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Lead Retrieval Attendee QR Codes
Lead Retrieval Attendee QR Codes

Access, view, and download QR codes

Daniel Murphey avatar
Written by Daniel Murphey
Updated this week

The Lead Retrieval by Webex Events app is the most seamless way for your sponsors and exhibitors to capture and rate leads and get enriched data — all by scanning attendees' QR codes. While exhibitors can add leads manually, scanning QR codes lets them focus on engaging with and qualifying leads without distractions.

Exhibitors can scan QR codes printed on badges, or scan them from the app directly. Learn more below! 👇

QR codes on printed badges

Picture of a printer and iPad on a check in table at a venue.

When you use the powerful Webex Events Onsite Event Check-in and badge printing and Session check-in solution, it's easy to print attendee QR codes on badges as people check in! The Webex Events Onsite badge designer is simple to use, yet incredibly robust. Read our Introduction to Webex Events Onsite for more information.

Exhibitors simply tap the scan button on the Lead Retrieval app, scan the code, and they have a new lead! 🎉

QR codes inside the Event App

When you activate Lead Retrieval for an Event, the My QR Code feature is automatically added to the Event App. Attendees simply tap the feature to access their personal QR code so exhibitors can scan it.

The My QR Code feature.

Download a single QR code

  1. In your Event's navigation bar, click Attendees.

  2. Click on an attendee to open their attendee profile page.

  3. On the Overview tab, click Show QR Code.

  4. In the modal that appears, click Download as PNG to download a high-quality image of the individual QR code.

    The steps just described.

Download all QR codes

If you want to use Lead Retrieval QR codes in third-party software, it's easy to download all attendee QR codes!

💡 Keep in mind, Lead Retrieval scanning works by default with the QR codes we provide. However, you can also generate QR codes for Lead Retrieval with External IDs. Read our External IDs article for more information about External IDs and using them with Lead Retrieval.

  1. In your Event navigation bar under Lead Retrieval, click QR Codes.

  2. On the QR Codes page, click Download QR Codes.

    The steps just described.
  3. A notification that the export is in process appears. After a few moments, a new notification appears to tell you the export is ready.

  4. Click the Click here to download link. If you missed it, click the bell icon next to your profile image to find the notification.

    The QR Codes export notifications. the 'Click here to download' link is indicated.

The export file contains the following information:

  • Unique Identifier

  • First Name

  • Last Name

  • Full Name

  • Email Address

  • Title

  • Company

  • Groups

  • QR Code

  • Photo

  • Summary

QR codes appear as alphanumeric codes, formatted like this:


⚠️ Caution! Never modify QR codes.

Generate QR codes for a mail merge

If you want to print QR codes for attendees as part of a mail merge, follow the instructions above to download individual images, or download all QR codes and use a bulk QR code generator to convert the alphanumeric QR codes into scannable QR code images. Some of our customers have had success with QR Explorer's bulk QR Code Generator.

When you've generated all the QR code images, create a mail-merge document with the information you'd like to include on your printed materials.

Microsoft has helpful instructions on using the Mail Merge feature in Word to create and to print materials that use the data from an Excel worksheet.

Pro tip! 😎

  • The External ID user field lets you identify users in our system with your preferred unique identifier from a system outside Webex Events — usually a third-party or proprietary system. When you don't use this optional field, the Webex Events platform assigns a User ID. 👍

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