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Webex Events Production Studio FAQ
Webex Events Production Studio FAQ

Find answers to frequently asked questions about our built-in live streaming studio

Daniel Murphey avatar
Written by Daniel Murphey
Updated over 2 weeks ago

Connectivity and browsers

What browser should I use?

For speakers and producers using a computer, the Studio works on Google Chrome, Safari, or Microsoft Edge.

For speakers using a mobile device, Safari works best on iOS devices, and Chrome or Microsoft Edge work best on Android devices.

💡 Keep in mind, only speakers can join a Studio from a mobile device.

We recommend updating your browser to the latest version for the best experience.

Is there a dial-in option?

No. Users may only listen to the stream via the Event App.

Do I need to use a wired connection to present or view?

We recommend a wired ethernet connection for both speakers and viewers for the best experience. A strong WiFi signal can work well, too.

What's the minimum internet speed required for presenters?

Presenters need a minimum of 10Mbps upload and download speed, and we recommend 25Mbps to ensure the best results.

What's the minimum internet speed required for viewers?

Viewers need a minimum of 10Mbps upload and download speed to watch a stream. Viewers may still experience varying stream quality due to network latency, WiFi saturation, hardware limitations, and running multiple programs at once, to name a few.

Streaming and moderating

How do producers and speakers join the studio?

Producers join the Studio by clicking the 'Launch Studio' button from the Live Stream or Session edit modal in the Webex Events platform. This link gives them access to all the tools in the Studio.

💡 Keep in mind, you should never share the link that opens when you click 'Launch Studio'. This link is unique to you and expires after 24 hours.

Speakers join using the 'Invite Speakers' link. Anyone with the link can join and no login of any kind is required.

The 'Launch Studio' button and the 'Invite Speakers' link in a Session's Edit modal.

How many speakers or presenters can be in a stream at a given time?

You can have 13 people in the Studio and on screen at a time. Up to three of these can be producers (or "hosts") who join using the 'Launch Studio' button from the Webex Events platform. This total isn't affected when someone shares their screen, even though the screen share appears as if it were an additional speaker. If you have more than 13 people joining your stream, you may choose to have a "waiting room" in another meeting tool, or use another streaming tool with the Webex Events RTMP Player.

What happens when my Studio is full?

If there are already 13 people in the Studio and a 14th person tries to join, any producers in the Studio will get a notification that someone just tried to join and there was no space for them.

The speaker also gets a message notifying them that the Studio is full, and they can click the Retry button to try joining again.

If you want to admit a new presenter into the Studio, someone else must leave, or you can remove someone. To remove someone, simply click the three dots next to their video preview, and click Remove from Studio.

The 'Remove from Studio' option on a speaker card.

Can I invite a speaker as a producer so they can control backgrounds, banners, chats, etc?

Follow the process in our article about managing teams to invite the person to the team managing your event in the Webex Events platform. After the speaker joins your team, they can edit the Session or Live Stream feature and click the 'Launch Studio' button so they can control all the back-end features of the stream.

⚠️ Caution! Don't share the URL the browser displays after you click 'Launch Studio'. Multiple users joining the studio with the same URL can cause problems. Anyone who will be controlling backgrounds, banners, chats, etc. should click the 'Launch Studio' button to join as described above.

Can I test my stream and try out the studio?

Yes! You can click 'Go Live' multiple times in a single Studio to try it out. If attendees are already using the Event App, make a hidden test stream instead of using an official Agenda Session or Live Stream feature.

If I leave the Studio after I click 'Go Live', will the stream end?

If you click 'Go Live' and then everyone leaves the Studio, the stream will end automatically after 5 minutes. If this happens, you can still click 'Go Live' again. 👍

How many streams can I run at once?

There's no limit to how many live streams you can run at once. We recommend using Sessions when multiple streams happen at the same time or if you have a lot of live streams. You should also carefully coordinate speakers, moderators, and captioners.

Can I choose the streaming quality?

