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Common Import Errors and How to Fix Them
Common Import Errors and How to Fix Them
Emily van der Harten avatar
Written by Emily van der Harten
Updated over 5 months ago

The Webex Events platform provides many opportunities to streamline your workflow, and feature import templates are one of the best. Import templates save you time building out features and making quick, mass updates to existing data in the Webex Events platform.

Sometimes, however, you may encounter an error with your import that must be resolved before importing data successfully. If you receive an import error you're not sure how to fix, then you're in the right place!

This article lists the most common import errors and tips for resolving them.

A list of errors in the Error Details modal.

Need instructions on how to use import templates and best practices for preventing errors? Read our Import and Export Data in Webex Events article to learn more.

How to search for an error message in this article

💡 Keep in mind, this article lists common errors and isn't a comprehensive list of every error you may encounter. If the error you received isn't listed here, start a chat with our helpful support team, or email for assistance.

This article is organized into categories of errors. Each section has a list with possible error messages in bold and provides suggestions for resolving them in sub-items below. SOmetimes a single cause can results in multiple different error texts in different situation. Each possible variant is listed before the resolution suggestions.

Error messages generally state where the error happened, what caused the error, and affected fields or items. To quickly find the error you're searching for, try using ctrl+f (Windows) or cmd+f (Mac) and search for the part of the error message that states the cause of the error.

  • Here's an example - If you get an error that says "There is a problem with the value in F2: "email@example" is not a valid e-mail.", search for 'not a valid e-mail'.

Import template errors

The following list shows errors that involve overall import template formatting.

  • It looks like you are trying to import a spreadsheet with a sheet named <xxx> instead of <yyy>. Please check that you are uploading the correct file, or rename the sheet in the file if needed.

    • Make sure to upload the import template to the correct feature.

    • The sheet name should exactly match the feature's name.

    • Here's an example - If you're using an import template for a Sponsor feature, make sure the corresponding sheet is also named 'Sponsor'. Likewise, if you rename a feature, make sure the corresponding sheet reflects the feature's new name.

  • Your sheet is empty.

    • Add information to the import template before importing it to a feature.

    • Check to be sure that you're uploading the correct import template.

  • The contents of Preset Agendas sheet seems wrong. Please export the sheet from platform and do not rearrange rows in it.

    • This error occurs when certain cells in the preset agenda import template aren't labeled properly. Make sure the following cells and labels are correct on your template:

      • D1 = Sessions

      • D2 = Unique Identifier

      • D3 = Agenda

      • D4 = Session Name

      • D5 = Start Time

      • A5 = Attendees

      • A6 = Unique Identifier

      • B6 = Email

URL formatting errors

If the URL you entered in the affected cell doesn't adhere to a standard URL format, you'll receive an invalid URL error. Make sure URLs in the template are formatted correctly and link to real places.

  • URL is not a valid URL.

  • Link is not a valid URL.

  • Booth cover url is invalid.

  • Content Link is invalid.

  • Invalid URL is given.

    • Make sure URLs added to the import template are valid and are in the proper URL format.

  • Image URL is invalid.

  • Image is not a valid URL.

  • Image is Invalid.

    • The image URL must be a URL that links to an existing image. Consider using our image uploader, which generates a link to paste into the affected cell.

  • Your handle was not properly formatted!

Field formatting errors

Formatting the information in your import template is key to avoiding a lot of errors. The following errors occur when a cell in an import template doesn't have the correct format. These errors are tied to fields with strict formatting conventions, like email, phone, dates, times, and color fields.

  • E-mail address is not a valid E-mail.

  • E-mail is not a valid E-mail.

  • E-mail Address is required.

  • Phone number is not valid phone number.

    • Make sure phone numbers are in one of the following formats:

      • 3334445555

      • 13334445555

      • 1-333-444-5555

      • 1-333-444-5555-121

      • +12345678900

      • (012) 34-56-789

      • (012) 3456789

      • 012 3450 6789

  • Send Time format is invalid. Format should be HH:MM PM/AM or HH:MM.

  • Time format is invalid. Format should be HH:MM PM/AM or HH:MM.

  • Send time is required.

  • Time is required.

  • Start Time is empty.

  • End Time is empty.

    • Make sure times adhere to one of the following formats:

      • HH:MM AM

      • HH:MM PM

      • HH:MM

  • Date format is invalid. Format should be MM/DD/YYYY.

  • Date is empty.

  • Send date is required.

  • Date is required.

    • Make sure dates are in the following format: MM/DD/YYYY

  • Color should be valid name or hex code.

  • Color is required.

