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Configure the Onsite App
Configure the Onsite App

Customize and configure how the app appears on iPads and how attendees interact

Daniel Murphey avatar
Written by Daniel Murphey
Updated over 6 months ago

The Onsite App is your attendees' self-service interface to check in to your event, print event badges, and check in to sessions at your venue. We've designed the Onsite App to be extremely customizable, so it fits your event's branding, voice, and tone.

A person using the Onsite App on an iPad.

This article guides you through each of the available Onsite App customization options.

Onsite App configuration

In your Event's navigation bar under 'Onsite', click Onsite App. The Onsite App page has four main configuration areas: Appearance, Event Check-in page, Confirmation page, and Other settings. Let's explore each one in detail.

💡 Keep in mind, if you change the default button, label, or page text as you configure the Onsite App, choose wording carefully and review custom wording in the app to ensure that attendees always know what's happening.

1. Appearance

The Appearance tab lets you customize the visual aspects of the Onsite App, such as colors and button labels. As you make changes, check the iPad preview panel on the right and use the 'Portrait' and 'Landscape' tabs to review how the app will appear to attendees in both orientations on an iPad.

The Onsite App's Appearance page.

Event Check-in options

If you're only using Onsite for Session Check-in, skip to the 'Background' section of this article.

By default, there are two Event Check-in options — Check in with QR Code and Check in with Search. If you prefer that attendees use only one of them, deactivate the one you don't want them to use. Click and drag the six-dot cluster next to each item to reorder them, or click the Edit button to change their settings.

💡 Keep in mind, using only QR codes offers the most secure check-in experience since attendees must supply their unique Webex Events Registration ticket QR code to print their badge.

When you edit the QR code option, you can customize:

  • Name - The button label that's visible to attendees. If you change it from its default, make sure you're still clearly telling attendees where the button will lead them.

    The Check in with QR Code editing modal.
  • Icon - Click Upload Image to upload a custom Icon that appears on the button, or click Select Icon to choose from our list of icons.

  • QR Scan Camera - This determines whether the front or back camera of the check-in device activates when an attendee taps the QR Code option. If necessary, attendees can temporarily switch cameras while scanning their code.

  • QR Scan Instructions - These instructions appear while the check-in device's camera is active. Consider adding specific instructions or contact details for attendees who don't have their tickets or need other check-in assistance.

When you edit the Search option, you can customize:

  • Name - The button label that's visible to attendees. If you change it from its default, make sure you're still clearly telling attendees where the button will lead them.

  • Icon - Click Upload Image to upload a custom Icon that appears on the button, or click Select Icon to choose from our list of icons.

    When you're done editing either check-in option, click Save changes.

    The Check in with Search modal.

iPad Layout

If you're only using Onsite for Session Check-in, skip to the 'Background' section of this article.

This option lets you choose which orientation your Event Check-in iPads will use, and it doesn't affect iPhone layout. If you choose 'Portrait and Landscape', simply rotate the check-in iPad, and the screen will adjust automatically. If you select only one orientation, the Onsite App will display only in the selected orientation.

The 'iPad layout' section.


This option lets you choose a custom Background Color or upload background images. These serve as the backdrop for every page in the check-in process.

The Background section.

Whether you choose a background color or a background image, you'll select a theme color that determines the color of buttons and frames. When you choose a color, a similar accent color is automatically chosen. This accent color helps ensure good contrast between elements in the app.

Background images are a great opportunity to make the check-in experience more visually pleasing and add sponsor and partner branding! To prevent check-in buttons and labels from covering important image elements, use these Onsite background templates as a guide! 🎉

To upload an image, click the Use Background Image option, then click the Upload icon on one of the background image slots. You must upload two different images — a portrait version and a landscape version. Images must be JPEG or PNG type and a minimum of 1536 x 2048px or 2048 x 1536px.

Click Save & Continue at the bottom of the Appearance page to continue to the next step.

2. Event Check-in page

If you're only using Onsite for Session Check-in, simply click Save & Continue on this page and the next page, then skip to the 'Other Settings' section of this article.

The Event Check-in page tab lets you control the fields that display to attendees after they scan their ticket QR code or tap on their name during Event Check-in.

The Check in Page tab of Onsite App settings.

Fast Track

When Fast Track is deactivated, attendees scan their ticket QR code or tap on their name in Event Check-in search, then the next page shows registration information that they can review and edit before printing their badge.

