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Manage Teams, Members, and Credits in Webex Events
Manage Teams, Members, and Credits in Webex Events

Invite others to work on Webex Events with you and manage multiple teams

Daniel Murphey avatar
Written by Daniel Murphey
Updated over a week ago

We know it can take a village to put on a great event, so Webex Events makes it easy to invite collaborators and manage their access to your Apps and Events. Need to upgrade that village to a town? Create as many individual teams and invite as many members as you want. 👍

This article explains the different types of teams, members, and credits, and how to invite and edit team members, create teams, and manage team settings.

Teams, members, and credits

Before we talk about creating teams and inviting members, let's talk about how they work in Webex Events.

How teams and members work

There are four types of team members and three types of teams:

  • Organization team and Organization admin - Each company that uses Webex Events has one Organization team. Admins on this team are automatically members of all other teams in the organization and have full control over all events, team members, and credits.

    💡 Keep in mind, if you're a Webex Suite Enterprise (Suite EA) customer, Control Hub users who have the 'Webex Events administrator' role are automatically Organization admins in Webex Events.

  • Team and Team admin - An admin that belongs to any team that's not the Organization team is a Team admin. Team admins have control over only their team's Events and members.

  • Editor - Editors can belong to any team. As the name implies, they can edit any Events and Apps assigned to teams they’re part of, and they can’t invite or manage other team members.

  • API Sandbox for developers - When you create your first API key, the Webex Events platform automatically creates a new 'API Sandbox' team. If you plan to use the API, inviting developers to this team gives them access to a test environment, where they can build and test the API without affecting real data. For more details, read our Getting Started with the Webex Events API article.

How credits work

All Webex Events customers have a limit to how many attendees, streaming hours, Branded Apps, and Lead Retrieval licenses are available across all their Events. The Organization team initially has all credits.

  • For Suite EA customers, the number of Knowledge Workers (KWs) you have determines the number of Attendee and Streaming hour credits you get. You get 10 external Attendees and Streaming hours per KW. So, if you have 1000 KWs, you get 10,000 Attendees and 10,000 Streaming hours.

    You also get 20 Lead Retrieval licenses, 2 Branded Apps, and unlimited internal attendee Registration, Onsite badge printing and Session Check-in software, plus unlimited internal attendees.

    💡 Keep in mind, an internal attendee is anyone whose email address matches the domain registered to your Webex Organization. Anyone else is an external attendee.

  • For non-Suite EA customers, your specific plan determines the number of credits you have access to. Chat with our support team if you have any questions.

When an Organization admin creates or edits a team, they can assign any number of credits of each type to that team, up to the Organization's total unused credits. This subtracts the credits from the Organization team and adds them to the team.

Using credits

When anyone in your organization creates an Event, they must select a team that has access to manage it and from which credits will be used. Credits are considered used in any of the following scenarios:

  • Attendee credit - Each attendee added to an Event by registering or being manually added or uploaded uses one Attendee credit. If the same attendee joins two different Events, they consume two credits.

    💡 Keep in mind, if your a Suite EA customer, attendee credits are only used when an external attendee joins an Event or Community.

  • Streaming hour credit - When an attendee watches a Webex Events Production Studio, Webex Events RTMP Player, or Webex Events Simulive stream, they use streaming hours. Streaming Hour usage is calculated based on the amount of time any attendees watch live streams at your events. Here are two examples:

    • If 10 attendees watch a 1-hour stream for the entire hour, then 10 streaming hours are deducted.

    • If one of the 10 attendees only watches for 30 minutes, then 9.5 streaming hours are deducted.

    💡 Keep in mind, using a third-party streaming provider doesn't count against your Streaming Hour allotment. To learn about all available streaming providers, read our Live Streaming & Webex Events article.

  • Branded App credit - When someone in one of your teams publishes a Branded App, it consumes one Branded App credit.

  • Lead Retrieval license credit - A Lead Retrieval credit is used when you invite an exhibitor in Lead Retrieval.

Now you know all about teams, members, and credits. Now let's talk about managing them!

Access Organization settings

To access team settings and manage credits and members, click your profile image in the top right corner of the Webex Events platform, then select Organization settings in the drop-down menu.

