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Configure Sessions for Session Check-in
Configure Sessions for Session Check-in
Daniel Murphey avatar
Written by Daniel Murphey
Updated this week

Webex Events Onsite is a wonderful solution for Event and Session Check-in and badge printing. If you're using Onsite to check attendees in to Sessions during your event, configuring each Session's settings before the big day is a critical step. Whether you're adding Sessions one-by-one or importing multiple Sessions at once, this article is for you!

There are two ways to add Sessions to your Event:

Session Check-in settings

When adding or editing a single Session, click the Session Check-in section to expand it, then click the Activate Session Check-in for this Session toggle.

Each of the settings below directly affects all check-in devices that are being used to check attendees in to the Session:

The Session Check-in section of the New Session modal with numbered arrows corresponding to the following numbered list.
  1. Check-in status - Select 'Closed' from the drop-down to prevent anyone from checking in to this Session. If you have a strict check-in timeframe, this lets you stop check-in at the proper time.

  2. Check-in options - Select one of the following options:

    1. Single check-in lets attendees check in to the Session only once, and they can't check out. This is best when you want to know exactly how many people attended a Session, and you don't need to know how long people stayed.

    2. Multiple check-ins lets attendees check in as many times as they need to, and they can't check out.

    3. Check-out required ensures that attendees must check out of the Session before they check in again. This lets you track how long attendees were in a Session, so it's the best choice if you need to track Continuing Education Credits. 🏆

  3. Permissions and capacity - These options let you control who can check in to the Session and how many people can check in. The 'Limit access based on' drop-down menu provides several options:

    1. None means that anyone can join the Session. Welcome!

    2. Tracks keeps people from checking in if they're not in a track assigned to this Session.

    3. Personal Agenda keeps people from checking in if the Session isn't in their personal agenda. Read our article about Attendance Management and Preset Agendas for more information.

  4. Use location capacity limit - Check this box to limit the number of check-ins based on the capacity for the location the Session is assigned to. Read our article about setting up locations for more information.

  5. Check-in flow - These settings are helpful if you want to set up check-in iPads with stands so attendees can check in to a Session by themselves. If a staff member will manage check-in for this Session, leaving these options unchecked offers the fastest check-in experience.

    1. Check the Show welcome page box to display the check-in selection screen shown in the left image below.

    2. Check the Show check-in confirmation page box to show the "You're checked in" screen and the 'Complete' button after an attendee checks in.

      💡 Keep in mind, you must set up devices at the entrance to each session if you want attendees to check themselves in. Include clear signage that explains that attendees need to check in and what to do.

    The Session Check-in welcome page, the barcode scan page, and the confirmation page from left to right.
  6. Lock settings - These options control which fields app users can access when the Session is locked. Read our article about Sesson Check-in Device Setup to learn about locking Sessions.

    1. Show attendance counts - Uncheck this box to hide the number of attendees checked in and checked out for this Session.

    2. Allow Session description page access - Check this box to prevent attendees from exiting the check-in process and accessing the session list. Staff can enter the settings password to exit the check-in process.

    3. Allow attendee profile view - Uncheck this box to prevent attendees and check-in staff from viewing detailed attendee information when checking in to this Session.

⚠️ Caution! Check-in devices must be connected to the internet for these changes to take effect. Be careful when changing settings while check-in is ongoing.

Now you know all about configuring a Session for Session check-in!

Don't forget to configure the Onsite App. 🧠

Pro tip! 😎

  • Create hidden "sessions" for food distribution and swag pickup. This turns Session Check-in into an inventory and efficiency tracker!

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