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Registration Settings Overview
Registration Settings Overview

A guide to the settings you can adjust after publishing Registration

Daniel Murphey avatar
Written by Daniel Murphey
Updated over a week ago

After you've created tickets and published Webex Events Registration in your Event, access the Settings tab to fine-tune additional behavior, labels, and visual elements in your registration page, emails, and more.

The Settings tab contains four pages — General, Checkout, Payments, and Team Notifications. Let's explore each setting! 🧭


This page lets you adjust the following elements:

  • Registration page limitations (time limits, group registration, etc.)

  • Ticket availability messaging

  • Email and domain rules

  • Social and calendar links on the post-registration page

  • Language settings

  • Page and button label customization

General Settings

The General Settings panel.
  • Show registration time - This setting adds a reservation timer that starts counting down after someone selects a ticket. The registrant must complete checkout before the timer reaches zero, or they'll have to start over. A minimum time of 15 minutes helps make sure people have enough time to complete the form. Increase the time limit to give people more time, especially if any of your checkout forms include a lot of custom questions or if you plan to allow group registration.

    💡 Keep in mind, when 'Show Registration Time' is deactivated, registrants have 120 minutes to reserve a ticket and 60 additional minutes to complete checkout and payment. If they exceed these time limits, they'll receive an error and must start over.

  • Allow group registration - Activate this setting to let attendees select and purchase more than one of each ticket type.

    • If you create a ticket with a maximum purchase limit of one, the drop-down in the registration form only lets attendees select one of that ticket type.

    • When group registration is deactivated, attendees click the ‘Select’ button next to the ticket they want to buy.

  • Accept purchaser information - When this toggle is active, purchasers can choose to enter separate contact and attendee information during registration. This lets people buy tickets for others.

  • Show remaining ticket count - Activate this setting to display the number of remaining tickets on the registration page. This is useful if you have a limited number of tickets and want to create a sense of urgency.

  • Show available dates - Activate this setting to display the date range of a ticket's availability on the registration page. This is useful if some tickets are only available for a limited time, like earlybird tickets.

Email Settings

  • Restrict duplicate email addresses - This option is activated by default so that every ticket purchased must be associated with a unique email address. To let multiple people register with the same email address, deactivate the toggle. To learn more about managing duplicate emails, read our Duplicate Emails in Webex Events Registration article.

  • Restrict registration by email domain - Want to restrict registration to certain companies or make sure people register with their work email? This option lets you allow or block certain email domains, such as and

    1. If you want to allow only a few domains, select 'Allow...' from the 'Email Domain Rule' drop-down. If you want to only block a few domains, select 'Block..'.

    2. Now enter the domains you want to allow or block, separating each one with a comma. For example, if you want to block gmail and yahoo domains, enter the domains in the following format:,

    3. Finally, customize the error message that appears when registrants try to register with an email domain that isn't allowed.

      The Social Settings section of the General Settings page.

      💡 Keep in mind, the Email Domain Rule has a limit of 5000 domains.

Social Settings

The Social Settings section of the General Settings page.
  • Social sharing - Activate this option, then check the box next to each social sharing option you want to display in the Registration page's Organizer section and on the checkout confirmation page.

    💡 Keep in mind, make sure you've added your social URLs and email address on the Registration Basics page under 'Organizer Information'.

    The Social Sharing buttons as they appear on the registration page.
  • Add to calendar - Activate this option to show the 'Add to calendar' link on the Registration page and the checkout confirmation page. When a user clicks this link, they can add this event to one of the available calendars.

    💡 Keep in mind, if you change your Event's date or time after attendees have added it to their calendar apps, their calendars won't automatically reflect the update. Attendees need to either re-add the event to their calendar or manually update their calendar app.

Language Settings

Choose the default language for the Registration page, Ticket widgets, and communications and activate language selection for registrants.

The Language Settings section.

There are two scenarios to consider with these settings:

Non-English Default language with language selection deactivated

When you select a Default language other than English, all non-customizable text in the Registration page and registration communications automatically change to the selected language. These include buttons, placeholder text, receipts, and tickets.

If you choose not to activate the 'Enable language selection' setting, you must enter all customizable text in your Registration in the selected default language. This includes everything from event and ticket names and descriptions to custom questions and the Custom Labels listed below. If that seems like a lot of work, activate the 'Enable language selection' setting.

Language selection activated

If you activate the 'Enable language selection' option, Google Translate automatically translates all customizable and hard-coded text in your registration into your selected default language.

💡 Keep in mind, Google Translate isn't perfect, and some translations may be incorrect or unusual.

Registrants can choose from our list of supported languages using the language drop-down on the Registration page or the Ticket widget.

The language selector on the Registration page.

Custom Labels

The Custom Labels section lets you easily modify the following section, button, and label text on the Registration page:

The Custom Labels section of the General Settings page.
  1. About section - Changes the labels of the About tab and the About section heading on the main Registration page.

  2. Tickets section - Changes the labels of the Tickets tab and the Tickets section heading on the main Registration page.