    • Enter a hex code for the color you want.

  • The session identifier in cell <cell> is invalid.

  • The attendee identifier in cell <cell> is invalid.

    • These errors refer to the Session and attendee Unique Identifier columns in the preset agenda import template, which should be in the following format: {000000-0000000}

      • Never edit Unique Identifier columns.

      • If you want to add new attendees, do so via the Attendees page in your Event on the Webex Events platform.

      • If you want to add new Sessions, do so via the Sessions page in your Event in the Webex Events platform.

  • Option id is invalid.

  • Options id must be unique.

    • When exporting data and then reimporting, leave existing Option IDs as-is on the import template.

    • If you're importing new options, simply add the option text in the affected cell — the system automatically generates a unique Option ID for each new option.

  • Send time must be in the future.

    • Make sure to schedule announcements to be sent at a date and time in the future.

  • End time must be greater than start time.

    • Make sure the Session end time is after the start time. For example, a Session that starts at 11am should end after 11am.

  • Stream start time must be at least 10 minutes from now.

    • Set the stream start time to be 10 minutes or later than the current time, and make sure the date for that Session is today's date or in the future, depending on what day you want the live stream to happen.

  • Maximum Attendance must be a number.

    • Update maximum attendance to a whole number than 0 if you want to set a limit on attendance for a Session. Otherwise, leave it blank.

  • Unique Identifier value is not a whole number.

    • Make sure that the Unique Identifiers column only contains whole numbers.

      • Never edit the Unique Identifier column.

      • If you're adding new attendees to your Event, leave the Unique Identifier cell for new attendees blank.

  • Points should be integer.

  • Points should be positive integer.

  • Points is required.

    • Enter a positive whole number in the affected cell.

  • Option(s) must be ordered (1,2,3..etc).

    • Make sure that the option columns in the Poll import template are in ascending order. Here's an example.

      • Column H = Option 1*

      • Column I = Option 2*

      • Column J = Option 3

Required fields and field dependency errors

There are required fields throughout the Webex Events platform. The same is true when using an import template. Usually, required fields are indicated with an asterisk, and the error message is straightforward.

Some fields in the Webex Events platform have specific values to choose from, and the import template needs to reflect these options. There are also some fields that have dependent relationships, meaning that if one field is populated, the other field needs a value, too.

  • Missing required fields: <field name>.

  • <Field name> is required.

    • When a required field is blank on the import template, you'll receive an error. Make sure all required fields are populated on the import template.

  • Visible To All is required.

    • If the Group should be visible to all attendees, enter 'Yes'.

    • If the Group shouldn't be visible to all attendees, enter 'No'.

  • Content Link is required.

  • Content Provider is invalid.

  • Content Provider is invalid. Valid options: website, no content, vidcast, zoom, rtmp, youtube, vimeo, twitch, wistia, facebook, dailymotion, streamable, soundcloud, other, socio_vod

  • Content provider not supported.

    • Content Link is related to Content Provider.

      • If there's a link in the Content Link cell, add a corresponding value to the Content Provider cell from one of the available options listed in the error message.

      • If Content Provider is populated, add a link to the corresponding Content Link cell.

      • When there's no Content Link, the Content Provider cell in the same row should have a value of 'no content'.

  • 'From' value must be either the event name or a sponsor.

  • From is required.

    • Announcements can be from the event or on behalf of a sponsor. Make sure the value in the affected cell is either the name of the event or the name of an existing sponsor in your Event.

  • Custom Tab Name is empty.

  • Custom Tab Link is empty.

    • Enable Custom Tab, Custom Tab Name, and Custom Tab Link are related fields.

      • If Enable Custom Tab has a value of 'Yes', then Custom Tab Name and Custom Tab Link on that row need to have corresponding values, also.

      • If Enable Custom Tab has a value of 'No', then Custom Tab Name and Custom Tab Link on that row should be blank.

  • If Zoom is selected as a provider, Open External should only be set yes.

  • If Webex is selected as a provider, Open External should only be set yes.

    • If the Provider type is Webex or Zoom, then Open External for that row should have a value of 'yes'.

  • URL is not defined.

    • If the Live Stream Option is populated in the template and isn't RTMP, then there must be a link in the corresponding Live Stream Link cell for that row.

    • If the Video Recording Option is populated in the template, then there must be a link in the corresponding Video Recording Link cell for that row.

  • Closed Captions Provider not supported.

    • If you want closed captions for your live stream:

      • Make sure that 'Live Stream Enable Closed Captions' has a value of 'yes'.