Yes. Click the Settings (⚙️) icon in the right-side menu and set the 'Broadcast quality' field to either 1080p and 720p. The Studio's default streaming quality is 1080p. A lower broadcast quality can help ensure a consistent and inclusive experience for speakers and attendees alike across all devices, locations, and connection speeds.

Can I stream Webex Events Production Studio to my Event App and another site (YouTube, Twitch, etc.) at the same time?

With Webex Events Production Studio, no. With the Webex Events RTMP player, yes!

Can I review Q&A answers and poll results in the Studio?

Yes! Simply click the Audience tab, then the Q&A tab or the Polling tab. Click an item to show it in the live stream.

Can I send messages to attendees from the Studio?

Presenters in the Studio can't interact with stream chat unless they're viewing the stream as an attendee in the Event App.

Can I remove unwanted messages from the live stream chat?

You can only remove chat messages from a live stream by blocking the user who posted the message. We only recommend this under severe circumstances because it completely removes the attendee from your Event App and cancels their Registration order if they registered through Webex Events.

Can I show PowerPoint presentations in the Studio?

Yes, you can show a presentation by opening it on your computer and sharing your screen.

If your presentation includes audio, use Chrome or Edge and open the presentation in Google Slides and share only the presentation tab. Toggling the "Also share audio" on will allow you to share the audio from this tab.Share only the presentation tab and check the Share tab audio box before you click 'Share.'

How do I show my PowerPoint presentation in presenter mode with only one monitor?

Import your presentation into Google Slides and double-check the formatting. Open the presentation in a separate browser tab from the Studio. In Google Slides, click the arrow next to 'Present' and select Presenter View.

When the Presenter View window opens, decrease the size of both browser windows so you can see both the Studio and your slides. When it's time to share your screen, share only the Google Slides browser tab, NOT your whole screen or the Presenter View window. Now, proceed through the presentation as you normally would. You can see your speaker notes and the elapsed time as you go!

💡 Keep in mind, if your presentation contains a video, check the Share tab audio box when selecting the tab to share. We don't advise sharing your whole screen for a presentation since the 'Share Audio' box may not be available.

Can I tell who watched a live stream and for how long?

Yes, if you use Webex Events Production Studio or the Webex Events RTMP player! Our robust Metrics and Video Analytics report downloads have all the click and view data you need. Read our Continuing Education Credits article if you need to review information to award these. We also provide a complete overview of the Video Analytics report in our Event App Metrics article.


Can speakers and hosts add their pronouns?

Yes! Before a host or speaker joins the Studio, they're prompted to add their name and an optional tagline. The tagline field is great for pronouns, occupation, and more — up to 50 characters.

💡 Keep in mind, Studios created after April 25, 2024 have taglines active by default. For older Studios, a host must activate taglines in each Studio's General settings.

How long can the videos I upload to the Media tab be?

You can upload MP4, AVI, MPG, MPEG, or MOV files that are 8GB or less.

💡 Keep in mind, videos MUST be 16:9 ratio and no less than 720p. Processing/upload time will vary depending on internet connection. Uploads can take up to 2x the video duration. For example, a 1 hour video may take up to 2 hours to upload and process.

Can I use videos I uploaded to Video Center in the Studio?

Not yet. 😉

Do I have to upload videos and graphics to the Studio for each stream in my event?

Nope! Simply open the Media tab in any Studio and click the Add button to access all previously uploaded media from any other Studio in your Event!

Is there any way to share videos larger than 8GB?

No. Although it's possible to show a larger video by playing it on your computer and sharing your screen, the viewer experience with this method is often laggy.

How many videos can I upload to the Studio?

As many as you want. 👍

What are the recommended dimensions for logos and backgrounds?

  • Logo - 512×512 px PNG, JPEG, GIF

  • Background - 1920x1080 px PNG, JPEG, GIF

What's the character limit for banners?

Static banners are capped at 50 characters for the headline and 200 characters for the body. Ticker banners are capped at 1000 characters.

Can I include closed captions and translations?

Yes! In addition to our own free Webex Events Closed Captions & Translations, we also support several third-party caption and translation providers.

