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Invite Admins to Your Team and Manage Team Settings
Invite Admins to Your Team and Manage Team Settings

Invite others to work on Webex Events with you.

Daniel Murphey avatar
Written by Daniel Murphey
Updated over a week ago

We know it can take a village to put on a great event, so Webex Events teams are designed to simplify inviting collaborators and managing their access to your apps, events, and other Webex Events products. Need to upgrade that village to a town? Your team can have as many members as you want. 👍 When you buy Webex Events product credits, they're associated with teams as well.

This article explains how to invite and edit team members and manage Team Settings. If you're an Admin on your team, you're in the right place!

Before you get started...

If you're a Webex Suite Enterprise customer with 'Webex Events Admin' permission in Control Hub, start with our Team Management for Webex Admins article.

How do teams and credits work?

When you purchase your first Webex Events product, we create a team for you in the Webex Events Platform and add credits for the product you purchased.

When you create an Event, you must select a team. Then, when you activate a Webex Events product (Registration, Event App, Onsite, Branded Apps) or Webex Events Streaming, the appropriate credit is deducted from the selected team, and members of that team have access to manage the product or feature.

http:/Screenshot of the publish modal with a team selected during product activation.

To summarize, the two functions of teams are:

  • To track product and feature credit purchase and usage

  • To manage team member access to your Events

Access team settings

To access team settings and manage credits and members, click your profile image in the top right corner of the Webex Events platform, then select Team Settings in the drop-down menu. In the modal that appears, your team's credits and credits for other teams for which you're an Admin appear. Keep reading to learn how to add and manage team members.

If you're a Webex Suite Enterprise customer with 'Webex Events Admin' permission in Control Hub, the Team Settings modal appears and behaves differently than what's shown below. Learn more in our Team and Credit Management for Webex Suite Users article.

The process just described.

Add team members

Click the Settings () icon next to a team you want to manage and click Manage Members.

💡 Keep in mind, if the 'View Members' option appears instead of 'Manage Members', that means you're not an admin on the team.

In the Manage Members modal, click the Add People button to invite a new member to your team. In the Add People modal, enter the email of the team member you're inviting and an optional personal message to include with the invite.

Screenshot of the Add People modal.

Finally, select a User Role for that team member. There are two types of team members:

  • Editors can access, edit, and activate every product associated with your team. Editors can't purchase or reassign team credits.

  • Administrators have the same access as editors, and they can also manage teams. This includes purchasing and using credits and inviting new team members.

Click Save Changes, and an invite email automatically goes to the address you entered, where the person you invited can click a link to accept. ✉️

💡 Keep in mind, the invite email comes from so some providers may sort it into a Spam or Junk folder. Have your invitees proactively add this email address to their allowlist to ensure they receive the invite.

If the person isn't logged into the Webex Events platform, they'll be prompted to create a new Webex Events platform account or sign in to an existing account. Once they're logged in, they're part of the team and can begin working!

⚠️ Caution! If the person clicks the link to accept the invitation while already logged into the Webex Events platform with a different email, the link might not work. Users should log out of the platform before using an invitation link.

Edit team members

To edit an existing team member's role or delete them from your team, or to access the Manage Members modal as described earlier, simply click the Settings () icon next to a member to make a change.

Screenshot of the Add/Remove people modal. The Settings menu next to a team member is expanded.

Manage team settings

⚠️ Caution! We don't recommend creating a new team or transferring credits unless a member of our staff has instructed you to do so.

To rename a team or transfer credits between different teams, click your profile icon in the top right corner of the platform and select Team Settings from the drop-down. In the modal that appears, click the Settings () icon next to the team you want to manage and click Edit Team Details.

The process just described.

Add or remove team credits

If you purchase credits for Webex Events products, those credits will appear under your name in the 'Purchaser' section of the Team Settings modal. Distribute these credits to teams as needed.

To add credits to or remove credits from a team, click the Settings () icon next to the team and select Edit Team Details.

In the modal that appears, simply increase or decrease the credits for any products as needed. Below each field on the left you'll find how many of each credit type have been used out of the total assigned. On the right, you'll find how many you have available to assign to the team.

The Edit Team modal.

If you remove credits from a team, you can then reassign them to a different team. Click Save Changes when you're done adjusting credits.

Now you know how to invite people to your team and manage team settings in the Webex Events platform! If team members are brand new to Webex Events, point them to our amazing Webex Events Academy courses on Webex Academy to start learning about our products. 🎓

Keep in mind, if you haven't logged in to the Academy since we merged with Webex Academy, read our quick guide to logging in.

Questions? Chat with us, email, or attend a Face to Face session.

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