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Hiding an Old Event

Our recommendations for removing attendee/user access to an old Event App

Emily van der Harten avatar
Written by Emily van der Harten
Updated over 6 months ago

If you don't want attendees to find and access one of your old Event Apps or Registration pages, this article is for you! We've outlined best practices for hiding a Registration page, hiding an old Event App from the Webex Events App search results, and removing attendee access while retaining your valuable metrics.

1. Hide the Registration page

Option 1: Change the URL

The simplest way to hide your registration page is to change the URL. When people click on the old URL, a message appears stating that the event wasn't found. If you prefer to keep the page active and only want to hide the tickets, skip to 'Option 2'.

The message just mentioned. It says

To change the registration page URL:

  1. In your Event navigation bar under 'Registration', click Basics.

  2. Locate the 'Display URL' field and add one or more numbers to the end of the URL.

    The steps just described.
  3. Click Publish Changes at the bottom of the page.

⚠️ Caution! If you embedded Registration widgets in any external sites, the widgets will no longer work after you change the URL.

Option 2: Hide tickets and update the description

Another way to hide Registration is to keep the page active, hide all tickets, and update the description to explain that registration is closed and redirect attendees elsewhere. Here's how:

Update the description

  1. In your Event navigation bar under 'Registration', click Basics.

  2. Locate the 'Registration description' field and add a brief message explaining that registration is closed. If your next event's registration page is active, include a link to it! Otherwise, include a link to your website or another destination to give people a next step.

    The steps just described.
  3. Click Publish Changes at the bottom of the page.

Hide tickets

  1. In your Event navigation bar under 'Registration', click Tickets.

  2. Click on a ticket to edit it.

  3. In the 'Edit ticket' modal, click the Advanced settings section to expand it.

  4. Activate the Hide ticket toggle.

    The steps just described.
  5. Click Save changes.

Repeat these steps for all tickets until they're hidden.

2. Update Event App Privacy Settings

To hide an Event App, first update its Privacy Settings and remove it from search results. This prevents anyone from finding your old Event in the Webex Events App or your Branded App search results.

  1. In the navigation bar of the Event you want to hide, click Event App.

  2. Click Basics.

  3. On the Basics page, click Privacy Settings.

  4. Choose the Event Code privacy setting.

  5. Enter a new code.

  6. Check the Hide event from search results and require the code to find the event box. ✅

  7. Click Publish Changes.

    The steps just described.

3. Export attendee metrics from your old Event App 📈

Before blocking and removing attendees from your Event App, we recommend that you export your metrics from the Event App's Metrics page. After all, you don't want to lose all of the insightful attendee data!

  1. In the navigation bar of your old Event, click Event App.

  2. Click Metrics to open the Metrics page.

  3. Click the Export Report button, then click each option from the drop-down to download your metrics reports.

    The process just described.

Each report has a wealth of useful data about your Event, including attendee engagement metrics. Read our Event App Metrics article for more details on downloading reports and reviewing the data captured in each report.

4. Block or remove active and inactive users from your old event ❌

Now that you’ve exported the metrics from your old Event, you’re ready to visit the Attendees page to block and remove users from your old Event App. First, you'll block active users who attended your event. Then, you'll remove inactive users who were invited to your event and never joined the Event App. Users will only be blocked or removed from the old Event, not all of your Events.

💡 Keep in mind, if you want to keep a record of your old Event App users, export a file with all your attendees in it before blocking and removing users. Read our article about importing and exporting data to learn more.

  1. In the navigation bar of your old Event, click Attendees to open the 'Attendees' page.

  2. Select Active from the 'All Attendees' drop-down. This narrows the list down to attendees who logged in to your Event App.

  3. Check the box next to the 'Attendee name' heading to select all your active users.

  4. Click the three-dot (⋯) icon next to the search bar.

  5. Select Block from the drop-down menu.

    The steps just described.
  6. Now, repeat steps 2-5, this time selecting Not Active from the 'All Users' drop-down and clicking Remove instead of 'Block'.

Now that you've hidden your old Event, you can focus on promoting your new one! Read our Best Practices for Launching and Promoting Your App article for next steps.

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