With Fast Track activated, an attendee's badge starts printing immediately after they scan their QR code or tap on their name. For a simple, speedy, and contactless check-in experience, Fast Track takes first prize! 🏁 🏆

💡 Keep in mind, when Fast Track is activated, the Event Check-in settings section of this page disappears since those settings aren't relevant.

Event Check-in settings

If you don't activate Fast Track, enter a custom Page title for the page that displays after attendees scan their QR code or tap on their name in search, then customize the Print badge button text. As you make changes, check the preview on the right and use the 'Portrait' and 'Landscape' tabs to review how the app will appear to attendees on an iPad.

The Event Check-in Settings area of the Event Check-in page.

Next, use the toggles to activate or deactivate Badge fields. Any fields that are activated will appear to attendees for information verification.

💡 Keep in mind, these toggles don't determine what's printed on attendee badges.

Click and drag the six-dot cluster next to items to reorder them. Click the pencil icon next to an item to make it editable or not editable by the attendee. By default, you can show:

  • Profile Image

  • Full Name

  • First Name

  • Last Name

  • Exclusive group

  • Email

  • Title

  • Company Name

If you created custom questions in Registration, or if you imported custom information, those fields appear here, too, and you can make them editable.

💡 Keep in mind, Profile Image, Email, and Exclusive group can't be set as editable.

When you're done making changes, click Save & Continue.

3. Confirmation page

If you're only using Onsite for Session Check-in, simply click Save & Continue on this page, then skip to the 'Other Settings' section of this article.

The Confirmation page lets you customize the title and confirmation text that appear after an attendee's badge starts printing. As you make changes, check the iPad preview on the page and use the 'Portrait' and 'Landscape' tabs to review how the app will display to attendees on an iPad.

The Confirmation Page of Onsite App settings.

There are two ways to configure the confirmation text:

  • Enter a complete sentence such as, "Please wait while your badge is printing". This is useful for situations where the printer is right next to the check-in iPad.

  • Enter a partial sentence and use the Printer Location variable so that check-in staff complete the sentence when setting up each iPad. This is useful for situations where badges print in a different location than the check-in iPad. Keep reading to learn more.

Using the Printer location variable

When setting up each Event check-in iPad or iPhone at your venue, there's a step where you enter a printer location. This location replaces the 'Printer location' variable if you choose to use it in the confirmation message. You can type: "Your badge is printing " and then click the 'Printer location' variable to add it to the text.

Carefully instruct your check-in staff on what to enter when setting up each check-in device. The staff may enter something like "in the VIP lounge" or "at the staff table", depending on your event setup.

⚠️ Caution! If routers and printers are located in a separate room from the check-in iPads or iPhones, test thoroughly during setup to ensure the devices can connect to the router's network.

When you're done making changes, click Save & Continue.

4. Other settings

The Other settings page lets you choose an Unlock password, set screen timeout durations for the Scan/Search and Confirmation pages of the app, and the Badge reprint limit.

The Other Settings tab of the Onsite App settings.

Settings unlock password

When you're using the Onsite by Webex Events App on an iPad or iPhone, you'll use the unlock password to lock and unlock Sessions, refresh onsite data, change the check-in mode, and more.

Choose a password that won't be easy for attendees to guess and that staff can easily remember.

Timeout settings

Use the 'Scan/Search page timeout' slider to adjust how long the scan and search pages remain active with no user input before the app returns to the main screen. This ensures that attendees always start on the check-in option selection screen.

After an attendee prints their badge, they tap the 'Complete' button to return the app to the main screen. Use the 'Confirmation page timeout' slider to adjust how long the Confirmation Page displays before the app automatically returns to the main screen if no one taps the button.

💡 Keep in mind, if a Session isn't configured to show the welcome page or confirmation page, these settings have no effect for Session Check-in. Learn more in our article about configuring Sessions for Session Check-in.

Badge reprint limit

Attendees sometimes lose or damage their badge and need a reprint. If you want to limit the number of reprints, adjust this slider to set the number of times each badge can be reprinted.

You can also adjust this setting in the Onsite App's 'Printer Settings' menu. When you update the limit on one iPad or iPhone, all others also update if they're connected to the internet.

The Onsite app's Printer Settings page. The Reprint Limit button is indicated.

When you're done with all the Onsite App settings, click Save at the bottom of the page.

Your Onsite App is all set up and ready to go! That was a long article, so here's a cookie. 🍪

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