      • Add one of the following values to the Closed Caption Provider cell: Webex Events Closed Captions & Translations (if the live stream Webex Events Production Studio or Webex Events RTMP), Interprefy, SyncWords, or Other.

    • If 'Video Recording Enable Closed Captions' has a value of 'Yes', then enter 'Other' in the Video Recording Closed Captions Provider cell for that row.

  • The value in cell <cell> is not allowed. Please use 'X' or leave the cell empty.

    • Enter an X in the cell specified by the error message, or leave the cell blank.

  • Session <session> on column <column> is not visible to Attendee <attendee> on row <row> because of a Track's Visible To setting on this session.

    • This means that the Session you're trying to add to an attendee's preset agenda is only visible to a group that the attendee isn't in.

      • If the attendee should be part of the Group, then add the attendee to the Group that the track is visible to.

      • If the attendee should attend the session but shouldn't be part of the group in question, then adjust the track's Visible To settings by either adding groups or making it visible to all attendees.

  • Status is invalid.

  • Status is required.

    • Enter a valid status in the affected cell.

      • If you receive this error on a Polling import template, enter 'Active', 'Inactive', or 'Scheduled' in the affected cell.

      • If you receive this error on an Event Game import template, enter 'Enabled' or 'Disabled' in the affected cell.

  • Option 1 is required.

  • Option 2 is required.

    • Every poll question must have two options. Enter values in the Option 1 and Option 2 columns for every question.

  • These values must all be specified together: <value1>, <value2>

    • This error happens when two fields are dependent on each other but aren't consistently filled in on the template.

      • If a field has a value, then its dependent field should have a corresponding value.

      • Keep both cells blank if they shouldn't be populated.

      • Here's an example - This error happens when you enter an Email address and not a corresponding Email label on the template. Email Address and Email Label are related fields that both either need to have values or no values at all.

  • You can use only one internal or external link.

    • When importing a template to the Announcements feature, each announcement can only have one linked item, whether it's internal or external. In the template, ensure that no more than one of the following columns is populated for each row.

      • Link

      • Exhibitors

      • Speakers

      • Sponsors

      • Documents

      • Custom List

      • Sessions

  • Content Link Embed can import with only other content provider.

    • When entering an embed code in the Content Link Embed field, the content provider must have a value of 'Other'.

    • If your Content Provider has a different value than 'Other', make sure the corresponding Content Link Embed cell for that row is blank.

Duplicate errors

In general, features and feature items all need to have unique names. You'll receive errors if you try to import a template that has duplicate columns, duplicate items in a single cell, or a feature or feature item named the same as what already exists in your Event.

💡 Keep in mind, you can import duplicate attendees or attendees with the same email address and won't receive an error. For more information on managing duplicate attendee emails, read our Duplicate Attendee Emails article.

  • Duplicate title(s) found: <title>

    • Remove any duplicate columns from the import template. Each column in the spreadsheet must be unique.

      • Here's an example - Importing a template with two 'Date' columns causes this duplicate error.

  • Unique Identifier value is a duplicate of one that exists.

    • Check to make sure your template doesn't have any duplicate Unique Identifiers. Never edit Unique Identifiers.

  • Duplicate Sessions item(s): <session-names>.

  • Duplicate Group name(s): <group-name>.

  • Duplicate categories: <category>.

  • Duplicate <feature-name> item(s): <item-name>.

  • *Duplicate Video Rooms item(s): <item-name>.

  • Duplicate track(s): <track1>, <track2>.

    • Make sure the affected cell doesn't have the same item listed twice.

      • Here's an example - When adding categories to sponsor profiles via import, this error occurs when one cell in the Categories column lists the same Category twice.

  • An item with this name and label already exists.

  • Track Name <track name> is used by another Track.

  • Category Name <name> is used

  • Group Name <name> is used by another group.

  • There are multiple video rooms named <name>.

    • Check your import template and delete any duplicate rows of data.

    • When adding new items, make sure new items on your template don't already exist in your Event.

  • There are multiple sessions named '<session-name>' at the same time and location.

    • Check the import template and remove any duplicate Sessions.

    • If the time is correct, and the location is already occupied at that time, update the location field to a different location.

    • If the location is correct, and there's a time conflict with another Session, update the start time so that it doesn't overlap with any existing Sessions in the same location.

  • External ID <external-id> is used by another attendee.

  • External ID <external-id> is used for more than one attendee.

    • When importing attendees, the external IDs for each attendee need to be unique and not used by another attendee.

      • Check to make sure your template doesn't have any duplicate External IDs.

      • Make sure the attendee and associated external ID doesn't already exist in your Event.

  • Passcode <passcode> is not unique.

