with that venue location. Attendees can also access the map from a feature linked to the same location, such as a sponsor profile. When they tap a location, the map feature opens and zooms to the associated area.

Two images of the maps feature in the mobile app, one showing a list of three maps, the other showing a map with selectable regions.

This connectivity between Maps, locations, and other features means your staff will spend less time telling people where to go. 🧭

This article explains how to add and manage the Maps feature, and it provides an overview of the attendee experience.

Add the Maps feature

In your Event navigation bar under 'Event App', click Features, then click Add Features.

The steps just described.

In the 'Add Features' modal, search for the feature, click Add, then close the modal.

Edit Settings

To customize the feature's name and icon or limit its visibility using groups, click the feature in the navigation bar, then click the Settings (⚙️) icon next to the feature's name.

The steps just described.

When you're done, click Save changes.

Add locations, map images, and regions

There are two main Map components — regions and locations. Regions are clickable sections you draw on top of the map image you upload. Locations reference physical areas of your venue, like breakout rooms or the main stage.

For the most seamless setup, create locations first, then upload map images, then define regions and assign locations to those regions.

1. Create locations

  1. In your Event navigation bar under 'Event App', click Features, then click Maps.

  2. On the Maps page, click the Locations tab.

  3. Click New location.

  4. In the 'New location' modal, enter the Location name, then enter the maximum number of attendees allowed to be in that location at one time in the Location capacity field. This lets you honor fire code regulations when checking attendees in to Sessions with Session Check-in. Learn more in our article about configuring Sessions for Session Check-in.

    Steps 2 through 4 of the process just described.

Repeat these steps until you've added all the locations you need. If you forget something, don't worry — you can come back and add more later.

💡 Keep in mind, you can also create locations from the Sessions menu. To learn more about locations and all the places to use them in the Webex Events platform, read our Add Locations to Your Event article.

2. Upload maps

To upload a map:

  1. Click the Maps tab.

  2. Click the New Map button.

  3. In the 'New Map' modal, enter a map name that clearly tells attendees the corresponding building, level, or area the map shows.

  4. Click the Select Image button to upload a map.

    The steps just described.
  5. Follow the prompts in the uploader to add an image file. After you add an image, click the Edit button to crop the image or adjust its rotation and zoom.

    The Edit Image step after selecting a map image.
  6. Click Save after adjusting the image, then click Upload to start adding locations to the map.

3. Add map regions and assign locations

  1. Now that you've uploaded a map image, click Add Location and select one of these options:

    • Custom shape - Click to start drawing a line around an area of the image. Click again to add a corner. Click the point at which you started to complete the shape.

    • Rectangle - Click to start drawing a rectangle around an area of the image. Click again to finalize the rectangle.

    • Circle - Click to start drawing a circle around an area of the image. The place you click is the center of the circle. Click again to finalize the circle.

    • Pin - Click to add a pin icon on the map image.

      A user adding a pin to a location.
  2. When you finish a shape or add a pin, the 'Location Name' modal appears, where you'll select the location the map element corresponds to and choose a fill and border color.

  3. Select a location you made previously in the 'Location Name' field. Next, choose custom Fill and Border colors. Use the opacity slider to make sure the map image is still visible behind regions.

    💡 Keep in mind, while it's also possible to create new locations as you draw location regions on a map, you can't add a location capacity using this method. Either add locations before adding them to map regions, or edit the location capacity later.

    The new map modal with the add location modal open. The Border color picker is open.
  4. Click Save to finalize the location.

Edit location region borders and positioning

If you need to edit any of the regions you've added:

  1. Click Edit Locations.

  2. Click and drag the dots at the edge of a shape to resize it.

  3. Click and drag the middle of a shape or a pin to move it to a different part of the map.

  4. Click Stop Editing to finalize your edits.

To delete a region:

  1. Click on the map element you want to delete.

  2. In the 'Location Name' modal, click the Delete button.

Click Save changes when you're done. It's a good idea to save your work often so you don't accidentally lose progress! 💾

Upload as many maps as you like — go wild!

Manage maps and locations

After you've added locations and maps, they appear in a list on their respective tabs on the Maps page. Click the Settings () icon to edit or delete a map or location. Click and drag the six-dot cluster to reorder maps.

💡 Keep in mind, you can also access and edit locations on the Locations page under 'Sessions'. Regardless of where you manage locations, your saved changes reflect instantly in both places.

Rearranging Map items with the six-dot cluster, and the settings icon.

To delete multiple maps at once, click the checkbox next to each map, then click the three-dot () icon next to the 'Search' field, then click Delete.

⚠️ Caution! Deleting a location doesn't delete any associated regions. However, regions without an associated location don't appear to attendees.

Click on a map's name to edit its regions or replace the image. Remember that changing a map image doesn't remove or automatically adjust regions you previously added.

Linking locations to other features

Although you could simply link a location to a Map region, doing only that might not tell the whole story about what's happening at that location, like where a Session is taking place, who's speaking at a Session, or where sponsor and exhibitor booths are located. That's why you can add locations to the following areas:

Linking any of the items above to a location is as simple as picking a location from the 'Location' drop-down when creating the item. Refer to each guide listed above for specifics on where to add locations.

The Edit Session modal from the Agenda feature.

Maps in practice

On the Web App and Mobile App, attendees select the Maps feature to access a list of maps. After selecting a map, they use the drop-down at the top to switch between multiple maps.

While viewing a map, attendees click a region or pin to zoom in on the map, then they tap the location name to find a list of everything linked to that location.

Two images of the maps feature in the mobile app, showing a zoomed map with a location name, and the list of items assigned to that location.

If an attendee is viewing a feature item linked to a location, clicking the location instantly opens the map and zooms to the relevant region.

An Agenda Session in the Mobile App. The Session's location is indicated.


After attendees use the Maps feature, review the Feature Comparison chart on the Event App Metrics page to find the number of clicks for each Map.

The Feature Comparison chart with Maps indicated.

To find even more Maps feature data points, export the Metrics.

Pro Tips 😎

  • Consider having a separate map with your sponsors' logos as another way to showcase sponsors in your Event App.

  • If your venue is very large, break the map into sections and upload the sections as separate maps.

  • Draw attention to your Maps feature by linking to it in an announcement or from a banner.

Now you know all about Maps! Next, read about adding Sessions to your Event, and remember to link them to locations. 🔗

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