  3. Free ticket description - Changes the label on the Registration page, the order confirmation page, and the confirmation email.

  4. Location section - Changes the labels of the Location tab and the Location section heading on the main Registration page.

  5. Organizer section - Changes the labels of the Organizer tab and the Organizer section heading on the main Registration page.

    💡 Keep in mind, the Organizer tab only appears on the Registration page if you entered information on the Registration Basics page under 'Organizer Information'.

  6. Get ticket button - Changes the button label when tickets are available for purchase.

    The 6 labels just described as they appear on the Registration page.
  7. Get ticket button starts in - Changes the 'Get ticket' button label that appears with a countdown when tickets are scheduled but not available yet.

  8. Get ticket button closed - Changes the 'Get ticket' button label when tickets are no longer available.

    The 'Ticket Sales Start in', 'Get tickets', and 'Sales Window Closed' buttons on the Registration page.
  9. Place order - Changes the button label that attendees click to submit their order.

  10. Terms & conditions - Changes the title of the terms & conditions link that appears at the bottom of the main Registration page.

Third-Party Accessibility Overlay

In addition to our continually improving built-in accessibility features, we offer an optional overlay with selectable accessibility profiles and adjustments, powered by a third-party AI solution. Learn more about how the overlay works in our article about activating accessibility tools.

Click Publish Changes at the bottom of the page when you're done editing.


This page lets you customize the confirmation, cancellation, and refund messaging that attendees receive, and decide what information PDF tickets include. Craft unique messaging for each ticket type to create a truly unique attendee experience. Learn more in our article about customizing checkout messaging.


This page lets you:

  • Activate payment options for paid tickets

  • Configure tax settings

  • Add terms and conditions

  • Select a refund policy

Payment Options

If you're charging money for tickets, the Payment Options section lets you manage the payment options you'll accept. There are three choices: Stripe, Invoice, and Check.

💡 Keep in mind, if you've set up paid tickets, you must select at least one payment option before publishing your Registration page. If you deactivate all payment options, all paid tickets will be hidden from the Registration page.

The payment options section of the Payments Settings page.


Connect to Stripe to accept registration payments by card. Stripe is a payment processor trusted by companies all over the world, including Webex Events! Registration payments you receive through Stripe are available immediately, not on a set weekly date.

If you need to connect to a different Stripe account than what you used previously, click the Disconnect Stripe Account button, then connect a new Stripe account.

💡 Keep in mind, you can't refund orders paid by Stripe while Stripe is disconnected. Refunds don't include Stripe's processor fees.

Invoice and Check

Activate the Invoice or Check options to let attendees register with cash, check, or some other medium. To learn all about offline payments, read our Invoice & Check Payments article.


  1. Click the Add tax button to add tax to one or more tickets.

  2. In the 'Add tax' modal, fill in the following:

    • Select the tickets the tax applies to in the Assign to Ticket(s) drop-down.

    • Enter the Tax Name that appears in the checkout form and registration receipts.

    • Enter the Tax Rate percentage.

    • Enter your organization's government-issued Sales Tax Registration ID.

  3. Click Save changes when you're done.

    The Add Tax modal.

💡 Keep in mind, you can add multiple taxes on a single ticket, or different tax rates for individual tickets. Simply click Add Tax again to add another tax.

Terms & Conditions and Refunds

  • Click the Edit Terms & Conditions button to add your own terms and conditions to the ones already shown for Webex Events.

  • Click Select Refund Policy to manage the stated refund policy on your registration page. In the 'Refund Policy' modal, choose from four possible preset refund policies, or select Custom Refund Policy. If you select 'Custom Refund Policy', add your policy in the text field.

    The Refund Policy modal.

Click Save changes when you're done.

You maintain full control over refunds in the Webex Events platform, and choosing one of these options doesn't restrict you in any way.

💡 Keep in mind, Webex Events doesn't provide a portal for attendees to request a refund. Consider including your refund policy and the best email to reach you in the order confirmation email so that attendees know how to ask for a refund.

Team notifications

This page lets you activate and configure automated emails that periodically send you and your team details about new orders for select tickets. Receiving these emails regularly can help you and your team track daily sales and stay on top of incoming registrations. Here's an example of the email:

A Team Notification email.

Send order notifications

Activate the Send Order Notifications toggle to reveal the following notification settings:

The Team Notifications page. The 'Send Order Notifications' toggle is active.
  • Select ticket type - Select the ticket types to include in notifications.

  • Send emails to - Select the team members who should receive notifications. Read our article about managing teams and team members if you need to add people.

  • Notification frequency - Select how often you want to receive notifications — every 30 minutes, every hour, or every day at a set time. Your team will receive emails at these regular intervals only when new orders have been placed since the last email was sent.

💡 Keep in mind, team notification emails show order details for up to 25 new orders. If there are more than 25 new orders, visit the Registration Orders page in your Event on the Webex Events platform to review all orders.

Now that you've learned all about Registration Settings, read our article about managing Registration!

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