    • All passcode values imported to the Event Game feature must be unique.

Capacity and character limit errors

Most text fields have a character limit, and it's important to stay within that limit to avoid errors. Likewise, some parts of the platform have limits that will cause an error if your import template tries to exceed those limits.

  • Description field is over the character limit of 65535.

  • First name field is over the character limit of 256.

  • Last name field is over the character limit of 256.

  • Email field is over the character limit of 256.

  • <Firstname>, <Last-name>'s title field is over the character limit of 256.

  • <Firstname>, <Last-name>'s company field is over the character limit of 256.

  • <Firstname>, <Last-name>'s summary field is over the character limit of 256.

  • <Field name>'s field is over the character limit of 100.

  • Short Name is limited to 5 characters.

    • Refer to the error message to find the field's character limit, and adjust the value in the cell so that it's under the character limit.

  • The option limit is exceeded. Max option count can be 50.

    • Polling supports up to 50 options per poll. Make sure that each question has under 50 polling options.

  • You cannot add more than 3 moderators to a room

    • The number of moderators you import can't exceed the limit specified in the error message.

  • Session <session> on column <column> has a limited capacity of <capacity> attendees and you are trying to add <attendee-count> attendees.

    • If a Session has a set Maximum Attendance limit, then the number of attendees whose preset agenda you add the Session to can't exceed that limit.

Fields that can't be updated via import

Though you can update a lot with import templates, there are a few exceptions.

  • Live stream closed captions provider cannot be updated via import.

    • This error occurs when changing the Closed Captions Provider to or from 'voicea' (known as Webex Events Closed Captions & Translations within the platform) on the import template.

      • Keep the original value in the affected Closed Captions Provider cell.

      • Update the Closed Captions Provider manually in the platform.

  • Invalid url is given. Live stream link for RTMP and Socio-Streaming provider cannot be updated.

    • It's not possible to update the live stream link via import for RTMP or Webex Events Production Studio. Never edit the Live Stream link column in an import template.

  • Currently RTMP and Socio Streaming Live Stream Provider is not supported on bulk import.

    • It's not possible to update the live stream link via import for RTMP or Webex Events Production Studio. Never edit the Live Stream link column in an import template.

  • Currently RTMP and Socio Streaming Live Stream Provider is not supported on bulk import.

    • If you update the Live Stream Provider with socio-streaming or RTMP for a session, you'll receive this error.

      • Keep the original value in the affected Live Stream Option cell.

      • Update the Live Stream Provider for that Session manually in the platform.

  • The email address of active users cannot be changed.

    • You can't change user emails after they've already logged in to the Event App. Make sure the emails of active users in your template match their email addresses on the Attendees page.

  • External ID can not be changed.

    • When updating Attendees with the attendee import template, you can't update an external ID that's already assigned. Export the Attendees template again and don't edit existing external IDs.

'Item not found' errors

In cases where you're referencing one item in your Event with another item in your Event, like internal links, or assigning tracks, groups, and categories to feature items, those items you're referencing in the import template need to already exist in the Event. The item names in the template also need to exactly match the item names as they are in your Event.

  • Feature name(s) was not found: <feature-name>.

    • Ensure that the feature exists in your Event before using it in the template and that the spelling in the template matches exactly.

  • Group(s) not found: <group-name>

  • Track(s) not found: <track1>, <track2>

  • Categories not found: <category>

    • Make sure to create groups, tracks, or categories before referencing them in the import template.

    • Check to make sure the name on the sheet matches the name of the groups, tracks, or categories in your Event.

    • To assign multiple groups to an item, separate each name with a comma in the cell on the import template.

  • Session(s) not found: <session-name>.

    • Ensure that the Session exists in your Event before using it in the template and that the spelling in the template matches exactly.

  • Unique Identifier was not found.

    • Never edit unique identifiers.

    • If you're importing new attendees, leave the Unique Identifier fields blank since the system automatically generates a unique identifier for each new attendee.

  • Video Rooms must be created before they can be linked. Video Room(s) not found for Video Rooms: <video room name>.

  • Items must be created before they can be linked. Item(s) not found for <column name>: <item name>.

  • Item(s) not found for <feature-name> : <item-name>.

  • Items must be created before they can be linked.

    • Create items you plan to internally link before using them in the import template.

    • Check to make sure the name on the sheet matches the name of the item in your Event.

  • Attendee not found for email(s), <email addresses>.

    • Ensure that the attendee with this email exists in your Event before using it in the template and that the spelling in the template matches exactly.

Need further assistance with import errors? Start a chat with our helpful Support team or email for assistance.

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