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Add Locations to your Event

Help attendees find Sessions and other activities at your venue.

Emily van der Harten avatar
Written by Emily van der Harten
Updated over 6 months ago

"Excuse me, where's the keynote presentation?" Let locations in Webex Events help answer questions like this for you! ✨ Create locations and add location capacity limits, then link them to Sessions, the Maps feature, and other features. This shows attendees where to find Sessions, sponsor and exhibitor booths, and other activities throughout your physical venue. This connectivity between locations and Sessions, maps, and other features means your staff will spend less time telling people where to go. 🧭

Animated GIF of tapping a location on the Maps feature to open a list of sessions and speakers at that location.

This article explains where and how to create locations, where to link them in the Webex Events platform, and it provides an overview of locations in practice.

Where can I create locations in the Webex Events platform?

There are two main places to create locations in the Webex Events platform:

  • Sessions - In your Event's Sessions menu under 'Locations'.

    The Locations page via Sessions.
  • Maps feature - In your Event App's Maps feature on the 'Locations' tab.

    The Locations page via the Maps feature.

    💡 Keep in mind, while it's also possible to create new locations when you draw location regions on a map or add Sessions, you can't add a location capacity using these methods. Either create locations before adding them to maps and Sessions, or edit the location capacity later.

Whichever method you choose, the locations you create appear in both places, and any edits you make are instantly reflected across the platform. 🌈

Create a new location

On either Locations page:

  1. Click New Location.

  2. In the 'New location' modal, enter the Location name.

  3. In the Location capacity field, enter the maximum number of attendees allowed to be in that location at one time. Setting a location capacity helps you plan seating and restrict Session Check-ins when the limit has been reached.

  4. Click Save changes when you're done.

Add as many locations as you need, and if you forget any, don't worry! You can come back and add more later. 👍

Link locations to a Map, Sessions, and other feature items

Maps feature

After uploading a Map image to the Maps feature, select a location from the Location name drop-down after adding or drawing a location region on the map. Read our Maps feature setup guide for full instructions on setting up the Maps feature.

The Location name field in the Edit Map modal.

Sessions, Sponsors, Exhibitors, Speakers, Custom Lists, and Single Item

Although you could simply link a location to a Map region, doing only that might not tell the whole story about what's happening at that location. Show users where a Session is taking place, who's speaking at a Session, or where sponsor and exhibitor booths are located! These features can link to locations:

Linking any of these items to a location is as simple as picking a location from the 'Location' drop-down when creating the item. Refer to each guide listed above for specifics on where to add locations.

Locations in practice

Locations and the Event App

In the Event App, locations appear in any Sessions, Maps feature regions, and feature items you add them to.

When attendees open a map in the Maps feature and select a region, a list appears with all Sessions, speakers, exhibitors, and other items related to the location. Attendees can then click or tap an item in the list to open the item's page in the Event App.

Animated GIF of tapping a location on the Maps feature to open a list of sessions and speakers at that location.

It works the other way, too! Tapping a location on an item takes attendees to the corresponding region on the Map.

Read our Maps feature guide for more information on setting up and using the Maps feature in your Event App!

Locations and Onsite Session Check-In

Session locations appear under a Session's start and end time in Onsite Session Check-In. If you set a location capacity as described earlier and then check the 'Use location capacity limit' box when editing the Session Check-In section for a Session, you and your staff can track the number of checked-in attendees out of the total capacity to ensure compliance with venue regulations. When the Session reaches its location capacity limit, no more attendees can check in. ✅

The Session list and Session Information pages in Onsite Session Check-in on an Ipad. The location name and capacity are indicated.

Now you know everything about creating and using locations in Webex Events! Now start crafting Game challenges that encourage attendees to explore the venue and interact with speakers, sponsors, and exhibitors.

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