The best attendees are engaged attendees, and nothing engages people like a little healthy competition. The Game feature lets you incentivize attendee actions by creating challenges that increase attendance to sessions and special events, boost in-person and virtual traffic to sponsor and exhibitor booths, and more.
Learn more about what's possible with gamification in our Game Best Practices guide.
Add the Game feature
In your Event navigation bar under 'Event App', click Features, then click Add Features.
In the modal that appears, search for the feature, click Add, then close the modal.
💡 Keep in mind, you can add the Event Game feature multiple times to run different kinds of games, or to tailor games to different audiences, such as in-person or virtual.
Edit the Game feature's settings
Before you start creating game challenges, customize the feature's settings.
In your Event navigation bar under 'Event App', click Features.
Click Event Game.
On the Event Game page, click the Settings (⚙️) icon next to the page title.
In the modal that appears, customize the following:
Feature Name - This is the name that appears in the list of features in the Mobile App and web experience. Name it wisely!
Icon - Select an icon from our list of 300,000+ icons or use the 'Upload Image' button to add your own custom icon. Custom icons should be no smaller than 100 x 100px and no larger than 1000 x 1000px. Our Webex Events Platform Image Dimensions article has complete information on image sizing requirements.
Visible To - This drop-down lets you show the feature only to attendees in certain groups. For example, if you're planning a hybrid event where some attendees are virtual and some are in-person, you could have two different games with unique challenges for each set of attendees.
Show Leaderboard - Uncheck this option to hide the Leaderboard tab from attendees and prevent them from viewing others' scores and rankings.
Game Title - Choose a brief yet descriptive name to appear inside the game when viewing instructions on the web experience and Mobile App. It's a great place to showcase a sponsor!
Game Description - Tell your attendees what the game is, who sponsored it, how to play, and what the rewards are for winners. The goal is to explain the game well and get your attendees excited and engaged!
Once you're done with the settings, click Save Changes.
Create challenges
💡 Keep in mind, you can import game challenges to save time!
It's important to craft game challenges that lead attendees to engage with your Event App and each other in meaningful ways. This should add value for them and your speakers, sponsors, exhibitors, and organization.
On the Event Game page, click the New Challenge button. In the modal that appears, enter the following information:
Name - The challenge name that appears to attendees. This could be a question like "Who is the keynote speaker" or a call to action like "Visit booth 23 and type in the secret word."
Points - The number of points awarded to each attendee when they complete the challenge. Scale the number of points to the difficulty or value of the challenge.
Code - The secret code that attendees must enter to complete the challenge. We recommend using a brief code that's not easy to guess.
💡 Keep in mind, the code will automatically be in all caps. Codes have a 25 character limit.
Challenge Description - Describe the challenge to attendees. Write clear instructions so attendees know exactly what to do. If the challenge is a puzzle or riddle, give attendees a place to go for a hint if they're stumped.
Enable this challenge - Let attendees complete the challenge right away, or save it for later when you're ready to make it available. When a challenge is inactive, it's invisible to attendees, and the code won't award points.
When you're done, click Save Changes. Repeat this process to create as many challenges as you want!
Distribute the Game codes
Did you create challenges related to speakers or sponsors? Do you have certain staff members who must share codes with attendees? They all need to know the codes and the conditions attendees must meet to earn them. If codes are supposed to appear on live stream banners or overlays, or even on printed signage, prepare those items, too.
The easiest way to coordinate code distribution is to export the challenges into a spreadsheet, then upload the file to your favorite collaboration space.
To export Game challenges:
Check the Name box at the top of the list of challenges to select all challenge questions
Click the three-dot icon next to the search field, then click Export.
The document's second sheet lists each challenge's Name, Description, Points value, Code, and Enabled status. Share this information with your team as needed.
Manage the Game
After adding challenges, click the Settings (⋯) icon next to a single challenge, or click the checkboxes next to multiple challenges to:
Click the six-dot grid next to a challenge to change its order in the list.
The Game in practice
As attendees learn codes, they enter them into the Game feature to receive points. The leaderboard, if active, shows people how they rank with other attendees.
💡 Keep in mind, consider internally linking the Game feature to a banner or an announcement to help nurture attendee participation.
After some attendees have played the Game, review the Challenges and Leaderboard panels on the Event App Metrics page. The Feature Comparison chart shows the number of clicks and completed challenges for Mobile App and web experience users.
💡 Keep in mind, if you have multiple Game features, the Leaderboard section of the Metrics page shows participants from both games. The Metrics export, however, shows each game separately.
The Game feature also has its own dedicated export. Find complete details for using the Metrics Page and exporting reports in our Event App Metrics article.
Now you know how to create a Game in the Webex Events platform! If you want to become a true Game expert, our Game best practices guide will help inspire you and level up your knowledge! 🏆
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