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Lead Retrieval Setup Basics
Lead Retrieval Setup Basics

Activate Lead Retrieval, invite exhibitors and staff, and view metrics

Daniel Murphey avatar
Written by Daniel Murphey
Updated over a week ago

The Lead Retrieval by Webex Events app empowers your on-site exhibitors to capture leads like never before in a simple, intuitive, and collaborative app. Getting started with Lead Retrieval is easy! Simply follow the steps in this article to learn how to activate Lead Retrieval and invite exhibitors.

Not sure what Lead Retrieval is? Read our Introduction to Lead Retrieval article for an overview.

Prepare your Event App

Before you activate Lead Retrieval and start welcoming exhibitors, there are a couple steps you need to take in your Event App. Click each item to explore our articles on each topic. 🔍

  1. Add the Exhibitors and Sponsors features - Exhibitors and Sponsors you invite or who sign up for Lead Retrieval need an official profile in your Event App so they can add team members and track team metrics.

  2. Add profiles for each Exhibitor and Sponsor - Refer to the point above. ⬆️😄 The only situation where you don't need to add profiles is when using the Exhibitor Purchase Form with the 'Let purchasers create new Exhibitors' option activated. Keep reading to learn more.

Pro tip! 😎 Whether you add profiles yourself or let sponsors and exhibitors sign up with the purchase form, remember to invite them to use collaboration forms so they can manage their Event App feature profiles. For more information, read our article about how to set up and use collaboration forms.

After completing these steps, you're ready to activate Lead Retrieval!

Activate Lead Retrieval

In your Event navigation bar, click Lead Retrieval, then click Get Started. This activates Lead Retrieval for your Event and takes you to the Exhibitors page.

The steps just described.

Now it's time to invite exhibitors.

Options for inviting exhibitors

There are two ways to invite exhibitors to use Webex Events Lead Retrieval at your event. Use one or both of these options, depending on your situation.

1. Set up and share the Exhibitor Purchase Form

This option lets exhibitors buy their own licenses at your chosen price. This is great when you're not sure how many exhibitors to expect or when you're using Lead Retrieval as an additional revenue source. This also simplifies your processes by letting exhibitors enter their own information. Learn all about setting up and using this option in our Exhibitor Purchase Forms article.

2. Pre-purchase licenses and invite exhibitors yourself

This option is best when you're letting exhibitors use Lead Retrieval for free or when you need to add exhibitors to multiple different Exhibitor or Sponsor features in your Event App. The article you're reading right now shows you how to invite exhibitors individually, so keep going to learn more. 👍

If you need to purchase more licenses, reach out to your Webex Events contact, talk to our support team via live chat, or email

Invite exhibitors

Import exhibitors

If you want to save time inviting a lot of exhibitors, simply use the exhibitor import template to quickly invite many at once. For complete instructions on how to download, add to, and import the template, read our article about exporting and importing data. Here are some tips for adding exhibitors to the template:

  • Each exhibitor or sponsor must already have a profile in the Event App. Use the 'Reference List' sheet in the import template to make sure you fill in the 'Exhibitor/Sponsor' column with exactly the right spelling.

  • The person you add to the 'Booth Admin' columns is automatically an admin who can invite other people to use the Lead Retrieval app on their team.

  • The 'Booth Staff 1' columns are optional. If you want to invite more than one additional booth staff, simply copy the 'Booth Staff 1' headings to new columns and change '1' to '2', then '3', and so on as needed.

    The reference list sheet on the exhibitors template.
  • After you import the template, invitation emails are automatically sent.

Add exhibitors one-by-one

On the Lead Retrieval Exhibitors page, click Invite Exhibitor.

The steps just described.

Check licenses

In the 'Invite Exhibitor' modal, check the 'Remaining Licenses' count at the top. Each exhibitor you invite to use Lead Retrieval in your Event requires one license.

If the 'Remaining Licenses' count is zero, click Add Licenses. In the 'Add licenses' modal, select the number of licenses you want to assign to your Event from the Licenses drop-down, then click Add licenses when you're done.

The steps just described.

If you need to purchase more licenses, click the Live chat us now link in the modal to chat with a member of our support team, or email

Add booth admins

Now, select one of the sponsor or exhibitor profiles you added to your Event App. Next, enter the first name, last name, and email address of the person who should be the exhibitor's booth admin. Admins can invite other admins and staff, so you don't have to add everyone yourself. 👍

The Invite Exhibitor modal.

Click Add More Booth Staff and fill in the fields to add more booth staff or admins for the exhibitor. Click Send Invitation when you're done adding as many staff as you like. Repeat this process for each exhibitor.

💡 Keep in mind, you can add more admins and staff any time by clicking on an exhibitor.

After you click 'Send Invitation', invitees will receive an invitation email. The email contains much of the same information as our exhibitor-facing Getting Started with Lead Retrieval article. It includes instructions for downloading the Lead Retrieval app, creating an account, joining an Event, inviting additional users, and scanning leads.

The Lead Retrieval invitation email for exhibitors.

Manage invited and active exhibitors

After inviting at least one booth admin for an exhibitor, the exhibitor's status changes to 'Invited'. This means the invite email was sent, and staff haven't downloaded the app or set up their account for the event. Once an admin logs in to Lead Retrieval, the status switches to 'Active'.

💡 Keep in mind, exhibitors added through the Purchase Form always appear as 'Active'.

To resend or delete an invite, click the Settings () icon next to an exhibitor whose status is 'Invited'.

An exhibitor's settings menu expanded.

Click on an exhibitor's name to find all the admins and staff for that exhibitor, invite more staff, and review metrics.

An exhibitor page.

Once an exhibitor is 'Active', the booth admins are in control and their team can use Lead Retrieval!


After exhibitors start collecting leads, click on the Lead Retrieval Metrics page to review overall Metrics for all exhibitors or drill down to one in particular.

Click the All Exhibitors drop-down to select a specific exhibitor, and click the All Times drop-down to filter by time. Click the Share Metrics link and copy the URL to share the Lead Retrieval Metrics with others.

The Lead Retrieval metrics page.

The top-level metrics show total scans, number of new leads, average lead quality, and number of active exhibitors. The Leads Retrieved graph shows leads retrieved by hour, day, week, and month.

At the bottom, the Lead Quality, Lead Status, and Top Exhibitors charts show each exhibitor's rank by Total Scans and New Leads.

The Lead Quality, Lead Status, and Top Exhibitors charts.

Export scan data

Click Export Scan Data to download a report showing every scan your exhibitors captured. The export takes a few seconds, and a confirmation message appears in the upper right corner of the screen when it's done.


Click the Click here to download link in the notification to download the spreadsheet file. Missed the notification? Simply click the notification bell icon in the top right corner of the screen to review past notifications. The file contains the following information for each lead captured:

  • Attendee ID

  • First Name

  • Last Name

  • Attendee Email

  • Title

  • Company

  • Scanned by Exhibitor Name

  • Exhibitor User ID

  • Scanned by User First Name

  • Scanned by User Last Name

  • Scanned by Title

  • Lead Quality

  • Lead Status

  • Scan Date

  • Scan Time

Now that you know all about setting up Lead Retrieval for your event, visit our Lead Retrieval Knowledge Base to explore the documentation we offer exhibitors.

Questions? Chat with us or email

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