The process just described.

The Organization settings page has two tabs:

  • Usage simply shows how many credits of each type have been used and how many are available across all teams in your organization. If you need to increase your organization's credits, click the Contact support button and we'll help! Only admins can access the Usage tab. If you’re a Suite EA customer, you can also contact your IT admin.

  • Team settings is where admins manage teams, members, and credits. Editors only have view access. We'll talk about this page for the rest of the article.

Create a team

If you want some people in your organization to create Events without having access to all Events in your organization, create a new team for them!

💡 Keep in mind, only Organization admins can create teams.

  1. On the Organization settings page, click the Team settings tab.

  2. Click Create team.

  3. In the modal that appears, enter a Team Name.

  4. Enter any number of credits up to the limit noted with the 'left to be assigned' text at the bottom right corner of each field.

  5. Click Save to finish creating the team.

    The steps just described.

Now it's time to get the rest of your event crew into Webex Events!

Invite team members

💡 Keep in mind, if you're a Suite EA customer and you want to invite new Organization team admins, simply assign them the Webex Events admin role in Control Hub.

  1. On the Team settings tab, click the Settings () icon next to any team.

  2. Click Manage members.

    💡 Keep in mind, if the 'View members' option appears instead of 'Manage members', that means you're not an admin and you can't invite team members.

    The two steps just described.
  3. In the modal that appears, click Invite members.

  4. Enter the email addresses for anyone you want to invite, pressing the spacebar after each email.

  5. Next, enter an optional Personal Message to give instructions or relevant information.

  6. Finally, choose whether the people you're inviting will be admins or editors.

  7. Click Send invitation to close the modal.

    Steps 3 through 7 as just described.

💡 Keep in mind, the invitation email comes from so some providers may sort it into a Spam or Junk folder. Have your invitees add this email address to their trusted list to ensure they receive the invite.

Invitees simply open the invitation email and click the 'Join' button to accept the invite. If an invited team member isn't logged in to the Webex Events platform, they'll be prompted to create a new Webex Events platform account or sign in to an existing account. After they're logged in, they're part of the team and can begin working!

⚠️ Caution! If an invitee clicks the link to accept the invitation while already logged in to the Webex Events platform with a different email, the link might not work. Users should log out of the platform before using an invitation link. Invitees should also make sure they have their pop-up blocker deactivated so they can agree to the security permissions.

Manage teams, members, and credits

To rename a team or change a team's assigned credits, click the Settings () icon next to the team, then click Edit.

The process just described.

If you remove credits from a team, you can then reassign them to a different team.

When editing your Organization team, you can upload an Organization logo that appears on the My Events, My Apps, and Organization Settings pages in the platform.

Click Save when you're done editing a team.

Now you know how to invite people to your team and manage team settings in the Webex Events platform! If team members are brand new to Webex Events, point them to the Getting Started article collection and our amazing Webex Events Academy courses on Webex Academy to start learning about our products. 🎓

💡 Keep in mind, if you haven't logged in to the Academy since we merged with Webex Academy, read our quick guide to logging in.

Credit FAQ

What happens if my organization goes over the attendee limit or streaming hour limit?

We allow an overage of 25% as a buffer, and you'll receive an email if you exceed your plan limit. If you exceed 125% of your plan's attendee limit, you'll lose access to your Events, Metrics, and other data, so we recommend upgrading if you think you might exceed your limit. Chat with us to upgrade your attendee or streaming hour limits.

Do blocked or duplicate attendees count toward my attendee limit?

If you block an Active attendee (an attendee that previously joined your Event App or checked in with Onsite), they'll still count against your attendee limit. If the same attendee joins two different Events, they're counted as two different attendees. Duplicate attendees in the same Event also count as two attendees. However, if one duplicate is inactive, you can delete them from the Attendees list.

Can I delete inactive attendees to make room for others?

Yes! You can delete an attendee if all of the following conditions are met:

  • They don't have a ticket assigned to them.

  • They've never logged in to the Event App.

  • They haven't checked in with Onsite.

  • The Event's start date hasn't been reached.

Read our article about accessing and managing attendee information for details on how to remove attendees.

Questions? Chat with us or email

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