Want to know how well your registration is performing? Need some insight to help plan for next year? The Registration Metrics page is your dashboard for total and individual ticket sales and trends. Metrics exports give you even more data goodness, too! 👍
We capture metrics based on completed registrations, so if you want insight into registrant behavior during the registration process, read our article about using UTM parameters and third-party analytics tools.
Access the Metrics page
In your Event navigation bar under 'Registration', click Metrics.
💡 Keep in mind, Registration Metrics aren't available until you publish Registration.
The Metrics page
The Metrics page is the perfect place to go for a quick, comprehensive overview of registration sales activity. We know that analyzing data can be complex, so we've made the Metrics page as simple as possible.
💡 Keep in mind, some aspects of the Metrics page can take up to 15 minutes to update. Click the refresh icon in the upper right corner of a widget to refresh it.
Top-level metrics
The top of the Metrics page shows a snapshot of registration activity:
Net Sales - The total amount of all ticket sales minus any taxes and fees.
Orders - The total number of completed registration orders, including cancelled and refunded orders. This number doesn't count attendees that were manually added to your Event.
Attendees - The total number of attendees across all completed orders, including attendees that were manually added. This number doesn't include attendees with cancelled or refunded orders.
Each of the top-level metrics includes a corresponding graph. Click the graph's label to switch between each graph.
Sales by Ticket
This chart shows the Type, Net Sales, Orders, and Attendee counts for each ticket.
Fees & Discounts and Tickets By Percentage
The Fees & Discounts chart shows Gross Sales and all Discounts, Fees, Taxes, Refunds, and Pending Payments, followed by the resulting Net Sales.
Tickets By Percentage simply shows the percentage of all sales by ticket type.
That's all the metrics shown on the Metrics page. Now let's talk about sharing and exporting metrics.
Share metrics
Click the Get Shareable Link button to copy a link that anyone can use to access the metrics, even if they don't have a Webex Events platform account.
Export Report
Click the Export Report button to export five different reports that contain more granular and detailed data. Keep reading to learn more about each of these reports. 🧠
When you select an export option, a notification appears letting you know that the system is preparing your file. When the export is ready, a new notification appears. Click the Click here to download link to download the file.
If you missed the notification, don't worry! From any page in the platform, simply click the notification bell icon at the top right corner of the screen to review all your past notifications.
Once you've downloaded a report, open it in your preferred spreadsheet program. Here are the fields included with each export:
💡 Keep in mind, all Registration metrics exports exclude attendees marked as 'Duplicate'. All other attendees are shown, including those with refunded or cancelled orders.
Guest List Report
The Guest List Report includes the following information:
First Name
Last Name
Ticket Status
Registered Email Address
Ticket Name
Attendees Report
In addition to the following information, the Attendees Report also includes any custom questions you added to Registration checkout forms and any UTM parameters you added to the URL:
Purchase Date
Purchase Time
First Name
Last Name
Registered Email Address
Ticket Status
Ticket Name
Ticket Type
Payment Method
Discount Code
Access Code
Ticket ID
Order ID
Check-in Status
At (time the attendee checked in)
Manually Added
{UTM fields}
{Custom questions}
Badges Report
The Badges Report includes the following information:
First Name
Last Name
Attendee Company
Attendee Title
Ticket Status
Ticket Name
Ticket ID
QR code (for badge printing)
Orders Report
In addition to the following information, the Orders Report also includes UTM parameters you added to the URL:
Order ID
Order Date
First Name
Last Name
Email Address
Billing Address
Billing City
Billing State
Billing Country
Billing Zipcode
Ticket Names
In-Person Attendance
Virtual Attendance
Ticket Status
Payment Method
Gross Sales
Discount Code Applied
Stripe Fee
Webex Events Fee (this column will usually be empty)
Net Sales
Refunded Amount
Cancelled Tickets
Access Code
Manually Added
{UTM fields}
Privacy Report
The Privacy Report contains checkout form custom consent question data, including the following information:
Order Ticket ID
Attendee ID
First Name
Last Name
Label Title
Agreement Text
Refusal Text
Refusal Warning
Now that you know all about the Registration Metrics page, it will be easier than ever to track and prove the value of your registration!
Questions? Chat with us or email support@socio.events.