Can I have a minimal view of the Studio’s tools?

Yes! We think you’ll like our Full-screen Controls. Also, in full-screen mode, you can click Hide Interactions at the bottom left to hide Interaction Bubbles.

Can I use my keyboard to operate the Studio?

Yes, producers and speakers have access to convenient navigation and feature activation with 50 unique key combinations in the Studio. You can find a complete list of these shortcuts by navigating to Settings and selecting Keyboard shortcuts.

How do I customize keyboard shortcuts in the Studio?

Navigate to Settings and select Keyboard shortcuts. Simply click a current shortcut, then enter your own key combination to set a new one. Shortcuts can contain up to 3 keys and must start with 1-2 modifier keys, such as Shift and Option, and end with a letter, number, or symbol. Your custom shortcuts are stored in your browser cache, so you can set them once and they'll "follow you" in any Studio.

Can I use the same shortcut for multiple actions?

Yes, you can assign the same shortcut to multiple actions. For example, you could simultaneously transition to solo layout for your speaker and show their name as a banner at the same time!

Recording and encoding

Is the stream recorded automatically?

Yes! However, each recording has a 12-hour limit. If your stream will run for longer than 12 hours, consider recording with a different platform through the RTMP player.

Can I prevent the stream from being recorded?

Automatic recording can't be turned off. If you're working with sponsors or speakers who are concerned about privacy, consider using the RTMP player with an alternative streaming service.

How soon can I download the recording after the stream?

Recordings are usually available within several minutes of the stream ending, but processing time can vary depending on how long the live stream was.

Where can I find recordings, and what's the recording format?

After you click 'End Stream', a 'Recordings' button appears. Click the button, and in the modal that appears, the recording will show a 'Processing' status. When the recording is ready, a 'Download' button replaces the 'Processing' status.

The Recordings button and Download recordings modal.

You can also download recordings from Video Center in the Webex Events platform. In the Event navigation bar under Event App, click Video Center, then click Recordings. Locate the recording you want to download, click the Settings () icon next to it, then click Download.

The process just described.

Recordings download in MP4 format.

How long are recordings available?

We don't currently delete recordings. Recordings remain available as long as you maintain you're Webex Events customer.

How do I post recordings in my Event App?

Do Webex Events Production Studio recordings in the Video Center automatically have Closed Captions?

No. Even though recordings from any Webex Events Production Studio are automatically added to the Video Center, closed captions aren't available for those recordings. To add captions to a Production Studio recording, download the recording, then re-upload it to the Video Center, making sure to activate Closed Captions in the upload modal. Learn more in our Video Center article.


No one can hear me. What do I do?

Check these in order:

  1. Are you using the correct mic? Click the Settings (⚙️) button, then click Audio and review the 'Microphone' setting to check.

  2. Are you using a headset or mic with a physical mute button? Make sure it’s not muted.

  3. Is another program using your mic (another meeting tool, for example)? Close other programs, then refresh the page.

  4. Is your mic muted in your computer settings? Steps to check this vary by device.

  5. Restart your browser. If that doesn’t work, restart your device.

  6. Still not working? Click the chat bubble in the bottom right corner of the Studio. We’re happy to help!

I'm on a Mac, and I lost camera/mic access. What do I do?

  1. On your Mac, click the Apple logo in the top left corner of the screen, click System Preferences, then click Security & Privacy.

  2. Click Privacy.

  3. Click Camera.

  4. Check the box next to your browser.

  5. Click Microphone.

  6. Check the box next to your browser.

I'm on an iOS device, and I lost camera/mic access. What do I do?

Ensure Safari has camera/mic access.

  1. Open your iPhone/iPad settings.

  2. Find Safari in the settings list and ensure camera/mic access is on.

I'm on macOS, and my browser lost access to my screen. What do I do?

  1. On your Mac, click the Apple logo in the top left, click System Settings, then click Privacy & Security.

  2. Click Screen & System Audio Recording.

  3. Toggle on the box next to your browser.

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